You're right there Çeviri Fransızca
1,578 parallel translation
( Casey ) I know you're in there, Sam... and I'm going to stay right outside this door until you come out.
Je sais que tu es là, Sam... et je ne bougerai pas de là tant que tu ne seras pas sortie.
You're gonna take me back out there right now.
Tu vas m'amener là-bas tout de suite.
You're always sitting right there and your eyes always right about there.
Tu es toujours là, assis, Les yeux cloués là.
You're bound to be half right- - and if I'm wrong, there's not gonna be anyone around to prove it.
T'es obligé d'avoir à moitié raison et si je me trompe, il n'y aura plus personne pour le prouver.
Right, I almost forgot there is a, uh,... chance that you're gonna walk out of here.
Exact. J'ai failli oublier. Tu as 0,02 chances sur 100 de sortir d'ici.
They're right there in front of you.
Lls sont sous votre nez.
That's right, and as long as that killer's out there, you can solve as many of these shootings as you want, you're not gonna break the viral behavior.
Oui, et tant que ce tueur sera là, vous pouvez en résoudre tant que vous voulez, vous n'arrêterez pas le virus.
You're both salesmen, I mean that's something right there.
Vous êtes tous les deux des vendeurs, c'est quelque chose.
Right now, the police are out there... and they're looking for you and your daughter.
La police est sur vos traces, elle vous recherche, votre fille et vous.
You were there, you're back, right?
Tu étais là, t'es revenu, non?
You're right, there isn't any. You're right, there isn't any.
Tu as raison, pas de problème.
You're right there.
Tu as bien raison.
Come on, Cass, you know you're not supposed to have anyone over there alone without Carmen or I there, let alone some cute boy, right?
Allez, Cass, tu sais bien que tu ne dois inviter personne sans que Carmen ou moi soit là. Sans parler d'un beau garçon, hein?
The only way to be a real catalyst for change is to leap in the mix show them you're right there with them.
Le seul moyen de faire changer les choses, c'est de s'y plonger, de montrer aux gens qu'on est avec eux.
There's a good possibility that everything you're feeling right now might be
Il y a de grandes chances que tout ce que vous ressentez maintenant soit
All right, I'm getting in the car, I'm counting to 60, and if you're not there, I'm leaving.
C'est bon, je monte dans la voiture, je compte jusqu'à 60, et si tu n'y es pas, je m'en vais.
You can get your ass out of that bed right now, or you can go back to new york and explain why you're there to your mom.
Tu sors tes fesses de ce lit maintenant, ou tu peux retourner à New-York à ta mère pourquoi tu es là.
There are none who are worth laying down my life- - You're exactly right.
De nos jours, ce ne sont que des coquilles vides à qui seul le prestige et leur ego importe.
Now, when you're finished with that, take out the paper ballot. All right? And I want you all to check, check the back of it, all right, to make sure that there are no stray bits of punched-out paper called "card-hole-aggregate debris."
Maintenant, quand vous aurez fini de faire ça vous sortirez votre papier de vote et je veux que vous verifiez tout, même au dos, pour être bien sûr qu'il ne manque rien dans ce qu'on pourrait appeller "une bonne vieille paperasse."
- All right, okay, you're there.
- C'est bon, tu y es.
- You're right. - There he is.
Il est là!
There. You're all right.
Tout va bien.
All right, just... You go on out through that door there, turn left, go all the way down to the end, turn left again, and you're there.
Bien, Tu passes juste cette porte-là, tourne à gauche, tu vas tout droit jusqu'au bout... tu tournes à gauche encore, et tu y es.
Yeah, like you're just like, out there alone. - Right.
Oui, on se sent comme seul dans la vie.
Kellyanne, you're right there next to Pobby.
Kellyanne, tu t'assois ici, juste à côté de Pobby.
I'm very sorry to be here right now, but, you know, whenever there's an apparent suicide, we're required to do an investigation just to rule out homicide.
Désolé de vous importuner dans un moment pareil, mais même en cas de suicide, nous devons mener une enquête afin d'exclure la possibilité d'un homicide.
You're gonna stay right here and wait for the casting guy from Fox, right there.
Tu restes assis et tu attends l'agent responsable de la distribution chez Fox.
I guess what I'm saying is you're gonna make a great father, all right? There, I said it.
En gros, je crois que tu feras un père génial, ok?
Maybe you're supposed to read that prayer right there.
Tu es peut-être censé lire la priére en ce moment.
There you're quite right.
Tu as raison.
All right. Now, just reach in there like you're grabbing some popcorn.
Maintenant, fais comme si tu prenais du pop-corn.
I think that's bullshit what you're telling me right there.
Ce ne sont que des conneries.
No, you're fucking staying right there.
Non, tu bouges pas d'ici.
All right, if you're interested in some kind of man-love there's a Romanian gymnast in lobby who bites pillow.
Si c'est un petit copain que tu cherches, il y a un gymnaste roumain ici qui aime mordre l'oreiller.
It's probably real romantic if you're there with the right person.
Ça doit être super romantique si on est bien accompagné.
You're right. There are no batteries.
Ah oui, il y a pas de piles.
And really, there's no proof the special is responsible for anything you're feeling right now.
Rien ne prouve que Special en est responsable.
- You're right and I'm gonna let you go in there all by yourself.
- Pas de problème. Tu peux même rentrer tout seul, si tu veux.
You're so correct, right up there with gingham and party-planning.
Comme tu as raison. Et aussi le vichy et faire la fête.
But there's one thing you're right about.
Mais tu as raison sur un point.
Hey, Daniel, I know you're really overwhelmed right now, but I was wondering, there was something that I just...
Hey, Daniel, je sais que là, vous êtes débordé, mais je me demandais... il y a quelque chose que je...
Even if you're right, there are hundreds of people in Logan's administration.
Quand bien même, il y a des centaines de personnes dans l'administration Logan.
There's a guard that's about to go right down the row that you're in.
Un garde arrive dans votre rangée.
I'll be there at 7 : 00, all right Yeah. Must be a hell of a stew you're cooking.
Ouais, ça doit être un sacré ragoût.
You're standing right there.
Puisque tu es debout
So, this is your spleen. Normally, it'd be over here, but because you're missing ligament structure, it has wandered over there right next to your liver. And we discussed it at the staff meeting.
votre rate est ici normalement, elle devrait se trouver ici, mais vu que vous manquez de tissu ligamentaire... elle s'est déplacée par ici, juste en dessous de votre foie on en discute après la réunion avec le personnel
He said, "You're healthy down there." And then I said, "Right back at you."
Il a dit "vous êtes en parfaite santé en bas." et j'ai dit "pareil pour vous."
You're right, there's rules, like not selling out your brothers.
T'as raison. ll y a des règles. Comme ne pas trahir ses frères.
we're on our way right now, but i need you to be real careful until we get there, all right?
On est en route en ce moment, mais tu dois faire très attention tant qu'on est pas arrivés, d'accord?
Come on, right there, right there, you know you're gonna miss it.
Allez, juste là, juste là, vous allez le rater.
Listen, sweetheart, you're expecting something, and I can't get into specifics, and Tony wouldn't want me to, but there are certain people looking over our shoulders right now.
Ecoute, tu as certaines attentes, et je ne veux pas entrer dans les détails parce que Tony ne serait pas d'accord, mais il y a des gens qui nous surveillent, en ce moment.
you're right 14205
you're right here 32
you're right on time 69
you're right about that 111
you're right about one thing 37
right there 2847
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
you're right here 32
you're right on time 69
you're right about that 111
you're right about one thing 37
right there 2847
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there it is 2912
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there it is 2912