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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Who was on the phone

Who was on the phone Çeviri Fransızca

228 parallel translation
- Who was on the phone? - The law.
C'était Wade au téléphone.
But unlike those empty who was on the phone?
Et cette jeune fille nue qui téléphonait?
So, who was on the phone, hon?
C'était qui chéri?
No, I mean, who was on the phone?
Mais qui était à l'appareil?
Who was on the phone?
Qui était au téléphone?
Who was on the phone?
Qui c'était?
Eddie, tell me who was on the phone. Answer me. Answer me!
Eddie, dis moi qui était au téléphone, dis moi!
- Who was on the phone earlier?
- Qui a téléphoné?
Incidentally, who was on the phone?
Incidemment, qui était au téléphone?
Who was on the phone?
Qui était-ce?
Who was on the phone?
C'était qui au téléphone?
JO : Who was on the phone?
C'était qui?
- Who was on the phone?
- Tu parlais à qui?
- Who was on the phone?
- C'était qui au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
C'était qui?
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui c'était, au téléphone?
- Darling, who was that on the phone?
- Dis-le-moi.
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui était au téléphone?
By the way, who was that on the phone from Tibet?
C'était quoi, cet appel du Tibet?
I was wondering who that was on the phone.
Je me demande qui a téléphoné.
Do you know who that was on the phone?
Tu sais qui c'était?
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui a téléphoné?
That was a woman who just called you on the phone, wasn't it?
C'est une femme qui vient de vous appeler, n'est-ce pas?
Carl went to see who it was... and we heard a man's voice... saying he had... car trouble on the highway and could he use the phone?
Carl est allé voir qui c'était et un homme a parlé d'une panne sur la route et a demandé à téléphoner.
Who was that on the phone, Marie-Ange?
- Qui t'a téléphoné? Marie-Ange - ah non...
Who was that on the phone just now?
Qui t'appelait?
- Who was that on the phone?
Qui t'a appelé, au téléphone?
Then who was that on the phone?
Qui était-ce au téléphone?
Then it was Leslie who made the phone call on Daniel's phone.
C'est Leslie qui a passé l'appel sur le téléphone de Daniel.
On Sunday why did you attack a dentist who was trying to use the phone?
Et pourquoi vous désossez un dentiste qui voulait téléphoner?
If Dante's blown, who was on the hospital phone?
Si Dante est grillé, qui était au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
Qui c'était au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
C'était pour qui le téléphone?
Who was that on the phone? Only your wife.
- À qui tu parlais?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Qui c'était, au téléphone?
Who was on the phone?
- Au téléphone?
Yes, sir. I was telling Major MacKenzie I spent the good part of my morning on the phone with a CNO, who in turn has been on the phone with the D.C. Police Department.
Je disais au major MacKenzie que j'ai passé ma matinée au téléphone avec un chef d'état-major qui avait parlé avec la police de Washington.
- Who was that on the phone?
C'était qui?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Qui était au téléphone?
- Who was that on the phone?
Qui c'était?
The guy who answered said that Jenny was too busy working to come to the phone.
On m'a dit que Jenny était trop occupée pour répondre.
Who was that on the phone?
C'était qui au téléphone?
This was a woman, according to her phone records, who spent hours on the phone talking to her friends.
- D'après ses relevés téléphoniques, elle passait des heures au téléphone avec ses amis.
I overheard Murray one night. He was on the phone talking to somebody, I don't know who.
Un soir, j'ai entendu Murray qui parlait au téléphone.
Excuse me, but it was you who called me on the phone.
Excusez-moi, mais c'est vous qui m'avez appelé au téléphone.
- Who was that on the phone?
- C'était qui, au téléphone?
Sil was on the phone. He was talking with somebody... about how Bobby was the only one of them who doesn't have a cumare.
Sil était au téléphone, il disait que Bobby était le seul d'entre eux à ne pas avoir de maîtresse.
- Who was he talking to on the phone?
- A qui il parlait?
You tell me who was on the other end of that phone, and I'll make it quick.
Dites-moi qui était à l'autre bout de fil, et j'abrège votre agonie.
Do you know who that was on the phone?
Tu sais qui c'était au téléphone?
And he was on the phone talking to his friend, Jessica who was supposedly "kidnapped."
Il était au téléphone avec son amie, Jessica, qui avait soi-disant été "enlevée".

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