It was about Çeviri Portekizce
10,919 parallel translation
This was just below, it was about 26, so I wouldn't say it was a yacht.
Esse tinha cerca de 26 pés, não diria que era um iate.
I think it was about 50 grand.
- Acho que à volta de 50 mil.
It was about killing your Reeve and stirring up the tribes.
Foi para matar o teu Conselheiro e criar confusão com as tribos.
I think he realized that what would make that work in a non-Broadway setting was it was about him, and his wife, and his kids.
Acho que ele percebeu que o que iria fazer aquilo resultar num cenário que não a Broadway era ser acerca dele, da mulher dele e dos filhos dele.
It was me that had to put that sheep out of its misery, cos of you, so don't talk to me about no humanity!
Acabei com aquela ovelha por tua causa por isso não venhas falar de humanidade.
He didn't think I was being urgent enough about it.
Achou que eu não estava a ser rápido.
It was Mr. Gates who first told me about the spot.
O primeiro a falar-me da marca foi o Sr. Gates.
When her mom found out it was because she took that drug, she wouldn't talk about it.
Quando a mãe descobriu que se devia ao medicamento, não quis falar sobre isso.
It's funny,'cause I was just thinking about you the other day, you know.
É engraçado, porque ainda no outro dia pensei em ti, sabes.
I was telling Beth that i wanted to talk to you about maybe being in it.
Eu disse à Beth que queria falar contigo, a ver se podias participar.
He stood above the revolution, he put an end to its abuses and kept all that was good about it.
Ele esteve acima da revolução, colocou um fim aos abusos e manteve tudo o que era bom!
About fifteen years ago my boat was docked over there, it sank in a storm.
Cerca de quinze anos atrás, meu barco estava ancorado aqui e afundou em uma tempestade.
Not if I was clever about it.
Não, se eu fosse suficientemente inteligente para o fazer de forma correcta.
You know... it was right about that time you saved that kid.
Sabes... foi na mesma altura em salvou aquele miúdo.
What was it about her that made you and Declan decide to break out of the lunar cycle?
O que é que ela tinha que a fez a si e ao Declan decidir sair do ciclo lunar?
And here's the thing. We think it was his own burner. What the hell are you talking about?
E a questão é esta, pensamos que esse telemóvel era dele.
- Was it all about money?
- Foi tudo por causa do dinheiro?
She couldn't say anything about it, but she told us that it was the opportunity of a lifetime.
Não podia dizer nada sobre ele, mas disse-nos que era uma oportunidade única.
He said that Norah was ruining his life, and when I asked Norah about it, she said not to worry, that he was another professor just jealous over her work.
Disse que a Norah estava a arruinar-lhe a vida, e quando questionei a Norah, ela disse para não me preocupar, que era apenas outro professor com inveja do trabalho dela.
That's what you want your competitors to believe, but Norah's parents told us that she was excited about a project at work, that it was going to take her away for a few months.
É isso que quer que os seus concorrentes pensem, mas os pais da Norah disseram-nos que ela estava entusiasmada com um projecto que tinha em mãos, que a faria ausentar-se uns meses.
I don't know much else about it. I was just a kid.
Não sei muito mais do que isso, era só um rapaz.
The thing about it was Tuco really liked Dog.
A questão era : o Tuco gostava bastante do Dog.
He still talks about it. But the school was built in'71.
- Mas a escola foi construída em 71.
Perhaps I hadn't allowed myself to think about it until now, but I was faced with the terrible knowledge that Frank's very existence now depended on Jack living for at least another year.
Talvez eu não me tivesse permitido pensar nisso, até agora, mas fui confrontada com o terrível conhecimento de que a própria existência do Frank dependia agora de que o Jack vivesse pelo menos mais um ano.
Ah, well, she was rather insistent about it, although I think she would've settled for the six.
Ela insistiu bastante, embora acho que se tivesse contentado com o 6.
What I wanted was for us to spend Christmas in California together like I planned, before everything went to shit because you made it all about yourself.
