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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We're screwed

We're screwed Çeviri Fransızca

867 parallel translation
This time, we're screwed.
Cette fois, nous sommes foutus.
We're screwed.
Oui, on a pris un bain, toute la nuit, sur le toit!
We're screwed!
On est foutus!
If someone else notices it, we're screwed.
Personne ne doit savoir.
- We're screwed!
On est foutus!
- We're screwed.
On est foutus!
- We're screwed.
- On est baisés.
You know, but if your car gets, you know... lf you're out of gas somewhere, there's no gas in the stations, we're screwed.
Mais si tu tombes en panne... Sans essence, c'est foutu.
We're screwed.
On est foutus.
We're all taught that fantasy, but if we were taught this is what is, I think we'd be less screwed up.
Si, au lieu de ces contes de fées, on nous racontait la réalité, on serait moins perturbés.
But Mike, if you don't work this out with me, we're both screwed.
Mais Mike, si on fait pas un marché, on sera tous les deux baisés.
We're screwed if this doesn't work.
Si ça marche pas, c'est foutu.
She's not gonna stop till we're screwed.
Elle ne s'arrêtera pas tant qu'elle ne nous aura pas baisé.
- We're screwed.
On est baisés.
Just tell us if we're wrong. Tell us if we screwed up.
Dis-nous si on a déconné.
We're screwed, all of us.
Vous êtes foutus, vous allez tous crever!
If they get to the media, we're both screwed.
S'ils préviennent les médias, on est fichus.
We're Screwed! We're Trapped!
Nous sommes pris, nous sommes piégés!
Blankenberg! We're screwed...
- Blankenberg!
We're screwed.
On est dans un sale pétrin.
We're screwed.
Nous sommes foutus.
look, tell him we're screwed if we don't go.
Dis-lui qu'on est foutus si on n'y va pas.
We're both totally screwed up.
On est complètement foutus.
Actually, we're both pretty screwed up. But I really think he's in more trouble than I am.
En fait... on est un peu paumés, mais lui se débat encore plus que moi.
If he won't talk, we're screwed.
S'il parle pas on est bloqué!
We're screwed, turn back, damned!
On est foutus, faites demi-tour, merde!
If he comes out running, we're screwed.
S'il sort au pas de course, on l'a dans le baba.
Look, if we don't sell those books, we're screwed.
- Sans ces livres, nous serions dupés.
- ( Booger ) We're screwed.
- On est foutus.
If he's not in there we're screwed. - We can't wait any longer.
Ca risque de chauffer, s'il essaie de fuire.
I know I screwed up a lot of things... but honest, we're on Dream Street now.
Je sais que j'ai raté beaucoup de choses mais cette fois on tient la fortune.
We're screwed.
On est fichus!
We're screwed, Don.
On est baisés, Don.
- We're completely screwed.
- On est vraiment foutus!
Either way, we're going to be screwed.
Même. On se fera baiser.
We're screwed!
- Allez, dépêche-toi!
- We're screwed. - The guy's brain dead.
- La ferme!
- Then we're screwed.
- Alors, on est foutus.
All he's got to do is duck behind something and we're screwed.
Il lui suffit de filer derrière un truc et on est baisés.
Oh, I'd have to say we're screwed anyhow.
Je dirais qu'on est baisés de toute façon.
If you don't turn it on from here, we're screwed. Okay?
Si on ne l'active pas d'ici, la Porte des Etoiles,..... on l'a dans le cul!
We're screwed.
Rien à faire.
... if my complainant doesn't pick Foreman out, we're screwed. I know.
Si elle n'identifie pas Foreman, on est cuits.
Now we're screwed. I'm sorry.
- On est dans la merde!
We're both screwed.
On est de la baise.
We're all screwed up.
On est tous paumés.
We're all screwed!
On est foutus.
We're screwed.
C'est foutu.
Nevertheless now we're totally screwed!
N'empêche que nous maintenant on est dans une merde, mais... mais pas possible!
we're screwed.
On l'a dans l'os.
- We're screwed.
- On est foutus.

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