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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ R ] / Reeves

Reeves Çeviri Portekizce

510 parallel translation
Remember, Reeves, have the boys back at the ranch at 4 : 00.
Lembre-se, Reeves, leve os rapazes de volta ao rancho às 4 horas.
Go on, Reeves, tell about that fight you had.
Vá, Reeves, conte-me sobre aquela briga que teve ontem à noite.
You never learned to count, Mr. Reeves?
Nunca aprendeu a contar, Sr. Reeves?
You had a killer's look in your eye when you stood up to Reeves in that saloon.
Tinha um olhar assassino nos olhos quando enfrentou Reeves naquele bar hoje.
Heard about you beating Reeves to the draw yesterday.
Ouvi sobre ter batido o Reeves num duelo ontem.
- Everything all ready, Reeves?
- Tudo está pronto, Reeves?
Get him, Reeves.
Pegue-o, Reeves.
Reeves, I'm holding you responsible for anything that gets through.
Reeves, considero-o responsável por qualquer coisa que atravesse a linha.
- And her husband's that little fella?
O marido é aquele nanico que trabalha no Peter Reeves. Esse mesmo.
On the other hand, I have officers, Reeves and Hughes for instance who have built bridges all over India.
Por outro lado, tenho oficiais, o Reeves e o Hughes por exemplo que construíram pontes pela Índia inteira.
Fact is, if there weren't any work, we'd invent some, eh, Reeves?
Se não houvesse trabalho, teríamos de o inventar.
Reeves, you're the key man in this situation, as engineer.
Reeves, é o homem-chave da situação como engenheiro.
- Reeves, will you carry on?
- Reeves, quer continuar? - Sim, meu coronel.
Just a moment, Reeves, before you get too involved.
Reeves, antes de se adiantar de mais...
Then I take it we all agree that if we're to avoid disaster we build a new bridge, at the site picked by Reeves 400 yards downstream.
Creio que todos concordamos que se queremos evitar o desastre construímos uma nova ponte, no local apontado pelo Reeves, 350m rio abaixo.
- Six hundred years, Reeves?
- 600 anos, Reeves?
- Thanks, Reeves.
- Obrigado, Reeves.
I spoke with Reeves and Hughes.
Falei com o Reeves e o Hughes.
If you're referring to Burton Reeves, you don't have to worry.
Se te referes ao Burton Reeves, não te preocupes.
Oh, he is just one of the most important men in our party. Fine record in state politics, third-term member of the legislature and I...
O Reeves é um dos homens mais importantes do partido, com um óptimo currículo na política estadual.
Burton Reeves is dead.
Martin... o Burton Reeves está morto.
At any rate, Mr. Reeves has conceded the nomination with my assistance.
Seja como for, ele perdeu a nomeação, com a minha ajuda!
You killed Reeves? You couldn't...
Mataste o Reeves?
About half an hour ago, in the shower room at the club. I very neatly and nicely shot Mr. Reeves in the back of the head.
Há cerca de meia hora, no balneário do clube, alvejei cuidadosamente o Sr. Reeves na nuca.
Come, Martin, stop behaving as though I'd committed a crime. Burton Reeves meant nothing to me.
Não te portes como se eu tivesse cometido um crime.
He was in the way. You wanted to be Governor,
O Reeves era-me indiferente, e só atrapalhava.
There must be half-a-dozen of our fellow club members who had something against Burton Reeves.
Deve haver meia dúzia de membros do clube que terão razões de queixa do Burton Reeves.
He says he has the murderer of Burton Reeves in his office right now.
Diz que tem o assassino do Reeves, no gabinete dele!
This kid had an argument with Burton Reeves less than an hour before the poor guy was found with a bullet in his head.
Ele discutiu com o Reeves menos de uma hora antes de o pobre fulano ser encontrado com uma bala na cabeça.
Reeves said that he stole his wallet.
O Reeves disse que ele Ihe roubara a carteira.
When Reeves threatened to have this boy arrested, he panicked because he'd been in trouble with the law before.
Quando o Reeves o ameaçou de o mandar para a cadeia, ele entrou em pânico porque já tivera problemas com a justiça antes.
Now, he catches Reeves alone in the locker room, waits until he gets in the shower, and while the water is running, he shoots him and walks out.
Depois, apanhou-o sozinho no balneário, esperou até ele entrar no chuveiro, e com a água a correr, deu-Ihe um tiro e foi-se embora.
At least it was a swell job until this guy Reeves gets himself bumped off.
Era um bom trabalho, até o Reeves ser morto.
Tommy, how would you like to help me catch the man that killed Mr. Reeves?
Gostavas de ajudar a apanhar o homem que matou o Sr. Reeves?
Tommy Kopeck has confessed to the murder of Burton Reeves.
Tommy Kopeck acabou de confessar o homicídio do Burton Reeves!
I'll see Reeves, but I don't believe he's gonna know anything about Bubber.
Vou falar com o Reeves, mas ele não deve saber nada sobre o Bubber.
- Bubber Reeves escaped from pen.
- O Bubber Reeves fugiu da prisão.
Hey, Jim, Bubber Reeves just broke out of the pen.
Jim, o Bubber Reeves acabou de fugir da prisão.
Bubber Reeves escaped.
O Bubber Reeves fugiu.
Bubber Reeves smashed up his Cadillac and he marched him straight off to jail.
O Bubber Reeves rebentou com o Cadillac dele e ele mandou-o direitinho para a prisão.
You know, Jake Rogers and Bubber Reeves, they trade things back and forth, like wives and airplanes.
O Jake Rogers e o Bubber Reeves trocam coisas, como mulheres e aviöes.
You going out to see Mr. and Mrs. Reeves?
Vai ver Mr. e Mrs. Reeves?
Howdy, Mrs. Reeves.
Olá, Mrs. Reeves.
I was wondering if I could come on in and talk to you and Mr. Reeves.
Será que posso entrar e falar com a senhora e com Mr. Reeves?
Mr. Reeves, the sheriff's here.
Mr. Reeves, está aqui o Xerife.
Howdy, Mr. Reeves.
Olá, Mr. Reeves.
- I'm sorry about it, Mrs. Reeves.
- Lamento, Mrs. Reeves.
Mr. Reeves.
Mr. Reeves.
Hey, Bubber Reeves escaped today.
O Bubber Reeves fugiu hoje.
- I say, Reeves?
- Reeves?

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