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If i was you Çeviri Portekizce

11,139 parallel translation
What's up? I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind coming back to the station with me.
- Queria saber... se não te importavas de ir até à esquadra comigo.
I was just wondering if there's any chance at all that you would be willing to work late for a couple of nights or maybe even over the weekend?
Queria saber se há alguma hipótese de poderes trabalhar até mais tarde, ou talvez durante o fim de semana?
Believe me, if I told you the crazy shit she was telling us about, you'd laugh.
Acredita, se te contasse todas as loucuras em que ela falava, rir-te-ias.
You're not funny. If my husband had any idea what I was gonna have to deal with...
Não tens graça nenhuma.
I was just wondering if any of you guys might be interested in taking my son here, to the other side of the island.
Alguém aqui gostaria de levar o meu filho ao outro lado da ilha?
And I was wondering if you would...
E estava a pensar se queria...
I was wondering if you had a minute to talk about AEY, and the alleged repackaging of Chinese ammunition.
Gostaria de saber se tem um minuto para falar sobre a AEY, que alegadamente voltou a embalar munições chinesas.
And if you ask him, I don't think he thought that was his finest hour.
Se lhe perguntasses, de certeza que ele não teria orgulho nisso.
By the way, you know, he did have a gun and he was shooting at me, and if I hadn't had that, I'd be dead now.
Já agora, sabes, ele tinha uma arma e ia atirar em mim, e se não tivesse isso, estaria morto agora.
If I was gonna kill you, Cassie, I would've done it a long time ago.
Se quisesse matar-te, Cassie, tê-lo-ia feito há muito.
I assume that if you came in contact with him, It was during a crime Or an establishment full of fringe.
Presumo que, se entrou em contacto com ele, foi durante um crime ou num estabelecimento cheio de marginais.
Well, I was thinking, um, I could set up your house for you if you want.
Bom, eu estava a pensar... Posso montar a tua casa para ti, se quiseres.
Now, if that all sounds acceptable, I'll be happy to resume this conversation at a later date, but in the meantime, it was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Philips.
Se achar isso aceitável, poderemos retomar a conversa num outro dia. Por enquanto, foi um prazer conhecé-lo, Sr. Philips.
You know, if it was just me, I wouldn't be worried.
Se eu estivesse sozinho, não me preocuparia.
I knew if there was a way, you would find it.
Sabia que me encontravas, se houvesse uma maneira.
Mr. Robicheaux, if I'd known it was you, that was your man, I never would've made such a disrespectful comment.
Sr. Robicheaux, se soubesse que era você, e aquele era o seu homem, nunca teria feito um comentário tão desrespeitante.
Colonel, I am a follower of Europe that you are building with Petain, and you confiscate my castle as if I was the enemy.
Coronel Wurz, sou seguidor da Europa que está a construir com o Petain, e confiscou meu castelo como se eu fosse um inimigo.
Well, if you want to know... A couple of years ago, I was at a concert of praise of young people in the church
Bom, já que insiste, há uns anos, estava num concerto do grupo de jovens na igreja e vi o homem mais bonito que tinha visto em toda a minha vida.
Y'know, I was doing some reading about this idea that... if you immerse yourself into a foreign language, that you can actually rewire your brain.
Estive a ler sobre esta ideia que... se nos dedicarmos a uma língua estrangeira... - podemos reconfigurar o nosso cérebro.
If all I ever gave you was a hammer...
Se a única coisa que lhe desse fosse um martelo...
Yeah, um, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
Sim, gostava d saber se pode fazer-me um favor.
I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.
Gostava de saber se posso falar consigo um minuto.
If you wanted to change me, you should have been there when I was growing up.
Se me querias mudar, deverias lá ter estado quando eu era miúdo.
If I was mad at you, I'd tell you about it.
Se estivesse, dir-te-ia.
Now, see, Pop, if you gave somebody else a chance to talk sometime, you'd see I was fixing to pay you back your $ 10 like I told you.
Olha lá, pai, se às vezes desses hipótese a outros de falar, verias que estou a preparar-me para te devolver os 10 dólares. Toma.
