We couldn't Çeviri Fransızca
7,599 parallel translation
We couldn't bring her in, but we talked to her on the phone, and she said that her nails were filed by the assistant at the photo shoot.
On n'a pas pu la ramener, mais on lui a parlé au téléphone, et elle a dit que ses ongles ont été posés par l'assistante à la séance photo.
We created boundaries, which she couldn't keep.
On a mis des barrières, qu'elle n'arrivait pas à respecter.
Yes, we couldn't ask for anything more than this testament to their great and enduring talent.
Oui, nous ne pouvions rien demander de plus que cette preuve de leur grand et constant talent.
We couldn't let her hand us in to the police
On aurait dû la laisser nous balancer?
I couldn't just drop you in it. I'll leave once we find the girl
J'allais pas vous laisser gérer cette merde toute seule.
Oh. Oh, no, no, we couldn't.
On peut pas.
I mean, if it got out that we couldn't keep our own collection safe, private benefactors would stop donating, a-and I know our insurer would have plenty to say.
Si ça se savait que notre propre collection n'est pas en sécurité, les donateurs privés se retireraient, et notre assureur aurait à y redire.
We couldn't have done it without you.
On ne l'aurait pas fait sans vous.
Sorry we couldn't get frisky last night.
Désolée que nous n'ayons pas pu nous chauffer hier soir.
Now, obviously, we're not a big firm like Merrill, so we couldn't pay you a base salary anywhere near what you're used to.
Par contre, de toute évidence, nous ne sommes pas une grosse entreprise comme Merrill, donc nous ne sommes pas en mesure ne serait ce que d'approcher le salaire fixe auquel vous étiez habituée.
Well, we couldn't go any higher than $ 85,000 a year.
Eh bien, nous ne pourrons pas aller plus loin que 85 000 dollars annuels.
After we broke up, he couldn't take it so he goes on a jealous rampage and he transfers out.
Après notre rupture, il ne l'a pas supporté alors il a fait un saccage jaloux et demandé son transfert.
We couldn't reach our profit target this year.
Nous n'avons pas pu clôturer notre bilan avec la marge nette souhaitée.
In fact we couldn't have been more wrong.
En vérité, nous n'aurions pu avoir plus tort.
We... We tried to tell you, but we just couldn't get the message across.
On a voulu te le dire, le message n'est pas passé.
Ah! The noise was so bad, Hammond couldn't hear a word of what we were saying on the radio.
Le bruit était tellement fort qu'Hammond n'entendait pas la radio.
Couldn't mend my car last night because, well, we couldn't get an alternator belt in this town, amazingly.
Je n'ai pas pu bricoler ma voiture hier soir, car il n'y a pas de courroie d'alternateur ici.
We could use that, couldn't we, to get going?
On pourrait s'en servir, non?
'But when we reached it, we couldn't help noticing it was a river,'and something important was missing.'
Mais quand nous sommes arrivés, nous avons remarqué une rivière, et il manquait un truc important.
You said you were going to propose on stage but we couldn't get in touch with you. We thought something happened to you.
donc... je me demandais s'il vous était arrivé quelque chose.
- We couldn't get him out of this pool.
- Il veut pas sortir de la piscine.
You know why we couldn't just send machines on these missions, don't you, Cooper?
On ne pouvait envoyer des machines faire ces missions.
I'd like to introduce three young adults so outstanding in their character and academic achievements that we couldn't choose just one recipient.
J'aimerais vous présenter trois jeunes adultes tellement remarquables de par leur nature et leur réussite universitaire qu'il a été impossible de n'en choisir qu'un.
I told you we couldn't trust him.
J'avais raison de me méfier de lui.
We couldn't grow anything.
On ne pouvait plus rien faire pousser.
I couldn't remember if we needed to go to the kiss.
Je ne me souvenais pas si nous avions besoin du baiser.
- Couldn't we go inside?
Tu parles d'un accueil!
We had the extra day so we managed to dig a little deeper, lay rocks on top so scavengers couldn't get at him.
On est restés / e / endema / n pour creuser un trou profond et déposer des pierres pour éloigner les charognards.
Because you said I couldn't direct unless we agreed.
Parce que tu as dit que je ne pourrais pas réaliser, sauf si j'acceptais.
For betraying us in 1938! It's because of them we couldn't defend ourselves from Hitler.
Pour leur trahison en 1938. ils nous ont empêchés de nous défendre contre Hitler.
