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It was a lie Çeviri Portekizce

520 parallel translation
But you know it was a lie. How am I gonna prove it?
Mas sabia que era mentira.
If I found myself back there again, I would think it was a lie.
Se me apanho lá outra vez, ainda julgo que é mentira.
It was a lie... his artistic imagination, if you like.
Era mentira... a sua imaginação artística, se quiseres.
It was a lie, Marta!
Era mentira, Marta!
I told them it was a lie.
Eu disse a eles que era mentira.
It was a lie.
Era mentira.
Suppose it was a lie, why did Fantomas kidnap you?
Supondo que era uma mentira, porque é que o Fantomas o raptou?
Exactly because it was a lie.
- Exactamente porque menti...
But it was a lie.
Mas era uma mentira.
I knew it was a lie.
Eu sabia que era uma mentira.
I thought she figured it was a lie, too.
Pensei que ela tina calculado que era mentira.
It was a lie, wasn't it.
Era mentira, não era?
It was a lie.
Uma mentira!
At first it was a lie.
Ao principio foi uma mentira.
So it was a lie.
Foi tudo mentira.
It was a lie, Ramón eats it just as well.
Era mentira, porque o Ramón também me faz sentir assim.
It was a lie!
Era uma mentira!
He told me Johnny was dead, but... I knew it was a lie.
Ele disse-me que o Johnny estava morto, mas eu sabia que era mentira.
It was all a lie.
Foi tudo uma mentira.
But the lie was in the way I said it, not at all in what I said.
Mas a mentira stava no modo como a disse, não no que eu disse.
Or was it a silly, inexpert little lie?
Terá sido uma pequena mentira inexperiente e parva?
It wasn't all a lie because she did take a steamer. It was just that it went north instead of south.
Ela realmente apanhou um barco, mas seguia para Norte e não Sul.
It was all a lie about my leaving.
O facto de me ir embora era mentira.
If I said it wasn't true about the Kellerson that it was all a lie, then I'll be doing
Eu sei. Então por que não nos tentas ajudar, comportando-te?
That was not only a lie, it was an insult to dead heroes and the women who loved them.
Foi mais uma mentira e um insulto aos heróis mortos e às esposas que os amavam.
Then what you said to me back there on the river was a lie about how you never could have done it alone and how you'd lost your heart and everything.
Então, o que você disse a pouco era mentira... que você não pode fazer isto sozinho... e como você tinha perdido sua coragem, e... tudo.
They have spread the lie that it was Nero who burnt Rome.
Foram eles que espalharam a mentira que foi Nero que incendiou Roma.
That was a lie. Yes, it was.
Vou beber só por um copo, obrigado.
Oh, I knew it was a dirty lie the very minute I heard it!
Sabia que era uma suja mentira no mesmo instante em que ouvi!
It's a lie, it wasn't me, it was someone else.
É uma mentira. Não fui eu, foi outro qualquer.
The illness was a lie, wasn't it?
A doença foi uma mentira, não?
It will prove that the crowning moment of your life... was no lie.
Será a prova de que o momento culminante da tua vida não foi uma mentira.
Wordsworth saying that he would give his life for the Church of England, or Goethe that it was better to support a lie than to admit political confusion in the state.
Wordsworth dizendo que ele daria sua vida pela Igreja da Inglaterra, ou Goethe para quem era melhor sustentar uma mentira do que admitir a baderna no estado.
Because till date whatever I have done was under his orders - With his concurrence lt's all a lie Court will decide about it
Longa vida a Krishna!
Evidently, his wife would lie sprawled on the bed, a tit in either direction, and it was just evidently fantastic.
Parece que a mulher dele se deitava na cama, com uma mama em cada sentido. Era uma coisa fantástica.
It was a lie.
Era uma mentira.
I wish I was. - I'm not gonna lie about it.
Nao vou mentir a respeito.
it was a LIE!
Foi uma mentira.
But it was still a lie.
Mas era mentira.
It was all a lie, man.
Era tudo mentira, meu.
- It was a lie.
É mentira!
Well, I did tell her I was the bank president, but I will be some day, so that's not really a lie, is it?
Bem, disse-lhe que era presidente do banco, mas hei-de ser, um dia, pelo que não é bem uma mentira, pois não?
- Was it all a lie?
- Era tudo mentira?
it was all a lie, shame on you! You're just a cheat!
Era tudo mentira?
It was a white lie. A good lie.
Foi uma mentira inofensiva.
If she thought the only way out was to accuse Daddy of bad things isn't it possible she'd lie?
Se achasse que a única saída era acusar o pai de fazer maldades, não é possível que mentisse?
We expect a woman to do a man's job, make a man's money then lie down for a man to fuck her like it was 100 years ago!
Queremos que as mulheres façam o trabalho dos homens, ganhem o mesmo, e se deitem para que eles as fodam como há cem anos atrás!
which everybody knows isn't true, but Mama said it was just a little white lie, it wasn't hurting nobody.
o que todos sabíamos ser mentira, mas a minha mãe disse que não prejudicava ninguém.
well, if it's any help to you, I know that that weather balloon thing was a lie.
Bom, se lhe serve de alguma coisa, eu sabia que aquilo do balão era mentira.
It was, of course, a bald-faced and terrible lie.
Era, naturalmente, uma mentira deslavada.
So, it was all a lie.
Então, era tudo mentira?

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