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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Marian

Marian Çeviri Portekizce

962 parallel translation
... and a beautiful woman to flatter me, eh, Lady Marian?
... e uma bela mulher. Näo é, Lady Marian?
Sir Robin, this is the Lady Marian Fitzwalter.
Sir Robin, esta é Lady Marian Fitzwalter.
Here's Gisbourne so in love with Marian he daren't say "boo" to her and this saucy fellow gives her better than she sends.
Gisbourne ama tanto Marian que nem ousaria retorquir e este atrevido responde melhor que ela.
... that goes with Sir Guy and Lady Marian to Kenworth Castle...
... Sir Guy e Lady Marian até Kenworth...
- Come, Lady Marian.
- Vinde.
- But the Lady Marian.
- Mas e a Lady Marian...
With the Lady Marian in our company and Locksley's men outnumbering us.
Com Lady Marian e em desvantagem numérica.
That won't be the only bait, with the Lady Marian presenting the arrow herself.
Näo será o único isco, se Lady Marian entregar a seta.
Lady Marian?
Lady Marian?
From the gracious hand of Lady Marian Fitzwalter, you'll receive your reward.
Das gentis mäos de Lady Marian Fitzwalter, receberás a recompensa.
The Lady Marian.
Lady Marian.
- Marian, will you come with me?
- Marian, vindes comigo?
Oh, come now, my dear Lady Marian.
Ora, minha querida Lady Marian.
Escort my Lady Marian to the Great Hall.
Escoltai Lady Marian ao Saläo.
Are you not ashamed, my Lady Marian?
Näo vos envergonhais, Lady Marian?
- Lady Marian.
- Lady Marian.
My first command to you, my lord earl... ... is to take in marriage the hand of the Lady Marian.
A minha primeira ordem, Senhor Conde, é que tomeis em casamento a mäo de Lady Marian.
Long live Lady Marian!
Viva Lady Marian!
This is the last time I'll warn you not feed him between meals
Marian, aviso-a pela última vez, que não dê comida ao senhor fora de horas
Boy, when I take you home, Marian's gonna just naturally fall flat on her face.
- Ótimo. Quando o levar para casa, Marian vai desmaiar.
Good night, Marian.
Boa-noite, Marian.
Hi, Marian, how'bout that hot water?
Marian, e a água quente?
- You talk to him, will you, Marian?
- Fale com ele.
The trouble with Marian, she been mixing in things that are none of her business and I'm stopping her Go on!
Marian anda se metendo onde não é chamada... vou acabar com isso.
Don't feel badly, Marian.
Não fique aborrecda.
Tell Marian thanks for everything.
Agradeça a Marian por tudo.
Quit worrying', Marian.
Pare de se preocupar, Marian.
Why, Marian, what's the matter?
- Luke! - O que foi, Marian?
Same ol'Smitty, huh, Marian?
O mesmo Smitty, não, Marian?
Good-bye, Marian.
Adeus, Marian.
Marian, what's come over you lately?
Marian, o que você tem últimamente?
Now, Marian.
Ora, Marian.
Marian! How's my honey?
Marian, como está meu amor?
So Marian's been crying on your shoulder, huh?
Marian andou chorando as mágoas para si?
Marian has nothing to do with it.
Marian não tem nada com isso.
Me out of the way and you have a clear track with Marian.
Comigo fora do caminho, Marian está livre.
Marian, you can't do that.
Não pode fazer isso.
Marian, I know how you feel.
Marian, sei como se sente.
Marian, you'd better go to Emmy's.
Marian, vá para a casa de Emmy.
All right, Marian. Get your things together.
Marian, junte as coisas.
That was before Marian and I were married.
Antes de Marian e eu nos casarmos.
How is Marian?
- Como vai a Marian?
Hello, Marian.
- Olá, Marian.
Marian? Yes?
- Marian?
Take good care of him, Marian.
Cuide bem dele, Marian.
- Marian.
Hello, Marian.
Olá, Marian.
Now, don't worry, Marian.
Não se preocupe, Marian.

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