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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You had sex with her

You had sex with her Çeviri Fransızca

157 parallel translation
Then you had sex with her
Puis vous avez abusé d'elle.
You had sex with her on the second date, and then you never called her again.
Tu l'as baisée la deuxième fois et tu ne l'as jamais rappelée.
Because you had sex with her.
Parce que tu l'as baisée.
Not after you had sex with her.
Pas après que tu l'aies baisée.
Samples taken from the victim's body prove you had sex with her within a half-hour of her death.
Les tests prouvent que vous avez couché avec elle juste avant sa mort.
You had sex with her every time you met, didn't you?
Vous baisiez à chaque fois. N'est-ce pas?
You had sex with her, then offed her.
Tu la sautes, puis tu la descends!
And remember in 12th grade, you had sex with her?
Et tu te souviens qu'au lycée, tu as fait l'amour avec elle?
You mean you had sex with her?
Vous avez eu des rapports sexuels.
- You had sex with her?
Vous avez eu des rapports sexuels.
I believe you had sex with her.
Vous avez baisé, je crois?
So you had sex with her?
Alors t'as couché avec elle?
- You had sex with her mom.
- Tu as couché avec sa mère.
- You had sex with her.
- Vous avez couché avec elle.
- You had sex with her where?
Où as-tu couché avec elle?
You know, there's no evidence that says that you had sex with her.
Rien ne prouve que vous avez couché avec elle.
Yes, I can prove that you had sex with her.
Oui, je peux prouver que vous avez eu des rapports sexuels avec elle.
But you had sex with her.
Mais tu as couché avec elle.
You also boasted that you had sex with her.
Vous avez aussi prétendu avoir couché avec elle.
You had sex with her here?
- Tu as couché avec elle ici?
You had sex with her here?
Tu as couché avec elle ici?
You had sex with her?
- Vous avez couché?
You had sex with her!
T'as couché avec elle!
You had sex with her about what time?
Vous avez fait l'amour vers quelle heure?
Do you want to hear that I had sex with her? Would that make you happy?
Si je te dis qu'on a baisé, ça te rendra heureux?
You had sex with her.
T'as couché avec elle!
After you've had sex with a girl, and you're lying in bed with her, are you nervous?
Quand tu viens de coucher avec une fille, et que tu es allongé, es-tu nerveux?
You even had sex with her best friend... while you were supposed to be home watching the kids.
Vous avez même couché avec sa meilleure amie... alors que vous étiez censé être à la maison pour surveiller les enfants.
It's hard to explain to you kids that have never had sex before... but when you're with a woman, something chemical happens to her.
C'est dur d'expliquer ça à des puceaux comme vous, mais quand t'es avec une femme, un truc chimique se passe en elle.
John, she is an associate that you had sex with. - She could sue you for that. - Oh, let her try!
Ton employée est ton ex, elle peut t'attaquer.
You know, with Amy, you're the only one she's ever had sex with, so technically, you can't disappoint her.
Tu vois, tu es le seul avec qui Amy ait fait l'amour, alors en théorie tu ne risques pas de la décevoir.
I love Shelly. 'Cause when she found out you had sex with Siobhan... it came as a bit of a surprise. I never lie to her.
J'aime Shelly, je ne lui mentirais jamais.
Yeah. And you haven't had sex with her?
- Et tu n'as pas couché avec?
Haven't you ever slept with a woman and not had sex with her?
T'as jamais dormi avec une femme sans la sauter?
I know, but I got to ask. You've never had sex with her?
D'accord, mais vous n'avez jamais couché avec elle?
So she's a porno actress in your porno film and she pretended to be your girlfriend because she ran upstairs naked because the light caused a fire and you've never had sex with her and you've never kissed her?
C'est une actrice de X qui joue dans ton film X. Elle a fait semblant d'être ta petite amie parce qu'elle est montée nue à cause d'un début d'incendie et tu n'as jamais couché avec elle, tu ne l'as jamais embrassée.
So you had sex with her.
Donc t'as couché avec elle?
Plus, you already had sex with her.
Et surtout, tu as déjà couché avec elle.
According to your wife, you never had sex with her.
D'après votre femme, vous n'avez jamais eu de rapports sexuels.
- That's true. But the boat you guys stole belongs to Dr. Daniel Zimmerman, whose son is Jason Zimmerman, who Rebecca Thurston had sex with on her father's boat last semester.
Mais le bateau que vous avez volé appartient à Daniel Zimmerman, dont le fils est Jason Zimmerman, avec qui Rebecca Thurston a couché sur le bateau de son père l'an dernier.
- We had to pay her $ 250 to have sex with you! - Aha!
II a fallu qu'on la paye 250 $ pour coucher avec toi!
You had sex with her.
Tu as eu des relations sexuelles avec elle.
I thought that if she had sex with me... you would see her for the manipulative slut that she is.
Je pensais qu'en couchant avec elle, tu verrais quelle putain de manipulatrice c'était.
And, Kylie, you're right, it is fate because I was out with this girl tonight that I... totally could have had sex with, but it was easy for me to blow her off because I was excited to be with you.
Et, Kylie, tu as raison, c'est le destin parce que j'étais avec une fille ce soir, j'aurais pu coucher avec elle, mais ça a été facile de la repousser parce que j'étais excité à l'idée d'être avec toi.
Because you've had sex with her in every room in the house?
Ici avec toi? Parce que tu as couché avec elle dans chaque pièce de la maison?
Make sure you do it after you've had sex with her.
Tu la sautes avant.
- You had sex with her here?
- Soudain, ce l'est.
She was hitting you, but you still had sex with her? - No!
- Elle vous frappait mais vous avez quand même fait l'amour?
Sure, you got to inform my bride-to-be and her entire family that you had sex with me before you had sex with him.
Évidemment, tu as dit à ma fiancée et à toute sa famille que tu avais couché avec moi avant d'être avec lui.
So you told your employers at the center that you had an affair with my client You wrote her letters, had sex with her,
Alors vous avez dit à vos employeurs du centre que vous avez eu une relation avec ma cliente, vous écriviez des lettres, faisiez l'amour.
What you're trying to tell us is that you never actually had sex with her?
Tu es en train de nous dire que tu n'as même pas couché avec elle?

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