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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ N ] / Nguyen

Nguyen Çeviri Portekizce

88 parallel translation
If you engage in revolutionary activity in any country you risk no only repression but death.
- Sarita. - Nguyen Van Troi.
Saleh, alias Li Gwan, alias Ngouen Cho.
Saleh, ou Lee Guan, ou Nguyen Cho.
His license says his name is Nguyn Van Trahn from Galveston, Texas.
A carta dele diz que se chama Nguyen Van Trang de Galveston, Texas.
Nguyn Van Trahn, Felix Lawson, ex-C.I.A.
Nguyen Trang, este é Felix Lawson, ex-agente da CIA.
No, listen to this. Nguyn Van Trahn was a cop, but he died during a Tet offensive in 1968.
Escuta, o Nguyen foi polícia, mas morreu numa ofensiva em 1968.
Nguyen Siu-Tran, Phan Man-Lung.
Nguyen Siu-Tran, Phan Man-Lung.
Her name was "Nguyen Tao Giap."
O nome dela era "Nguyen Tao Giap."
This is Nguyen Chi Diem.
Esta é Nguyen Chi Diem.
Her name is Nguyen Tri Quan.
Chama-se Nguyen Tri Quan.
Yes, Nguyen has an infant child here but we haven't seen her for several months.
Sim, a Nguyen tem uma criança aqui mas não a vemos à meses.
Lanh, if these men can talk to Nguyen they feel they can arrest the man who's killing the girls.
Lanh, se estes homens poderem falar com a Nguyen eles acham que podem prender quem anda a matar as raparigas.
Nguyen leave when colonel tries kill.
Nguyen sai quando coronel tenta matar.
You look Hanoi for Nguyen if you can get airplanes stop bombing long enough.
Procurar Hanoi para a Nguyen se conseguirem que aviões parar de bombardear o suficiente.
Perhaps there are others I can ask about Nguyen's whereabouts.
Talvez haja outros a quem eu possa perguntar sobre a Nguyen.
I know where Nguyen is.
Eu sei onde a Nguyen está.
Lionel Hutz, a.k.a. Miguel Sanchez, a.k.a. Dr. Nguyen Van Thoc... was paid eight dollars for his 32 hours of babysitting.
Lionel Hutz, conhecido por Miguel Sanchez, ou Dr. Nguyen Van Thoc... recebeu oito dólares pelas 32 horas como ama.
Tram Nguyen Zelniker
Sara Morna Gonçalves
New York Superior Court Judge Nguyen dismissed the case.
O juiz Nguyen arquivou o processo.
Haung Nguyen, Mekong Delta, with a web-footed ape.
Hung Nhu e o Mekon Delta e o macaco de pé de barbatana.
Tram Nguyen Zelniker
Teresa Amaro
Visiontext Subtitles : Tram Nguyen Zelniker
Legendas de Visiontext :
I'm here to see Mr. Nguyen.
Vim falar com o Sr. Nguyen.
Lan Nguyen.
La'an Nguyen.
Where is the Cortez / Nguyen prelim?
Onde é a preliminar Cortez / Nguyen?
Steven Moss. Steven, this is Jonny Nguyen.
Steven, este é Jonny Nguyen.
Is Jonny Nguyen here?
- Sim, Jonny Nguyen está?
Jonny Nguyen doesn't work here.
Jonny Nguyen não trabalha aqui.
Hi, is Mr. Donald Nguyen there, please?
Boa tarde. Sr. Donald Nguyen está?
Jennings Crawford will go back to being first singles, taking Viet Nguyen's spot.
O Jennings Crawford volta ganhar os singles, em vez do Viet Nguyen.
Phuc Nguyen!
Phuc Nguyen!
At ease, Nguyen.
Á vontade, Nguyen.
It's none of your business. After a nail-biter showdown with Ricky Nguyen to make it to this final table, here comes the rock star of the South American poker scene, Amadeo valdez.
Depois de um confronto de roer as unhas com o Ricky Wintz para chegar a esta mesa final, aí vem a estrela do panorama do póquer sul-americano, Amadeo Valdez.
Facial recognition confirms that's Jade Nguyen.
O reconhecimento facial diz que é a Jade.
His name is Tuan Nguyen.
O nome dele é Tuan Nguyen.
Mai Nguyen and Hanh Phan.
Mai Nguyen e Hanh Phan.
I wonder if Mai Nguyen and the kid Tuan are related.
Pergunto-me se a Mai Nguyen e o rapaz Tuan são parentes.
Nguyen is the surname of about 40 % of the Vietnamese population.
Nguyen é o sobrenome de cerca de 40 %, da população vietnamita.
That's Mai Nguyen.
É Mai Nguyen.
Mai Nguyen, is actually Tuan's mother.
Mai Nguyen, é a mãe do Tuan.
Lian Nguyen-Harper.
Lian Nguyen-Harper.
Mrs. Nguyen had the nail salon, and Mr. Nguyen had a way with Noodles, so they fell in love, and here we are.
A Sra. Nguyen tinha o salão, o Sr. Nguyen tinha jeito para noodles, por isso apaixonaram-se e cá estamos nós.
Hi, Mrs. Nguyen!
Olá, Sra. Nguyen.
- Hey, nguyen?
- Hey, Nguyen?
- Phuk nguyen, yeah?
- Phuk Nguyen, sim?
- Nguyen thing.
O assunto de Nguyen.
Open the door, Nguyen!
Abra a porta, Nguyen!
Nguyen Van Troi.
- George Jackson.
Nguyn Van Trahn?
Nguyen Van Trang?
A-Any military buildings in the area? Negative.
Tony Nguyen.
His name is Nguyen Hai.
O nome dele é, Nguyen Hai.

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