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Stephen hawking Çeviri Portekizce

184 parallel translation
We told him, "You're Steve Hawking."
e dissemos-lhe : "És o Stephen Hawking".
"Steve Hawking."
- Stephen Hawking ".
Then, after a couple of minutes, he remembered he was Steve Hawking.
E passados dois minutos ele lembrava-se que era o Stephen Hawking.
And I remember Stephen Hawking, who was then approaching... his third year as a research student, saying... " What very interesting results.
E recordo-me do Stephen Hawking, que na altura estava a atingir o terceiro ano como estudante investigador, dizer sobre estes resultados muito interessantes :
Stephen Hawking read the paper... in which Bekenstein announced this result... thought it was preposterous... and decided to prove it was wrong.
Stephen Hawking leu o artigo onde Bekenstein anunciou este resultado e achou-o inconcebível e decidiu provar que estava errado.
I put Stephen Hawking in one of these two months ago, he's loving it.
Sentei o Stephen Hawking numa destas, há dois meses, e ele adorou.
What about you, Stephen Hawking?
E tu, Stephen Hawking?
stephen hawking : personally, i am sure that the universe began with a hot big bang, but will it go on forever?
Pessoalmente, estou certo que o Universo teve início com um Big Bang, mas será que ele continuará para sempre?
"An invitation to a meeting of the minds at Stephen Hawking's." Oh, my goodness.
"Convite para um encontro de mentes em Stephen Hawking."
You didn't have the publicity and press agents of a Stephen Hawking.
Não tinha os publicistas e os agentes do Stephen Hawking.
Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Stephen Hawking. AII these men exhibited modes of thinking that are suggestive of access to special brain centers.
Newton, Galileu, Einstein, Stephen Hawking, todos têm modos de pensar que sugerem o acesso a centros cerebrais especiais.
[Bart] Wow. There's Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking... Paul McCartney., Michael Jordan, Michelle Kwan.
Está ali o Bill Gates, o Stephen Hawking, o Paul McCartney o Michael Jordan, a Michelle Kwan.
If I win, I will continue Stephen Hawking's groundbreaking work on the dynamic repeating fractal patterns in hyper-stringquantum mechanics.
Se eu ganhar, irei continuar o trabalho de Stephen Hawking, Na dinâmica repetitiva dos padrões fractais... na mecânica da corrente hiper-quântica.
Stephen Hawking!
Stephen Hawking.
You know Stephen Hawking.
Já conheces o Stephen Hawking.
Stephen Hawking in a pizzeria.
O Stephen Hawking numa pizaria?
I have an I.Q. of 187... and it's been suggested that Stephen Hawking... stole his Brief History of Time... from my fourth grade paper.
Tenho um Q.I. de 187... E me falaram que Stephen Hawking... roubou seu artigo "A História do Tempo"... de meu trabalho do quarto grau.
- Our own Stephen Hawking.
O nosso próprio Stephen Hawking.
I don't know! Nobody knows that! Stephen Hawking doesn't know that!
- Ninguém sabe, nem o Steven Hawking.
Oh, Beakie, you sold your periodic table, autographed by Stephen Hawking, to buy me this stand for my electron microscope?
Oh, mas eu vendi o microscópio para comprar-te estes raros elementos mutagénios.
Stephen Hawking is a genius, all right?
Stephen Hawking é um gênio sim.
When I'm bored I like... test the hypothesis Stephen Hawking.
Bem, às vezes quando estou aborrecido gosto de testar as hipófises do Steve Howkins.
Stephen Hawking! Stephen Hawking! Hi.
Stephen Hawking.
- PBS, Stephen Hawking... -... the fat little Dixie Chick.
A PBS, o Stephen Hawkins, a Dixie Chick gordinha...
Mick Jagger, Steven Hawking, Fidel Castro, most recently, Viktor Taransky.
Mick Jagger, Stephen Hawking, Fidel Castro, mais recentemente, Viktor Taransky.
This shite, you've gotta be Stephen fucking Hawking.
Essa merda tem de ser do Stephen Hawking.
- You'd be Stephen Hawking then?
- Então serias antes o Stephen Hawking?
I had a congratulatory phone call from Stephen Hawking.
O Stephen Hawking ligou-me para me dar os parabéns.
- Stephen Hawking!
- Stephen Hawking.
So what does Stephen Hawkins here?
Então o que faz aqui o Stephen Hawking?
Hey, any more Stephen Hawking?
Há mais Stephen Hawking?
It was Stephen Hawking.
Stephen Hawking.
A 9-year-old does not argue with Stephen Hawking.
Um rapaz de 9 anos não discute com Stephen Hawking.
It's brighter than Stephen bloody Hawking in here.
Está mais brilhante que o maldito Stephen Hawking aqui.
Following the tradition of the great Stephen Hawking, huh?
Seguindo a tradição do grande Stephen Hawking, certo?
Stephen Hawking.
Stephen Hawking.
Look at Stephen Hawking, he's had this disease for 40 years.
Olha o Stephen Hawking, tem esta doença há 40 anos.
I'm not Stephen Hawking.
Não sou o Stephen Hawking.
After we closed, I exercised for an hour and a half, ate a salad, and read the new Stephen Hawking book until I fell asleep.
Depois que fechamos, eu malhei uma hora e meia, comi uma salada, e li o novo livro de Stephen Hawking, até cair no sono.
What about Stephen Hawking trying to do the 500 butterfly?
E o Stephen Hawking que tentou nadar mariposa?
Mike, I have a Stephen Hawking calling for you from England.
Mike, tenho um Stephen Hawking a ligar-te de Inglaterra.
It's Stephen Hawking.
Isto é incrível. É o Stephen Hawking.
Hawking was incredible to talk to.
Foi incrível falar com o Hawking. O Stephen Hawking.
It's a Stephen Hawking lecture from MIT in 1974.
Uma palestra do Stephen Hawking no M.I.T. em 1974.
My impression of the Hawking family was that they were all like that... except for Stephen, who seemed to be... the only normal member of the family.
A minha impressão acerca da família Hawking é de que eram todos assim, excepto o Stephen, que parecia ser o único membro normal da família.
When I lived with the Hawking family, I would usually get up... around 7 : 15 or 7 : 30 and take a shower... and then read in my Bible some in the morning and pray... and then go down at 8 : 15 to get Stephen up.
Quando vivi com a família Hawking, costumava levantar-me por volta das 07 : 15 ou 07 : 30, tomava um duche lia a minha bíblia e rezava e depois, às 08 : 15 ia acordar o Stephen e ao pequeno-almoço dizia-lhe muitas vezes o que tinha lido na bíblia,
[Together] Stephen Hawking! - The world's smartest man!
Stephen Hawking?
Gee, Rizzo, I sold my mould collection to buy you a diamond-tipped cheese slicer. Did you save the receipt? # And making spirits bright
Oh, Beakie, vendeste a tua tabela periódica, autografada pelo Stephen Hawking, para me comprares este suporte para o meu microscópio electrónico?
Talking Stephen J. Hawking smart.
Como Stephen J. HawKing.
Stephen Hawking?
Stephen Hawking?
Stephen Hawking.
E ouçam só.

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