Granddad was mobilised and he was agonised by the fact that we couldn't defend ourselves in'38.
Mon grand-père a été mobilisé en 38 et souffrait de ne pouvoir se battre.
We have one big excuse for everything - that we couldn't fight that week in 1938!
Chaque fois nous avons la même excuse - l'impossibilité de se défendre en 1938!
If we did this, you couldn't be involved.
Si on faisait ça, tu ne pourrais pas être impliquée.
We couldn't leave that behind.
On ne peut pas laisser tomber ça.
We couldn't save one donut? Not one donut?
Vous ne pouviez pas en laisser un?
He saved us, but we couldn't save him.
Il nous a sauvés et on ne peut rien faire pour lui!
We couldn't see the scope of this.
On ne pouvait pas voir... l'étendue.
If we can't attack straight on, then couldn't we use our hovercraft to strike around it?
Si on ne peut pas attaquer directement, on peut peut-être utiliser l'hovercraft?
No, we couldn't move it.
On n'a pas pu la bouger.
Did he just say we couldn't have dessert?
At-il simplement dire nous ne pouvions pas prendre le dessert?
I thought you said we couldn't stay, that it was dangerous.
Tu disais qu'on ne pouvait pas rester parce que c'était dangereux.
Judy was scared we'd run out, and I couldn't stand the idea ofAlbright having so much control over us.
- Judy avait peur qu'on en manque. Je ne supportais pas l'idée qu'Albright nous dirige.
Oh, and, curt, we couldn't find any other mortal, so we have to sacrifice you.
Curt? On n'a pas trouvé d'autre mortel. Alors, on est obligé de te sacrifier.
We couldn't do much with that.
- Avec ça, on ira pas loin.
Holly, if you're gonna hide, why couldn't we have just talked on the phone?
Holly, si tu comptes te cacher, ça aurait plus simple de se téléphoner.
I remember... we were waiting here... and we couldn't hear the creek.
Je me souviens. On attendait ici... On ne pouvait pas entendre la crique...
So I offered to call in sick, but MaryJane said I had to go because we were in such a deep hole, we couldn't afford any more sick days.
J'ai proposé de me porter malade, mais MaryJane a refusé en disant qu'on était si endettés qu'on ne pouvait pas se le permettre.
Oh, anyway, Randy, I thought you said we couldn't sue them here because of that... the foreign state immunity thing.
De toute façon, Randy, vous avez dit qu'on ne peut les poursuivre à cause de ce... principe d'immunité d'un État étranger.
Have I mentioned we couldn't have done it without you?
Vous ai-je dis que nous n'aurions pu le faire sans vous?
I can live with all the bad stuff we've done, the hold-ups, the burglaries, the accidental decapitation, but I couldn't live with myself if something happened to one of you.
Je peux supporter toutes les bêtises qu'on a faites, les braquages, les vols, la décapitation accidentelle, mais je ne supporterais pas qu'il vous arrive quoi que ce soit.
Pretty much all I remember from that winter is working on that stupid film... that made some kind of sense and knowing the whole time that I couldn't... to make the thing we wanted to make but it wasn't possible for us.
Je me rappelle avoir passé l'hiver à bosser sur ce film débile, à essayer de faire quelque chose de cohérent tout en sachant que j'y arriverais pas. Ce qu'on voulait faire était peut-être faisable, mais on en était incapables.
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
couldn't be better 98
couldn't have done it without you 30
couldn't be happier 21
couldn't resist 29
couldn't hurt 30
couldn't sleep 124
couldn't be helped 16
couldn't do it 36
couldn't agree more 58
couldn't be better 98
couldn't have done it without you 30
couldn't be happier 21
couldn't resist 29
couldn't hurt 30
couldn't sleep 124
couldn't be helped 16
couldn't do it 36
couldn't you 97
couldn't say 28
couldn't we 54
couldn't wait 18
couldn't be 25
couldn't it 66
couldn't care less 19
couldn't i 47
couldn't stay away 16
couldn't they 19
couldn't say 28
couldn't we 54
couldn't wait 18
couldn't be 25
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couldn't care less 19
couldn't i 47
couldn't stay away 16
couldn't they 19
couldn't he 26
we come in peace 46
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we come 16
we could talk 32
we cool 83
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we could go out 21
we come in peace 46
we could be friends 20
we come 16
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we could go together 21
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we could go out 21