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Viet Çeviri Portekizce

120 parallel translation
They think it's the viet's great offensive...
Eles acham que se trata da grande ofensiva vietmin...
Two viet companies stuck to us.
Fomos atacados por duas companhias de vietmins.
- A viet camp...
- Um acampamento inimigo...
You're scared about the viet camp?
Estão com medo dos vietmin?
I imagine a viet who says to his buddy :
Estou mesmo a ver um viet a dizer :
This is the Army of the People of Viet Nam Stop the war now!
Parem com esta estúpida guerra!
... a garrison massacred by the Viet Cong, who also lost 115 men.
A sua guarnição, que já tinha sido dizimada pelos Vietcongues perdeu 115 dos seus homens...
In Vietnam, the Da Nang base, a major US stronghold, was attacked by the Viet Cong.
No Vietname, na base de Da Nang, uma das principais dos USA foi atacada pelos Vietcongue.
In the jungle, US soldiers fought side by side for the first time with South Vietnamese and Australian forces against Viet Cong guerilla units.
Pela primeira vez os americanos vão com os soldados sudvietnamitas e australianos, com a intenção de reduzir os guerrilheiros.
The Viet Cong hit it with mortar fire 3 or 4 times a week.
É atacado com morteiros 3 ou 4 vezes por semana.
The natives have been so exploited by Viet Cong, they trust no one with a gun.
Os nativos foram tão explorados pelos vietcongues que desconfiam de todos.
But Viet Cong say our papers lie.
Mas os vietcongues dizem que é mentira.
He says the Viet Cong takes all the rice, pigs and chickens and forces all the young men to fight for them.
Ele disse que os vietcongues roubam arroz, porcos e frangos e forçam os jovens a lutar para eles.
Five Viet Cong soldiers took her in the jungle.
Cinco soldados vietcongues levaram-na para a floresta.
Until he refused to cooperate with the Viet Cong.
Até que se recusou a cooperar com os vietcongues.
He has assumed command of the entire Viet Cong forces in the south.
Ele assumiu o comando de todas as forças vietnamitas do sul.
For me, at this moment, the basic contradiction is not to be found between the European proletariats and capitalists, but in an area where the war embodies, materializes, and shows what the basic contradiction is, in other words, Viet-Nam.
quero lhe dizer que para mim, a contradição fundamental nâo se situa neste momento, por exemplo, entre os proletários europeus e os capitalistas europeus, se nâo numa zona onde a guerra encarna e materializa e mostra o que é uma contradição fundamental, por exemplo, o Vietnâ.
They're like the Viet Cong.
São como os Vietcongs.
- As in Viet?
- Do vietnam?
Man, this bread tastes like the bread we had in that Viet Cong prison camp.
Este pão tem o gosto do pão que comíamos no campo dos vietcongues.
Now, when Viet Nam falls, is China Next?
Bom, quando o Vietname for derrotado, a China será a seguir?
Half of these gook whores are officers in the Viet Cong.
Sabes que metade destas putas chinas são oficiais do Vietcong?
This was taken as evidence he was a Viet Cong officer.
Isto foi considerado prova suficiente de que era um polícia vietcongue.
Barring any change in the weather, the softball game between the 133rd and 4th Infantry Divisions will resume as scheduled at the Ban Mi Thout Park, corner of Viet Ho and Hguen Van Theiuh streets here in Saigon.
Se não houver mudança no tempo, o jogo de beisebol... entre as infantarias da 133ª. e da 4ª. divisões... irá recomeçar como programado no parque Ban Mi Thout... esquina com as ruas Viet Ho e Hguen Van Theiuh, aqui em Saigon.
- Nearby the larch tree, near Viet Hoa. By the food and flower vendors where you burn your mouth on the noodles.
Perto do pinheiro, em Viet Hoa, ao lado da barraca onde você queimou sua língua na sopa.
Now, forget about this Viet Cong shit.
