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Congresswoman Çeviri Portekizce

241 parallel translation
I therefore call upon the one you are waiting to hear... our new congresswoman, Sabra Cravat.
portanto, chamo a quem esperam ouvir... nossa nova congressista, Sabra Cravat.
nine for Governor Randall Smith of West Virginia, seven apiece for Governor Jill Haley of Florida and Congresswoman Sharon Pierce of California, five for one of our own, the Mayor of Louisville, Jill Carson... and one vote for the First Lady of these United States,
- Bem, as guerras não são mesmo assim? Uma pequena guerra no Chipre há mais de 40 anos e agora, o Acordo do Chipre vai escrever o meu nome na História.
And now among the children you traumatized by beating up Bozo were the daughters of the head of City General, the president of Northeastern Airlines, and a congresswoman from the West Side.
E agora, entre as crianças que traumatizou por bater no Bozo, estavam as filhas do Director do Hospital Central, do Presidente da Northeast Airlines e uma congressista, obrigadinha.
Thank you very much. Was there a congresswoman there?
- Estava lá uma congressista?
I could picket this place, call my congresswoman...
Podia manifestar-me aqui, ligar à congressista...
The committee recognizes Congresswoman Whitaker.
O comité reconhece a congressista Whitaker.
She's our congresswoman.
É a nossa congressista.
Congresswoman Whitaker!
Congressista Whitaker!
Congresswoman Whitaker,
Congressista Whitaker,
So, did you have a good time distracting the congresswoman? No comment.
Então, divertiste-te a distrair a congressista?
Calls keep on coming into Congresswoman Whitaker's office.
Continuam a chegar chamadas ao escritório da Whitaker.
Well, the whole Congresswoman Whitaker thing.
Bem, aquela coisa da Whitaker...
A controversial New Mexico congresswoman is dead.
Uma congressista muito controversa do Novo México morreu.
I... I'm calling from Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker's office.
Estou a falar do escritório da Congressista Whitaker.
We just wanted to let you know that, unfortunately, Congresswoman has passed away.
Só queriamos que soubesse que, infelizmente, a Congressista faleceu.
We were friends of Congresswoman Whitaker's.
Nós eramos amigos da Congressista Whitaker.
You know, the congresswoman, she was very... she was special... to all of us.
Não sei se sabem, mas a Congressista era muito... especial para todos nós.
And the congresswoman's husband?
E o marido da congressista?
I have to get back to work, and you being a congresswoman I'm sure you need to be back out there screwing the people.
Tenho de voltar ao trabalho e sendo tu uma congressista, de certeza que tens pessoas para lixar.
I met with Congresswoman Wyatt today.
Estive com a Congressista Wyatt, hoje.
When you were married, did you call her Congresswoman Wyatt?
Quando eram casados, chamava-la Congressista Wyatt?
- Congresswoman.
- Congressista.
- Congresswoman.
- Senhora congressista...
May I have a word with the congresswoman?
Posso dar uma palavrinha à congressista?
First, I have to be nice to a liberal Democratic congresswoman.
Primeiro, tenho de ser simpático para uma congressista democrata.
- Congresswoman Wyatt.
- Congressista Wyatt.
I think, Mr. President, that what Congresswoman Wyatt was saying is if we can figure out a way to make this answer about the drug war we can talk about successes.
Sr. Presidente, acho que a Congressista Wyatt queria dizer que se mostrarmos isto como parte da guerra contra a droga, - podemos falar em sucesso.
Congresswoman Wyatt is here in person and she's asking to see you.
A Congressista Wyatt está aqui e quer falar consigo.
Congresswoman Wyatt is also Mrs. Ziegler.
A Congressista Wyatt é também a Mrs. Ziegler.
And I need Congresswoman Wyatt for just a moment.
E preciso da congressista Wyatt só por um minuto.
This is a deposition in the matter of Laurie Milton and Citizens for Full Disclosure v. Congresswoman Andrea Wyatt in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and taken at the offices of Freedom Watch.
Este é um depoimento no caso de Laurie Milton e os Cidadãos para Transparência Total v. Congressista Andrea Wyatt no tribunal do District of Columbia, prestado nos escritórios de Freedom Watch.
What is your relationship to Congresswoman Wyatt?
Qual é a sua relação com a Congressista Wyatt?
- Congresswoman, are you pregnant?
- Congressista, está grávida?
- Congresswoman.
- Congressista...
Look, there she is with Congresswoman Rudd... when they started the Harvard alumni women's event.
Oh... aqui está ela com a congressista Rudd. Foi quando começaram o evento da mulher inteligente de Harvard.
Speaking of nuptials, wait till I tell... the congresswoman that I was invited... to John McCain's nephew's wedding.
Falando de casamentos espera até eu contar à congressista que fui convidado para o casamento do sobrinho do John McCaine.
I'm the new legislative aide to Congresswoman Rudd.
Na verdade eu sou a nova legisladora da congressista Rudd.
Elle Woods, legislative aide... to Congresswoman Rudd, Massachusetts.
Elle Woods. Legisladora para a congressista Rudd. Massachussets.
Get Congresswoman Hauser.
A congressista Hauser.
Given the historical tendencies... of the congresswoman's voting pool... animal testing is the very issue your platform needs.
Dada a dificuldade histórica da congressista de conseguir apoio dos mais pobres. A questão dos testes com animais seria uma boa solução.
Subject--Congresswoman Libby Hauser.
Assunto : Congressista Libby Hauser.
It's like I was saying to the congresswoman... the other day over caramel macchiatos.
Era o eu estava a dizer à congressista na sessão de maquilhagem.
What if I was to tell you... Congresswoman Madeline Melanie Kroft... that you owe your Raspberry Macaroon... to him?
E se eu lhe dissesse, congressista Madelaine Melanie Kroft que você deve o seu batom framboesa... a ele?
Thank you, Congresswoman.
Obrigado, Congressista.
This week, Congresswoman Libby Hauser... finished decorating her house... sent her son off to college... and negotiated a settlement... between the San Antonio labor unions... and the Department of Sanitation.
Esta semana, a Congressista Libby Hauser acabou de decorar a casa, mandou o filho para a faculdade e negociou o acordo entre o sindicato dos trabalhadores de San António e o Departamento de Saneamento.
Snaps for Congresswoman Hauser!
Estalinhos para a Congressista Libby Hauser!
There are some nice shots with you and the president, but the one you'll see a lot is you kissing a liberal, pregnant, unwed congresswoman.
Tens boas fotos com o presidente, mas uma que vais ver muito é aquela em que beijas uma senadora liberal, grávida e solteira.
And it's Congresswoman Wyatt, not "Miss."
E é Senadora Wyatt, não "Miss".
So if you're gonna insist on being drunk and minding other people's business you gotta take a step back, because as you are apparently aware the congresswoman is pregnant.
Se insistir em armar-se em bêbado e meter-se na vida dos outros tem de dar um passo atrás, porque, como parece saber a senadora está grávida.
A patron was jostling Congresswoman Wyatt and Toby tried to get him to step back, and the man slipped on the floor.
Um freguês provocou a Senadora Wyatt e o Toby tentou afastá-lo, e o homem escorregou no chão.
A job with a brilliant congresswoman... who's also a fellow Harvard alum. Oh, my gosh.
Oh meu Deus!

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