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Hammerstein Çeviri Portekizce

53 parallel translation
They are working on a Hammerstein tutorial.
Trabalham no Hammerstein's Victoria.
- What did you say, Hammerstein?
- No Hammerstein's?
She said her parents were acrobats at Hammerstein in Victoria.
Disse que os pais eram acrobatas no Hammerstein's Victória.
- Hammerstein was turned down years ago.
- O Hammertein's demoliram-no há anos.
"Hammersteins Victoria."
Hammerstein's Victoria.
At Hammerstein.
No Hammerstein's.
They are still in Hammerstein?
- Continuam no Hammerstein's?
Why don't you take me to Hammerstein to see them.
Porque não me levas ao Hammerstein's para os ver?
I was happy when I realised it was Saturday, and i could scaresly wait to find what Jennie was going to present to me as Hammerstein.
Fiquei satisfeito quando vi que era sábado, e estava desejoso de saber... o que Jennie ia mostrar-me... como Hammerstein's.
- You remember the old Hammerstein theatre?
- Lembra-se do Hammerstein's?
Pardon, You came to the right party to ask about Hammersteins.
Amigo, veio ao lugar adequado para perguntar sobre o Hammerstein's.
I think it used to be right about here somewhere...
Eu afirmava que o Hammerstein's era por aqui e o meu amigo diz que...
Hammersteins used to stand right there, where the Realto is now.
Hammerstein's estava ali mesmo, onde agora está o Rialto. Sim, senhor.
He used to play Hammerstein.
Actuava no Hammerstein's.
She was with wardrobe in Hammerstein.
Era a encarregada do guarda roupa no Hammerstein's.
Strange is you liked it. You liked being Rodgers and Hammerstein.
E o mais estranho e que gostas, gostas de ser Rodgers e Hammerstein.
He's got that "Rodgers and Hammerstein look."
Nao sei o que esta a tramar, mas tem aquela expressao a Rodgers e Hammerstein.
How about taking in the Rodgers and Hammerstein opening next Friday?
Que tal irmos ao Rodgers e Hammerstein na próxima sexta?
Music by Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Música de Rogers e Hammerstein.
Milton and I are great Rodgers and Hammerstein fans.
Eu e o Milton éramos grandes fãs de Rodgers e Hammerstein.
This is Rodgers and Hammerstein, not trash TV!
Isto é Rodgers e Hammerstein, não é televisão rasca!
Rodgers and Hammerstein were brilliant!
Rodgers e Hammerstein eram brilhantes!
I'd tell them that Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote Oklahoma!
Eu dir-lhes-ia que Rodgers e Hammerstein escreveram Oklahoma!
We're like Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Somos como o Rodgers e o Hammerstein.
So musicians really Rodger your Hammerstein?
Então os músicos dão-te a volta?
The girls look prettier with Hammerstein beer
As raparigas são mais bonitas com a cerveja Hammerstein
Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote South Pacific.
Rodgers e Hammerstein escreveram South Pacific.
How many times does it require that I have to tell you? No Rodgers and Hammerstein!
Quantas vezes tenho que te dizer que... nada de Rogers e Hammerstein!
I'll see your Bartok and raise you one Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Igualo o teu Bartók, e subo um Rodgers e um Hammerstein.
Um, I think they said Rodgers Hammerstein.
Julgo que disseram que seria Rogers e Hammerstein.
# I'll come followin'you # Hey, this is WDED, calling out with tickets to the sold-out Dead concert at Hammerstein Ballroom.
Ouvem a W-D-E-D, oferecendo bilhetes para o esgotado concerto dos Dead
For the third caller to receive tickets to the Grateful Dead show at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
Hora do terceiro ouvinte receber bilhetes para o concerto dos Grateful Dead no Hammerstein Ballroom
For two tickets to see the sold-out Grateful Dead concert at Hammerstein Ballroom, what 1970 Grateful Dead hit was banned from radio airplay because it used the word "damn"?
Por dois bilhetes para o concerto esgotado no Hammerstein Ballroom, que êxito dos Dead de 1970 foi banido de todas as rádios por incluir a palavra "raios"?
- Uh, well, there was, uh, Hammerstein Beer.
Havia um para a Cerveja Hammerstein.
The girls look prettier With Hammerstein Beer
Com a Cerveja Hammerstein, toda a rapariga fica mais bonita.
'Cause the girls look prettier With Hammerstein Beer
Com a Cerveja Hammerstein, toda a rapariga fica mais bonita.
A surprise announcement from Mr. Oscar Hammerstein.
Um anúncio surpresa do Sr. Oscar Hammerstein.
Mr. Oscar Hammerstein, to open his new Manhattan Opera House.
Sr. Oscar Hammerstein para inaugurar a Ópera de Manhattan.
Honored friends Mr. Hammerstein's expecting you
Queridos amigos O Sr. Hammerstein espera-vos
Where is Hammerstein?
- Onde está o Hammerstein?
Please, Monsieur Mr. Hammerstein sent us to transport you
Por favor, Monsieur O Sr. Hammerstein Mandou-nos para vos transportar
Take us to Hammerstein!
Levem-nos ao Hammerstein!
I'm sure Mr. Hammerstein never intended a slight, dear
O Sr. Hammerstein não tinha a intenção
It's from Hammerstein.
É do Hammerstein.
I know what Hammerstein is paying you.
Sei quanto o Hammerstein te paga.
- O Hammerstein.
For Hammerstein?
Para o Hammerstein?
But we gotta be back at Hammerstein's in New York, or he'll sue me for breakfast.
Mas temos de estar de volta em Hammerstein's em Nova York, ou vai me processar o almoço.
Uh, mr. Jones alone in oklahoma Is a version of the rogers and hammerstein classic
O Sr. Jones sozinho em Oklahoma é uma versão do clássico de Rogers e Hammerstein
♪ I fall in love ♪
VOZ DE SAMMY CAHN COMPOSITOR... Oscar Hammerstein, Rodgers, quem quer? " Ele disse :" Sammy Cahn. "
Tomorrow morning.
O Sr Hammerstein.

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