Esqueçam esses deficientes dos Viet-Cong.
Double-timed Charlie back with my flash suppressor running through the back of his skull.
Apanhei o Viet que fugia, tinha o meu punhal. Espetei-lho no crânio.
Not Viet man.
Não o Viet.
Near the Cua Viet River, Vietnam October 1967
Perto do Rio Cua Viet, Vietname Outubro de 1967
Throw us in the stockade and you're helping nobody but the Viet Cong.
Pôr tipos como nós na cadeia só ajuda os vietcongues.
We didn't find one of them, not one stinking dink body.
nem um cadáver viet fedorento.
At that point, we had it ending in a very large battle with the Viet Cong
o final do filme estava para ser uma grande batalha com os vietcongues.
and having Willard and the Kurtz character fighting off all the Viet Cong.
E com o Willard e o Kurtz a lutar contra os vietcongues.
Since it was my money, I just did it, really. There was a sequence in the film, so-called the French plantation sequence, and it involved the PΒR coming ashore to this rubber plantation still run by these French-speaking people, and they had a whole bunch of cadre, and they'd been fighting the Viet Minh before the Viet Cong, and they weren't letting go.
foi o que fiz. que envolvia o barco patrulha que tinham aquele punhado de quadros que tinham lutado contra o Viet Minh antes dos vietcongues e que não queriam abandonar aquilo.
When the Viet Cong first arrived that rainy season some of them were remnants from the war against the French.
Dos primeiros vietcongs que chegaram na época das chuvas alguns eram remanescentes da guerra contra os franceses.
As they went north to Hanoi with the Viet Cong I felt it was the last time I'd see my older brother, Bon and my younger brother, Sau, for a long, long time.
Quando eles partiram para Norte para Hanói com os vietcongs eu senti que não veria o meu irmão Bon e o meu irmão Sau durante muito, muito tempo.
They built barricades against the Viet Cong.
Construíram barricadas contra os vietcongs.
Your president, Ngo Dinh Diem, wants to know what will you do if you see a Viet Cong or hear about someone helping them.
O nosso Presidente, Ngo Dinh Diem, quer saber que fazem se virem um vietcong, ou souberem que alguém os ajuda.
And get a big reward for every Viet Cong you help capture.
E recebem uma grande recompensa por cada vietcong que ajudarem a apanhar.
During the day, we were a government village. But each night, when the soldiers returned to their base and we played there was never any shortage of Viet Cong fighters.
Durante o dia éramos uma aldeia do governo... mas à noite quando os militares voltavam para a base e brincávamos nunca houve falta de combatentes vietcongs.
One night, the Viet Cong came for my teacher.
Uma noite os vietcongs vieram à procura do meu professor.
The night belonged to the Viet Cong.
A noite era dos vietcongs.
The Viet Cong ingrained in us a sense of "xa" : Duty to land duty to country.
Os vietcongs imbuíram-nos de um sentido de "xa", dever para com a terra, para com o país.
If the Viet Cong won the peasants over it was because they lived their lives with us.
Se os vietcongs nos convencerem foi por terem vivido connosco.
Think about it Miss Viet Cong hero. And when you're called again be prepared to tell me everything you know.
Pensa nisso Miss Heroína dos vietcongs e, quando voltares cá, prepara-te para responderes a tudo.
Finally the Viet Cong came for me.
Por fim, os vietcongs vieram buscar-me.
Or if I had ever really been sentenced by the Viet Cong.
nem porque nunca fui condenada pelos vietcongs.
They think Viet Cong inside, make Papa go inside first.
Pensaram que havia vietcongs dentro.
The Viet Cong came after Americans, killed so many of them in a fight.
Os americanos mataram tantos vietcongs...
the Viet Cong the government.
Os vietcongs e o governo.
We weren't supposed to fraternize with any Viet nationalists so they killed her.
Não devíamos dar-nos com vietcongs.

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