You tell her that Çeviri Fransızca
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Why don't you tell her that?
Pourquoi tu ne lui dis pas ça?
You mean... - Can you tell her that? -... actually do that?
Vous parlez... sérieusement?
I mean, how do you tell her that?
je veux dire, comment vas tu lui dire ça?
Hey, will you... would you tell her that I asked after her and the baby?
Hey, tu pourras... pourrais tu lui dire j'ai demandé de ses nouvelles à elle et au bébé?
Why'd you tell her that? !
Pourquoi tu lui as dit ça?
You tell her that your fiancee died in a skydiving accident.
Tu lui raconte que ta fiancée est morte lors d'un saut en parachute
You tell her that Michael's gonna be here when she arrives,
Dis-lui que Michael sera là quand elle arrivera,
Can you tell your manager that we're here to talk to him or her?
Pouvez-vous dire à votre patron qu'on aimerait lui parler?
You tell her she bashed her husband over the head with a golf trophy, and she remembers that.
Tu lui dis qu'elle a frappé son mari à la tête avec un trophée de golf, et elle s'en souvient.
If you do see her... If she does come through here... If you'd be so kind... tell her that I'm looking for her.
Si par hasard, vous la voyiez, si elle venait à passer par ici, si vous aviez la bonté, de lui dire enfin, que je la cherche.
I want you to tell her that I miss her.
Je veux que vous lui disiez qu'elle me manque.
And if you respect her coolness, you will tell her that you are a lying, cheating, skulduggerous little manwhore. You hear me? I hear you.
- Si tu respectes sa coolitude, dis-lui que tu es un menteur, infidèle, petit enfoiré qui aime coucher partout.
You're trying to tell me that I've given her some kind of horrible daddy complex?
Tu veux me dire que je lui ai donné un horrible complexe du père?
You didn't tell her that Joey just killed his old consigliere.
Tu ne lui a pas dit que Joey venait juste de tuer son vieux conseiller.
* venus, if you do * i promise that i always will be true * * i'll give her all the love i have to give * * as long as we both shall live * i can tell anything about you.
♪ ♪ ♪
Um... You tell her that you have a front table for Jack Jones'opening night.
Dis lui que tu a une table reservée au premier rang
I was like, "if you ever talk to me like that again," I'd call her husband and tell him she molested me.
"Si tu me parles encore comme ça, j'appelle son mari et je lui dit qu'elle m'a agressée"
Just tell her that it's gonna be quicker if you strip-search her. This'll all be over quicker.
Dites-lui que si vous la fouillez, ça sera fini plus vite.
- Yeah. I need you to do that... - Yeah, I can tell- - but I need to tell her that.
Je veux que vous le fassiez, mais je dois lui en parler.
And tell the world that only last week, I'd overheard her tell you she's still in love with me.
Et dis au monde entier que la semaine dernière, j'ai entendu qu'elle t'a dit qu'elle était encore amoureuse de moi.
If you tell anyone that I leaked that video of Blair and Chuck at her wedding, then I'll tell everyone that you're Gossip Girl's henchman.
Si tu dis à quelqu'un que c'est moi qui ai envoyé cette vidéo de Blair et Chuck au mariage, alors je dirai à tout le monde que tu es le bras droit de Gossip Girl.
Tell her that I know... and that you're saying goodbye.
Dites-lui que je sais... et faites vos adieux.
And you tell that lady that if she does not obey us, we will reduce her fortress to dust and drag her in chains through the streets of Rome.
Et tu diras à cette dame que si elle ne nous obéit pas, nous réduirons en poussière sa forteresse. Et sera traînée avec des chaînes dans tout Rome
Tell her that we will torture you.
Dis lui que nous allons te torturer.
You tell her whatever you want, but that's not how it went down.
Tu lui dis ce que tu veux, mais ce n'est pas ce qui s'est passé.
Look, Dave, if you think it's weird that penny is dating your shrink, just tell her you don't want her to date your shrink.
Si tu trouves ça bizarre, dis-lui que tu veux pas qu'elle sorte avec lui.
I didn't tell her about the time you threw beer over that ugly fat girl.
Je ne lui ai pas raconté la fois ou tu as vomi ta bière sur cette horrible obèse.
Why didn't you tell me that you liked her?
