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Refused Çeviri Portekizce

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And he refused to identify his cohorts.
E ele recusou-se a identificar os seus companheiros.
But my father refused to leave home.
Mas o meu pai recusou abandonar a casa.
As for the procedure itself, he didn't just fail to consent, He refused to give it.
Quanto ao procedimento, ele não só não consentiu, ele recusou-se a consentir.
And he's refused a solicitor.
- E recusou um advogado.
She refused to believe me when I told her that "Saint Teri" was entertaining a gentleman caller. So I took this picture as proof.
Recusou-se a acreditar que a "Santa" Teri andava a entreter um cavalheiro, por isso, tirei esta fotografia como prova.
I asked him to come in but he refused.
Eu pedi a ele para vir em buthe recusou.
The same man who, a short time ago, refused to fire his nuclear missiles because he didn't have the proper line of communication.
Isso já faz um tempo, Comandante. O mesmo homem, que há um tempo atrás, recusou atirar mísseis nucleares porque não tinha a comunicação adequada.
I just refused to budge.
Eu recusei ceder.
Who's the one that taught me that some orders should be refused?
Quem me ensinou que ordens devem ser recusadas?
He was sympathetic. He refused payment.
Ele foi solidário, não paguei.
When he refused to put it on credit I had to steal it.
Como não aceitou pôr na conta, tive de roubar.
She refused to make a statement.
Ela recusou-se a prestar depoimento.
He said if I went public, it would ensure my safety, but I refused.
Ele disse que se fosse a público, garantiria a minha segurança, mas recusei.
Edward's mother has refused to come.
A mãe do Edward recusou-se a vir.
Warwick has refused his daughters to me mother.
O Warwick recusou-me as suas filhas, mãe.
Inexplicably, the defendants have refused to pay.
Inexplicavelmente, os réus recusaram-se a pagar.
The pizzas are our dinner since the gentleman who hired us refused to provide food.
As pizzas são o nosso jantar, já que o cavalheiro que nos contratou recusou-se a dar-nos de comer.
Caitlin, it's me, the guy who refused to serve a meat course at our wedding.
Caitlin, sou eu, o tipo que recusou servir prato de carne no nosso casamento.
She knew she was sick when she came in and refused the tour.
Ela sabia que estava doente quando veio e recusou a visita guiada.
Still, this thing refused to reveal itself to me.
Ainda assim, esta coisa recusou revelar-se para mim.
Robin's next song, " P.S. I Love You'... was so dark, Dominant Records refused to release it.
A canção seguinte de Robin, "P.S. I Love You" era tão sombria que a Dominant Records se recusou a editá-la.
That's true. And I refused to compromise my art for fame and money.
E eu recusei-me a comprometer a minha arte por fama e dinheiro.
When I was a boy at school, I refused to kill my teacher, so the rebel soldiers made me watch while they did.
Quando eu era pequeno, na escola... recusei-me a matar o meu professor... então os soldados rebeldes obrigaram-me a vê-los a matar.
Klaus, you have refused my freedom.
Klaus, recusaste-me a minha liberdade.
Maybe they asked him to do something and he refused.
Talvez lhe tenham pedido alguma coisa e ele recusou-se.
Possibility two has stubbornly refused to reveal itself.
A segunda possibilidade recusa teimosamente revelar-se.
Your application was refused and it shall stay refused.
O seu requerimento foi recusado e manter-se-á recusado.
Hence our application for an adjournment, which was refused.
Daí o nosso requerimento para o adiamento, que foi recusado.
Have you ever refused to represent someone?
Alguma vez recusou representar alguém?
He refused to divulge any of the names of his patients.
Recusa-se a divulgar o nome dos pacientes.
He's refused us before.
Ele já nos recusou antes.
She refused protection and took sanctuary, in Beaulieu Abbey.
Ela recusou protecção e recolheu-se... na Abadia de Beaulieu.
Specialist Adam Winfield's father, Chris, warned the army... but tragically army officials refused to investigate.
Chris, pai do militar Adam Winfield, avisou o Exército. Tragicamente, os oficiais do Exército recusaram-se a investigar.
I refused to sign. They send this thug!
Recusei-me a assinar, então enviaram este bandido!
Unless you want me to tell the warden that you refused to participate.
A menos que queira que diga à administração que se recusou a participar.
That mad woman has refused to leave your side for the last two days and two nights. She has not slept nor eaten since you were taken ill.
Aquela louca recusou-se a deixar a sua cabeceira nos últimos dois dias e duas noites e não dorme nem come desde que a senhora adoeceu.
Roddy refused, of course, and Sean accused him of theft and swore vengeance.
O Roddy recusou, é claro. E o Sean acusou-o de roubo, e jurou vingança.
Because I've been asking you to go to therapy with me since we moved in together, and you refused.
Porque eu peço para fazermos terapia desde que moramos juntos, e sempre recusaste.
You remember that time we came back from Peekskill and Maggie was burnin'up with this fever? And that first hospital we came to refused to treat her because we were Irish?
Lembras-te daquela vez quando voltamos de Peekskill e a Maggie estava a arder em febre... e o primeiro hospital que fomos recusou-se a tratá-la,
I've asked for your help before, but you refused.
Pedi a sua ajuda antes... mas recusou.
Klaus, I hear Elijah has refused you the cure and in return, you have refused me my freedom.
Klaus, ouvi dizer que o Elijah te recusou a cura e em contrapartida, recusaste a minha liberdade.
Her husband refused to discuss his enemies, as that would entertain the notion that he was being set up.
O marido recusa-se a falar dos inimigos, pois colocou a hipótese de estar a ser enganado.
The mayor's office said that you asked For her endorsement as a future candidate, and she refused.
No gabinete dela disseram que pediu apoio como futuro candidato, e que ela recusou.
But Catherine refused to leave you behind.
Mas a Catherine recusou-se a deixar-te para trás.
The military refused to allow him to conduct clinical trials, so he decided to do them on his own.
Os militares não permitiram que ele conduzisse experiências, então ele decidiu fazê-las por conta própria.
And why he refused to pass the info to the President.
Foi por isso que ele não deu a informação ao Presidente.
He refused since it's a pending murder case, but still, it means- -
Ele recusou, já que é um caso aberto. Mas significa...
He refused to say anything.
Ele recusou dizer o que quer que fosse.
But Tanner refused to post the program.
Mas o Tanner recusou-se a publicá-lo.
He refused to let me visit him.
Não me deixou visitá-lo.
He refused?
Ele recusou?

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