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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What'd you tell her

What'd you tell her Çeviri Fransızca

222 parallel translation
But I can tell you what was written on another piece of paper... that our child had been kidnapped... and if we spoke, we'd never see her again.
Mais je peux vous lire un autre bout de papier. "Si vous parlez, vous ne reverrez jamais votre fille."
- What'd you tell her?
- Que lui as-tu dit?
I hate to tell you what I think of her now.
- Ce que je pense d'elle maintenant...
- She came down the cellar. What'd you want me to tell her, I was making mud pies?
- Elle m'a vu en bas, j'allais pas dire que je faisais des pâtés de sable.
- Tell me what you'd do. - Stay with her. Pay attention to her.
Rester avec elle... m'occuper d'elle, faire qu'elle se sente aimée et importante... et, quand vous le jugerez bon, l'emmener faire du camping.
Would you tell me what it was about Rosemary's letters that made you think you were in love with her.
Pouvez-vous me dire en quoi les lettres de Rosemary vous ont amené à croire que vous étiez amoureux d'elle
But you know that. You probably tell her what to write.
Mais c'est toi qui a dû lui dire d'écrire.
I'd like you to take a look at her, a close look, and tell me what you think and what your feeling is.
J'aimerais que tu la regardes bien et que tu me dises ce qu'elle t'inspire.
- What'd you tell her?
Qu'as-tu dit?
What's so great about her? Ask me the same question in five or six years, I'll tell you what's great about her.
Pose-moi la question dans cinq ans, et je te dirai ce qu'elle a d'exceptionnel.
You tell her straight out she'd better lie if she knows what's good for her, so she lies.
Vous lui avez dit qu'elle ferait mieux mentir, ce qu'elle a fait.
Now, if you was to... If you was to go out there, and you were to tell her not to listen to them, I think she'd mind what you say.
Si vous alliez la voir pour lui dire de se méfier d'eux, je crois qu'elle vous écouterait.
But don't I get to tell you what I know about her?
Je ne dois pas vous dire ce que je sais d'elle?
- What'd you do, go and tell her?
- vous lui avez raconté?
I am gonna tell her, but first I have to tell you. What's happened to her's just a terrible thing.
D'abord je dois te dire ce qui lui est arrivé.
look like you're made... That's what I tell her.
Mais en tous cas vous avez vraiment l'air d'etre faits pour vivre l'un...
What'd you tell her?
Et qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit?
I'll tell you what her father'd say.
Je vais te le dire.
What? ! You're gonna tell her
vous allez lui dire que je suis échappé d'un asile psychiatrique?
What'd you do? Tell her you're gonna send me to jail?
Tu lui as dit que j'irais en prison?
Tell me, honestly, what you think of her.
J'aimerais que vous me disiez ce que vous pensez d'elle.
Ask her to go to see my mother and to tell her : "What sort of a mother are you to abandon your son?"
Demande lui d'aller voir ma mère et de lui dire :
What'd you tell her?
Que lui as tu dit?
What'd you tell her?
Qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit?
What'd you tell her?
T'as dit quoi?
tell me. What do you think of her?
Que pensez-vous d'elle?
What'd you tell her, that she was going to heaven?
Tu lui as promis le Ciel?
But I would like to know what happened to her, if you'd tell me.
Mais j'aimerais savoir ce qui lui est arrivé, si tu veux bien me le dire.
What'd you tell her?
Que lui avez-vous dit?
Some hotel uptown. What'd you tell her?
Dans un hôtel.
Tell her what's going on. You can tell her, right?
Sois sympa, dis-lui ce qu'il en est, d'accord?
What'd you tell her?
Tu lui as dit quoi?
But what I can tell you, sir, is if Margaret Mead... at her age... smoked grass... she'd have one hell of a trip.
Mais ce que je peux vous dire, c'est que si Margaret Mead, à son âge, fume de l'herbe, bon voyage!
Tell you what, Lieutenant, she has to come down soon for her booster so I'll make sure I send her over.
Vous savez quoi, Lieutenant, elle devrait passer d'ici peu, je lui dirai de venir vous voir.
Just tell me what you know about her.
Dites-moi ce que vous savez d'elle.
Tell me some more about that time that you saved me from that woman. - What was her name?
Comme ça, tu m'as sauvée d'une certaine...?
The most important thing you can do is go to her and tell her that I've done what she asked. - But...
Vois-tu, mon ami, la chose la plus importante est d'aller la voir et de l'informer que j'ai fait ce qu'elle a demandé.
Hey, what'd you tell her?
Alors? Qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit?
Why don't you tell me what you really think of her?
Si vous me disiez ce que vous pensez vraiment d'elle?
- What'd you tell her?
- Tu lui as dit quoi?
I think she's curious about my intentions. - What'd you tell her?
Je suis une fille chanceuse, Dawson.
Just tell us what you've done with her, you freak!
Dite nous simplement ce que vous avez fait d'elle, vous etes morbide!
You can't go back to Fannie Lieber and tell her that you want a re-shoot Since when are you afraid to tell people what you think?
Il profite qu'il est à la bibliothèque pour faire un délit d'initié.
What'd you tell her?
- Que lui as-tu dit?
What are you gonna tell her?
Je vais rester près d'elle.
So what else can you tell us about her?
Que savez-vous d'autre sur elle?
You know, you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse, but maybe that's not what you had in mind.
Tu sais... Le contenu d'un sac à main en dit long sur sa propriétaire mais ce n'était peut-être pas ce que tu recherchais.
Then perhaps you'd like to tell me what it was you saw in her?
Alors dites-moi ce que vous voyiez en elle.
- So what'd you tell her?
Que lui avez-vous dit?
What'd you tell her?
Qu'est-ce que vous lui avez dit?
I tell you what. When Natalie dumped me, I tried to call her over and over.
Quand Natalie m'a plaqué, j'ai essayé d'appeler et d'appeler.

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