Pourquoi tu ne m'as pas dit que tu l'aimais?
So, I want you to call your new best friend Trudy Campbell and tell her that we're unavailable this weekend.
Je veux que tu appelles notre nouvelle meilleure amie Trudy Campbell et lui dire que nous ne sommes pas libre ce week-end.
And I'm telling you this because I want you to understand that I owe her, so I'm not gonna stop until you tell me where Amanda is.
Et je te le dis parce que je veux que tu comprennes que je lui dois, donc je ne vais pas arrêter jusqu'à ce que tu me dises où est Amanda. Tu comprends ça?
And tell her that you're a mean old cow who probably never gets laid.
Et dites-lui que vous êtes une vieille vache méchante qui baise jamais.
You need to tell her that.
Tu dois lui dire ca.
Can I suggest that you go round there now and tell her that?
Comme ça je pourrais dormir. Ravi de t'avoir rencontré, Matty.
I think she's trying to tell you that she likes her room.
Elle essaye de te dire qu'elle aime sa chambre.
Will you please tell the Senator in waiting that if she cares at all about her political future, she'll see me now?
Pourriez-vous dire à la future Sénatrice que si elle s'intéresse un minimum à son futur en politique, elle devrait me voir?
You must tell her that it's very small and fragile.
Tu dois lui dire qu'il est très petit et fragile.
Okay, that got a little confusing in the middle there, but I think you're saying I should tell her.
Okay, c'est devenu un petit peu confus au milieu là, mais je pense que tu dis que je devrais lui dire.
She's not gonna be happy when I tell her you said that.
Elle ne va pas être contente quand elle va savoir que t'as dit ça.
I'm gonna tell Laurie that you just made her co-moh out of pity.
Je vais dire à Laurie que tu l'as prise comme co-moin par pitié.
Okay, go back into Altman's surgery and tell her that I didn't need you.
OK, retourne au bloc opératoire avec Altman et dis-lui que l'on a pas besoin de toi.
I'm guessing you didn't tell her that the walk was with me. No.
Tu ne lui as pas dit que tu faisais un tour avec moi.
I know that she didn't tell you the truth about her and Mr. Fitz, but did she tell you why?
Je sais qu'elle t'a pas dit la vérité pour M. Fitz et elle, mais tu sais pourquoi?
So if there's anything left of whatever it is that came between the two of you, you're gonna tell her about it and soon, because a 2nd chance is tough enough.
Donc s'il reste, ne serait ce qu'un petit quelque chose, ou peut importe ce que c'est, de ce qu'il y a eu entre vous deux, tu va le lui dire et vite, parce qu'une deuxième chance, c'est déjà assez dure.
Dr. Ryan, I think you should tell her that you've developed serious, passionate... feelings for her.
Au Dr. Ryan, je pense que tu devrais lui dire que tu as développé de sérieux, passionnels... sentiments pour elle. !
Tell her you're sorry and explain that Flynn really needs you right now and she'll understand.
Dis-lui que tu es désolé et explique que Flynn a besoin de toi et elle comprendra.
You need to tell her that.
Vous devez le lui dire.
And I must tell you, it is my responsibility, as the truly nosy next-door neighbor, to tell you that I'm not gonna let Emily throw her life away, even if you are a semi-perfect guy.
Hey, babe. Salut. Tu vas porter ça?
You're a doctor- - just tell her that this can cause developmental issues.
Tu es un docteur... dis-lui juste que ça peut causer des problèmes de développement.
And then I tell you that I kissed her... and you don't care.
Et ensuite je te dis que je l'ai embrassée... et tu t'en fou.
Puppies? All right, did you even tell her that you loved her?
Tu lui as dit que tu l'aimais?
I don't care that you met with her, I just want to know why you didn't tell me about it.
Je me fiche que vous l'ayez rencontrée, je veux juste savoir pourquoi vous ne me l'avez pas dit.
you tell 24
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell me where she is 17
you tell her 118
you tell him that 29
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell me where she is 17
you tell her 118
you tell him that 29
you tell him 247
you tell us 95
you tell it 16
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell her that 38
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you tell us 95
you tell it 16
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell her that 38
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you took 32
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you took 32
you take care of yourself 138
you think too much 36
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30