Eu queria que passássemos o Natal juntos na Califórnia, como planeei, antes da merda toda que aconteceu por pensares só em ti.
They thought it was cute when I was a boy, but one day he shook me, told me not to talk about it anymore.
Eles achavam engraçado quando eu era criança, mas, um dia ele sacudiu-me e disse-me para não falar mais sobre isso.
And the Remsens, about whom it was said had stayed a week in Berlin at the home of Adolf Hitler.
E os Ramsen sobre quem se dizia que tinham passado uma semana em Berlim, em casa do Adolf Hitler.
It felt to me that everything that was happening was about pleasing him.
Pareceu-me que tudo o que estava a acontecer era para lhe agradar.
And so about a jillion cops showed up, so then it was a full-on siege.
E apareceu uma carrada de polícias, e isto tornou-se num cerco completo.
There was a whole big thing about it.
Fizeram muito alarido sobre isso.
All we cared about was can we build it.
Só queríamos saber de como iríamos construí-la?
Was it just about sex for you?
Que foi só sexo para ti?
What was it about?
- Porquê? Por causa disto?
I'm wondering if maybe it was subconscious, if you were having doubts about his guilt from the beginning.
Talvez no subconsciente tivesse dúvidas acerca da culpa.
It was about coin.
Well, either way, I was very sorry to hear about it.
Bem, seja como for, sinto muito o que aconteceu.
I was wrong about what's causing it. Dead wrong, in fact.
Estava completamente errada quanto à causa.
It's probably helpful that I was there and only semi-judgmental about her choice - to drop my dad.
Calhou bem estar lá e ter sido semi crítico em relação à decisão de separar-se do meu pai.
But it was also about just being tired of my life not moving forward, you know?
Mas... também foi... o facto de estar farto que a minha vida não seguisse em frente.
It's funny or ironic or something that you're thinking about leaving because just today, I, uh... I was offered a job back here.
É engraçado ou irónico que estejas a pensar ir-te embora, porque... hoje... recebi uma oferta de emprego aqui.
I thought it was an interesting idea to create a film just focused on Spock, who he is, how he came about, and why he has continued to resonate for 50 years, all as a part of the celebration of the anniversary of "The Original Series."
Achei que era uma ideia interessante criar um filme focado só no Spock, em quem ele é, como ele apareceu e porque continuou a repercutir-se durante 50 anos, tudo como parte da celebração do aniversário de The Original Series.
And it was a pamphlet about "Star Trek," this new series that was going to be on the air coming in the fall,
E era um panfleto sobre o Star Trek, uma série nova que ia para o ar no outono seguinte.
I was able to then become the cooler Spock. Has it occurred to you that there's a certain... inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about?
Já lhe ocorreu que há uma certa... ineficácia em questionar-me constantemente sobre coisas sobre as quais já se decidiu?
What was it about him?
- O que tinha ele?
" I felt very sad about it, and all I could say was,'I'm sorry.'
" Senti-me muito triste por isso e só conseguia dizer :'Desculpa.'
So it was all about the ship, the ship, and this effect, and that effect, and we're going through this thing.
Andava tudo à volta da nave e deste efeito e daquele, e estamos a passar por isto.
It was also about this time that there was a lot of head-banging between the two of us.
Foi também por esta altura que houve muitas desavenças entre nós os dois.
What I admired about Leonard was his willingness to love his family, and because I was on the periphery of it, I got that love.
O que admirava no Leonard era a sua vontade de amar a sua família, e, como eu estava na periferia dela, recebi esse amor.
He was a self-made renaissance man, but he had a ubiquitous curiosity about everything going on in the world, whether it was art, photography, politics.
Ele era um homem renascentista que se fez sozinho, mas tinha uma curiosidade omnipresente por tudo o que se passava no mundo, quer fosse arte, fotografia, política.
This argument you and Barbara had? What exactly was it about?
A discussão que tu e a Barbara tiveram, foi por que motivo?
it was about you 16
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was me 921
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was me 921
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37