Sarah manning Çeviri Portekizce
73 parallel translation
Sarah Manning.
Sarah Manning.
My name is Sarah Manning and you're about the only person I trust to figure the whole thing out.
O meu nome é Sarah Manning, e... és a única pessoa em quem confio para perceber toda esta coisa.
If fake Paul is observing Beth, what makes you so certain no one's observing Sarah Manning?
Se o Paul falso vigia a Beth, o que te leva a crer que ninguém vigia Sarah Manning?
Close the door, Sarah Manning.
Fecha a porta, Sarah Manning.
Who's Sarah Manning?
Quem é a Sarah Manning?
Look, we identified Sarah Manning as Jane Doe, so... We gotta make a house call.
Identificámos a desconhecida como Sarah Manning, então... vamos, temos de avisar a família.
Are you the legal guardian of Sarah Manning?
É a tutora de Sarah Manning?
Sarah Manning offed herself.
A Sarah Manning matou-se.
Jane Doe can't be Sarah Manning. Sarah Manning was already dead.
A desconhecida não pode ser a Sarah, pois ela estava morta.
Does the name Sarah Manning mean anything to you?
O nome de Sarah Manning significa alguma coisa para ti?
- Sarah Manning was an orphan.
- A Sarah Manning era órfã.
We need everything you got on Sarah Manning.
Precisamos de tudo o que tens sobre a Sarah Manning.
Yeah, one Sarah Manning, and other is a totally other woman.
Sim, uma é da Sarah Manning. E a outra é... Outra mulher.
Sarah Manning, suicide by train.
Sarah Manning, suicídio no comboio.
There's Alison Hendrix, Beth Childs and Sarah Manning.
Há Alison Hendrix, Beth Childs, e Sarah Manning.
Sarah Manning.
Sarah Manning?
But Sarah Manning could.
Mas a Sarah Manning podia.
Your look-alike Sarah Manning's foster brother.
Estás a olhar para o irmão adoptivo da Sarah Manning.
You need a warrant for Sarah Manning.
Precisa de um mandado para a Sarah Manning.
- Sarah Manning!
Sarah Manning! Saia com as mãos para cima! Saia, agora!
- Sarah Manning, come out now!
Sarah Manning!
- Sarah Manning, come out!
- Saia com as mãos para cima.
Sarah Manning, you're under arrest.
Sarah Manning, você está presa.
My name is Sarah Manning.
Sou eu. O meu nome é Sarah Manning e...
Hey, you still wanna get to the bottom of Sarah Manning?
Ainda queres chegar ao fundo sobre a Sarah Manning?
- All right, okay. So then give us something useful on your femme fatale Sarah Manning.
Certo, então dá-nos uma coisa útil sobre a Sarah Manning.
That isn't Sarah Manning, is it?
Aquela não é a Sarah Manning, pois não?
Sarah Manning!
Sarah Manning!
Sarah Manning gets sprung on the cusp of confessing and we're left with Alison Hendrix, model citizen and thespian.
Sarah Manning é desviada quando se prepara para confessar e resta-nos Alison Hendrix, cidadã modelo e atriz.
You know that lawyer, the real connected one, pulled the rug out from under us during the Sarah Manning thing?
Sabes aquele advogado, o bem relacionado, que nos puxou o tapete no negócio da Sarah Manning?
Sarah Manning. - I don't know who that is.
Sarah Manning.
Here's what little we know of Sarah Manning's upbringing and environment.
Aqui está o pouco que sabemos, sobre a educação e criação da Sarah Manning.
How about Sarah Manning?
E a Sarah Manning?
Sarah Manning's gone.
Sarah Manning desapareceu.
But Sarah Manning tracked him down.
Mas Sarah Manning localizou-o.
But when they do, it's almost always because of Sarah Manning.
- Mas quando nos cruzamos, é quase sempre por causa de Sarah Manning.
Sarah Manning, I know this may sound crazy, but I think you're a...
Sarah Manning, sei que isto pode parecer uma loucura, mas eu acho que és...
It's Sarah Manning. The runaway clone.
É Sarah Manning, o clone em fuga.
But he lost his way with Sarah Manning.
Mas perdeu a razão com Sarah Manning.
- My name is Sarah Manning.
- O meu nome é Sarah Manning.
My name is Sarah Manning.
O meu nome é Sarah Manning.
Sarah Manning intrigues me.
A Sarah Manning, intriga-me.
You're a legend, Sarah Manning.
Tu és uma lenda, Sarah Manning.
CASTOR has kidnapped Helena, Sarah Manning's maternal twin.
Castor raptou a Helena, a gémea de Sarah Manning.
You're holding Sarah Manning, correct? - Yes.
- Têm Sarah Manning, correto?
I met Sarah Manning.
Conheci Sarah Manning.
And no harm will come to Sarah Manning, I promise.
E nada de mal acontecerá a Sarah Manning, prometo.
What was done to Sarah Manning last night?
O que fizeram a Sarah Manning ontem à noite?
You brought Sarah Manning in.
- Trouxeste Sarah Manning.
Sarah Manning?
- Sarah Manning?
My colleagues Curtis Manning and Sarah Gavin are also present.
O meu colega Curtis Manning e Sarah Gavin também estão presentes.