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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Warrick

Warrick Çeviri Portekizce

539 parallel translation
Muck and filth everywhere, Mr. Warrick.
Sujidade e porcaria por todo o lado, Sr. Warrick.
Don't you yell at me, Mr. Warrick!
Não grite comigo, Sr. Warrick!
What about the blue dust, Warrick?
E então o pó azul, Warrick?
Yeah, well, don't bet the sub shop, Warrick.
Sim, bem, não apostes a loja toda, Warrick.
I'm Warrick.
- Sou o Warrick
This is Warrick Brown.
Este é Warrick Brown.
Nick, Warrick- - the perimeter.
Nick, Warrick... o perimetro.
That you, Warrick?
És tu, Warrick?
Have Warrick shadow Gribbs for three weeks or until Nicky makes his 1 00th.
Faz o Warrick sombra do Gribbs por 3 semanas ou até o Nicky fazer os 100.
- That's enough, Warrick.
- Já chega, Warrick.
Brass assigned Warrick to shadow Holly on a robbery.
Brass mandou Warrick tomar conta da Holly no assalto.
Go home, Warrick.
Vai para casa, Warrick.
Warrick here.
Aqui Warrick.
Warrick Judge Cohen
Warrick! Juiz Cohen
Why did Warrick Brown leave that scene?
Porque Warrick Brown saiu do local?
Where can I find Warrick Brown?
Onde posso encontrar o Warrick Brown?
How many hit-and-runs this year? WARRICK : Too many.
Are you feeling all right, Warrick?
Estás-te a sentir bem, Warrick?
WARRICK : You're gonna be charged with manslaughter Mr Moore
Vai ser acusado de homicídio involuntário, Sr. Moore.
WARRICK : Do you have a lawyer?
Tem um advogado?
WARRICK : Our car's here.
- O nosso carro chegou.
WARRICK : James?
Warrick, you and I are on the 419 our dead body in the desert.
Warrick, tu e eu estamos no 419 o nosso cadáver do deserto.
Warrick told me what you said about the cause of death being fear.
O Warrick disse-me o que disseste sobre a causa da morte ser o medo.
Thanks, Warrick.
Obrigado, Warrick.
Warrick :
Everything applies, Warrick.
Tudo se aplica, Warrick.
Warrick Brown, 407, home invasion, forced entry.
Warrick Brown. 407, invasão de domicílio, entrada forçada.
Forget about the husband, Warrick.
Esquece o marido, Warrick.
Hey, we're not done, Warrick.
Ainda não acabámos, Warrick.
Hey, Warrick, I guess we're all done now.
Hey, Warrick, acho que já estamos acabados por agora.
That's Warrick Brown from ID.
Esse é Warrick Brown do DI.
Have Warrick shadow Gribbs for the next three weeks or until Nickie makes his hundredth, whatever comes first.
- Grissom. - Não acredito nisto. Põe o Warrick a fazer sombra à Gribbs por três semanas, ou até o Nick conseguir o centésimo.
People walk every day because of you... every day!
Há pessoas que se safam todos os dias, por sua causa! Já chega, Warrick.
There is no room for subjectivity in this department, Warrick.
Não há lugar para subjectividade neste departamento. E voce sabe.
I'm taking over the case for Warrick Brown.
Estou a tomar conta do caso pelo Warrick Brown.
Warrick, come in.
Warrick responde
This is Warrick. Go ahead.
- Aqui Warrick, continua.
Thanks. Uh, hey, Warrick, listen
I heard about the whole thing with the shoe and...
Hey, Warrick, ouvi a coisa toda com o sapato e...
I'm grateful, Warrick.
Estou grato, Warrick.
Hey, Warrick.
- Hei, Warrick.
Warrick, you can work this with Catherine.
Warrick, podes trabalhar nisto com a Catherine.
I'll see you later. Hey, Warrick.
Ei, Warrick.
Warrick Brown had one of my guys sub for him in court. So?
O Warrick Brown foi substituído por um dos meus homens no tribunal.
I need you to do some background for me on Warrick without letting him know why. Oh.
Preciso que investigues o Warrick sem que ele o perceba.
Warrick- - your favorite CSl.
Warrick... o teu CSI favorito.
That's why I want you to handle it so that Ecklie can't accuse me of favoritism if it turns out that Warrick's clean.
É por isso que quero que trates disso para que o Ecklie não me possa acusar de favoritismo se se descobrir que o Warrick está limpo.
Did you find out anything about Warrick? Um...
Descobriste alguma coisa acerca do Warrick?
That's enough, Warrick. Let's go!
Vamos embora.

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