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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I went to see him

I went to see him Çeviri Portekizce

231 parallel translation
The other day I went to see him and it frightened him out of his wits because he thought I was from the police.
No outro dia, fui falar com ele e estava completamente assustado porque julgou que eu era da polícia.
I went to see him at the hospital a couple of times.
Fui vê-lo ao hospital duas vezes.
It happened on the day that Mr. Hagiwara and I went to see him.
Aconteceu no dia em que o Sr. Hagiwara e eu fomos vê-lo.
I went to see him a few days later.
Fui vê-lo uns dias depois.
I went to see him.
Fui visitá-lo.
I went to see him this morning.
Passei a lhe ver esta manhã.
I went to see him, but only stayed for one day.
Fui vê-lo, mas só fiquei um dia.
- I went to see him, tried to tell him what happened...
Tentei falar com ele... - O que é que ele disse?
As often as I could, I went to see him at his villa near Naples.
Sempre que eu podia, ia visitá-lo, perto de Nápoles.
I went to see him yesterday.
Fui vê-lo ontem.
Oh, no, Michael, I went to see him.
Oh, não, Michael, eu fui vê-lo.
When I went to see him this morning, he was dead.
- Lamento.
He had to be hospitalised. I went to see him, whenever I could.
Fui vê-lo logo que pude.
But I went to see him... at his place... with my dog and a friend.
Mas eu fui vê-lo... à casa dele, com o meu cão e um amigo.
And I went to see him and he said "You need glasses!"
Nos fomos ve-lo e ele disse "precisa de oculos"!
Although, at the time, I honestly thought he did, until I went to see him on death row.
Até àquele momento, pensava que o tinha feito... Até que fui vê-lo ao patíbulo.
I went to see him to break...
Percebi que aquilo era absurdo e decidi cortar quanto antes, por isso fui até o chalé.
Under this pretext, I went to see him
E por isso fui buscar os meus comprimidos ao chalé.
But I went to see him.
Mas fui vê-lo.
Okay? That's why I went to see him...
Foi por isso que fui lá.
I went to see him, and he....
Fui visitá-lo, e ele...
So I went to see him swim a few times at the swimming competition.
Então fui vê-lo nadar umas vezes nos campeonatos de natação.
You promised last year that if I went to see him, he'd marry one of my daughters, but it all came to nothing.
O ano passado garantiu-me que, se o visitasse, ele casaria com uma delas.
I went to see him at the Engineering Institute after I talked with my husband.
Fui vê-lo ao Instituto de Engenharia depois de ter falado com o meu marido.
I went to see him for a while, and he gave me those, and I took them for... for a couple of months, and- - And then I stopped.
Andei lá uns tempos, ele deu-me isso e eu tomei-os durante dois meses e depois parei.
- I went to see him. He's not in his bed.
- Fui ve-lo, não estava mais em sua cama.
But I went to see him when he was dying.
Mas fui vê-lo quando estava a morrer.
I went to see him because he asked to see me.
Fui buscá-lo porque ele pediu para me ver.
- I went to see him today.
- Fui vê-lo hoje.
I went to the hospital, but they refused to let me see him.
Fui ao hospital, mas não me deixaram vê-lo.
I went to his apartment, but I didn't see him.
Fui ao apartamento dele, mas não o vi.
- I went to see him.
Digamos que o deveu valorizar meu nível.
I kept away as long as I could. And then, finally, one Sunday afternoon, I got the courage and went up to see him.
Mantive-me afastada enquanto pude... e então, finalmente, um domingo pela tarde... enchi-me de coragem e fui vê-lo.
Anyway when I went to Aschenbach and I told him I said you wanted to see him he wouldn't believe that.
Foi assim, quando fui ter com o Aschenbach e lhe disse que querias vê-lo, ele não acreditava nisso.
You went to see Grant and I told you not to see him.
Foste ver o Lord Advogado apesar das minhas recomendações.
I got this call from Coyle, so I went out to see him.
O Coyle ligou-me, por isso fui ter com ele.
Because you're much older than the boys I date, cos you're drunk, and because when I went to see an astronaut give a lecture, I didn't expect him to prowl after us all night.
Porque você é bem mais velho que os tipos com quem eu saio, porque você está bêbado, e porque eu fui ver um astronauta dar uma palestra, não esperava que ele nos cercasse a noite toda.
Tell him I went to see my therapist.
Diz-lhe que fui consultar o meu psicanalista.
Do you think he'd mind if I went up to see him before dinner?
Acha que ele se importa se eu o for ver antes do jantar?
You see Goody and I, we went to Captain Thomas and we reasoned with him and...
O Goody e eu fomos ter com o Capitão Thomas e falámos com ele e...
- I went back to see him and...
- Eu voltei para vê-lo e...
Nah, I just wanted to see what would happen if I went along with him.
Não, eu só queria ver o que aconteceria se eu continuasse com isto.
See, Pa and Red went to see him last night, they were due West and the wagon had a cracked wheel, so you can follow the track. I figured they went...
- Eu recebo um crachá?
After dinner I went to the bathroom, and when I come out, I see him standing by the door, and he looks unusually nervous.
Depois do jantar fui à casa-de-banho, e quando voltei, vi-o parado à porta, e parecia estranhamente nervoso.
I went to see him after you ´ d been born.
Fui falar com ele depois de nasceres.
I went down to the magazine, pleaded with him to see me again.
Fui à revista e implorei-lhe que viesse ver-me de novo.
Yeah, I went by the hospital to see him a few days ago.
Fui visitá-lo ao hospital, há uns dias.
If Clark calls, tell him I went to STAR Labs to see what Jimmy's got.
Se Clark ligar, diga que fui aos Laboratórios Labs ver o Jimmy.
I used to go see him in Chicago when I went to visit Bea during summer vacations.
Que costumava ver em Chicago quando visitava a Bea nas férias de verão, lembras-te?
I went over to see him today.
Hoje fui vê-lo.
I went to go see Colonel Rickman to beg him to let my folks come with us, and I saw him kill Dr. Jensen.
Fui ver o Coronel Rickman para implorar-lhe que deixasse os meus pais irem connosco, e vi-o matar o Dr. Jensen.

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