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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ S ] / Stephens

Stephens Çeviri Portekizce

239 parallel translation
Then call up Stephens at the Post and tell him I'm off to America.
Depois telefone ao Stephens do Post e diga-lhe que vou para a América.
I can think of pleasanter pastimes than tangling with the Stephens-Macy crowd.
Há coisas melhores para fazer, do que misturar-me...
- Oh, Mr. Stephens.
- Mr. Stephens.
Now I'll see Stephens.
Agora, vou falar com o Stephens.
I'll tell Mr. Stephens.
Eu digo ao Mr. Stephens.
- Mr. Stephens said you were to wait.
- O Mr. Stephens disse que esperasse.
Thank you, Mr. Stephens.
Obrigada, Mr. Stephens.
Mr. Stephens'desk is locked.
A secretária do Mr. Stephens está fechada.
I came up here to get Stephens'records and I found them in his desk in a black book.
Vim cá à procura dos registos do Stephens e encontrei-os nesta secretária num livro preto.
There's no book in Stephens'desk, on you or in Barrow's pockets.
O livro não está na mesa do Stephens, no bolso do Barrow ou no teu.
Ask Mr. Stephens.
Pergunte ao Mr. Stephens.
Mr. Stephens, do you mind telling us where you were from 9 to 10?
Mr. Stephens, pode dizer-nos onde estava entre as 21h e as 22h?
That's the list that was in Stephens'ledger the one I found in the drawer.
Era a lista que estava no livro do Stephens, o que encontrei na gaveta.
- Mr. Stephens.
- Mr. Stephens.
Stephens, Macy, Claire Porter, Maguire, Molly, Paul Clarke Lieutenant Abrams, Asta, Nicky, you, me.
Stephens, Macy, Claire Porter, Maguire, Molly, Paul Clarke, Tenente Abrams, Asta, Nicky, tu e eu.
Benny, after you saw Stephens in the office last night did you go back again?
Benny, depois de se encontrar com o Stephens no gabinete, voltou lá, outra vez?
What connection did Whitey Barrow have with Stephens and Macy?
Que relação tinha o Whitey Barrow com o Stephens e o Macy?
I was standing in the lobby with Mr. Stephens when Whitey...
Estava na entrada com o Mr. Stephens quando o Whitey...
Then Mr. Stephens didn't take you home before the murder.
O Mr. Stephens não a trouxe a casa antes do assassínio.
Did Stephens knows about you and Barrow?
O Stephens sabia de si e do Barrow?
I took the risk of Stephens finding out.
Corri o risco do Stephens descobrir.
If the police get it and Stephens finds out, I don't know what might happen.
Se a Polícia a apanha e o Stephens descobre não sei o que pode acontecer.
- You know the fella that the watchman saw running from Stephens'office?
- O tipo que o vigilante viu sair do gabinete do Stephens?
That swanky dame of Stephens'is a career girl.
Aquela tipa do Stephens tem uma longa carreira.
True enough, you've established a great motive for the lady but we've got one equally good against Stephens, Macy Rainbow Benny and...
É verdade que encontrou um bom motivo para a senhora, mas também têm bons motivos o Stephens, o Macy, o Rainbow Benny e...
The book Whitey took away from me in Stephens'office.
O livro que o Whitey me tirou no gabinete do Stephens.
This is Stephens.
É o Stephens.
Is it all right if I tell Mr. Stephens that company is coming?
Posso dizer ao Mr. Stephens que vem aí mais gente?
Now then, Mr. Stephens.
Ora então, Mr. Stephens.
I suppose you wanted an alibi for the same reason, Mr. Stephens?
Queria um álibi pela mesma razão, Mr. Stephens?
You drove Mr. Stephens and Miss Porter home from the arena night before last?
Levou o Mr. Stephens e a Miss Porter da arena na noite de anteontem?
Mr. Stephens, was it your idea that Barrow and Miss Porter were merely casual acquaintances?
Stephens, o senhor acha que o Barrow e a Miss Porter são apenas conhecidos?
- It might have, as a hold on Stephens.
- Talvez para usar contra o Stephens.
Mr. Stephens, Benny was your betting commissioner, wasn't he?
Mr. Stephens, o Benny era o seu comissário de apostas, não era?
And representing Stephens, he did do some bribing of jockeys, didn't he?
E em representação do Stephens, ele subornou algum jóqueis, não foi?
No wonder the Stephens-Macy syndicate was riding high with a special deputy for the state Legislature as a silent partner.
Não admira que o bando Stephens-Macy estivesse a ir bem...
And in his fireplace, you planted Stephens'ledger which contained the records of the syndicate's crooked deals including your rake-off.
E colocou o livro do Stephens na lareira que continha os registos dos negócios desonestos do grupo, incluindo a sua desonestidade.
Your partner, Mr. Stephens, settled this case when he said he stood outside Benny's apartment and saw the stairs.
O seu sócio, o Mr. Stephens, resolveu o caso quando disse que esteve à porta de casa dele e que viu as escadas.
They're probably cutting wires right now.
Talvez estejam a cortar os cabos neste momento. Stephens!
Stephens! Did Pete Bracken bring in his express freight?
Pete Bracken trouxe o seu mercadorias rápido?
But the Stephens don't have any kids of their own.
Os Stephens não têm filhos.
Well, Robert, Mrs. Stephens and I have just been to your house.
Olá, Robert. A Sra. Stephens e eu íamos justamente a sua casa.
- You must be very proud of your daughter, Mrs. Stephens. - Mmm.
Deve estar muito orgulhosa da sua filha, Sra. Stephens.
H - How do you do, Mrs. Stephens?
Como está, Sra. Stephens?
I hope so, Mrs. Stephens.
Espero que sim, Sra. Stephens.
Good night, Mrs. Stephens.
Boa noite, Sra. Stephens.
You get what I mean, Stephens?
Entende, Stephens?
Are you with me, Stephens?
Está entendendo, Stephens?
Stephens, I say, are you with me?
Stephens, está me ouvindo?
I'm Helen Stephens.
Sou a Helen Stephens.

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