If you was messing around on Lucille, I'd be telling you the same thing.
Se traísses a Lucille, iria dizer-te o mesmo.
that I'd appreciate it if you was to help me take care of her.
que gostaria muito que me ajudasses a tomar conta dela.
I ain't asked you if you was scared of me.
Não perguntei se tinhas medo de mim.
I was wondering if you wanted me to...
Estava pensando se gostaria que eu...
Are you really saying that you'd stick around with me if I was paralyzed from the neck down?
Estás dizendo que ias ficar comigo se ficasse paralisado?
I'm getting concerned about Will and I was wondering if you could just call me back.
Estou preocupada com o Will, e pensei se me poderia ligar? Obrigada.
I used to say that to my dad. But if I told you what he said back, you'd think I was insane.
- Eu pedia isso ao meu pai, mas se contar a resposta dele vai-me achar louca.
And I was wondering if you could, um, help her let loose a little bit?
Estava a pensar se não poderia ajudá-la a soltar-se um pouco?
I was just implying that this party might not be your guys'cup of tea, but, I mean, fuck it, you guys can come with me if you want.
Estava só a insinuar que esta festa talvez não fosse do vosso agrado mas que se lixe vocês podem vir comigo se quiserem.
I wasn't sure if I was going to see you until your next misdemeanor.
Não sabia se iria ver-te até ao teu próximo delito.
Yeah, if it was you, I'd want to meet the geezer that done it.
Se tivesses sido tu, quereria conhecer o responsável.
Would you help me if you knew I was a thief?
Ajudava-me se soubesse que eu era um ladrão?
- So, I want you to look in there and tell me if you see the man that was at your restaurant.
Quero que olhe para ali e me diga se vê o homem que estava no seu restaurante.
- Do you mind if I give you a little advice that I got from the tables when I was winning?
Importa-se que lhe dê um pequeno conselho que eu aprendi nas mesas quando estava a ganhar?
And if you're wondering if I was behind the Horsemen's recent debacle, I'll let you work that out for yourself.
- E se quer saber se estava por trás do último fracasso da cavalaria, vou deixar que descubra sozinho.
I was hoping you'd be able to tell me if there have been any sightings.
Estava na esperança que me soubesse dizer se existiram alguns avistamentos.
What if I told you it was Maggie?
E seu te dissesse que foi a Maggie?
Well, I hope you know that I never would have taken this job if I had known what the package was for.
Bem, espero que saibas que eu nunca teria aceitado este trabalho se eu soubesse para quem era o pacote.
I was wondering if I can talk to you about my job.
David, olá.
If I called you, it was to save her! It was to heal her!
Se te chamei, foi para a salvares, para a curares!
If it was a red card, You might notice your hand getting warmer, And I think it was a red card.
Se era uma carta vermelha, a mão vai ficar mais quente, e acho que era vermelha.
My name is Meena, and I baked a cake for you and, uh, I was wondering if you'd, maybe, give me a second chance to...
Chamo-me Meena e fiz um bolo para si e estava a pensar se me poderia dar uma segunda oportunidade...
If my name was Sebastian and I had a cool Jamaican accent... you'd totally help me.
Se me chamasse Sebastião e tivesse pronúncia da Jamaica ajudavam-me já.
Well, I'm covering the girls'school in Kandahar that was firebombed and I'm wondering if you could give me something, on background, just about the security situation here and the state of the war in general.
Bem, eu estou a fazer a cobertura da escola feminina de Kandahar alvo da uma bomba incendiária e queria saber se me poderia dar alguma informação, sem referência, sobre a situação em termos de segurança e sobre o estado da guerra em geral.
- If it was up to me, I'd arrest the lot of you.
- Por mim, prendiam-vos a todos.
I did want to tell you that if you and Rashad was looking for, like, a third girl to help you out, you know, get it poppin or anything like that, I would be down for that.
Queria dizer que se vocês dois quiserem uma terceira pessoa para dar uma força, sabe, animar a relação, algo assim, eu estaria disponível.

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