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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / We need to talk to you

We need to talk to you Çeviri Portekizce

646 parallel translation
We need to talk to you about something
Necessitamos falar sobre algo...
Hi, Mr. Vance, we need to talk to you.
Sr. Vance, precisamos conversar.
We, um, we need to talk to you.
Precisamos falar consigo.
Precisamos de falar consigo.
I reckon we need to talk to you.
Queremos dizer-lhe algo.
We need to talk to you.
Precisamos de falar contigo.
- Oh, yes! - We need to talk to you a minute.
- Queremos falar consigo.
We need to talk to you.
Nós precisamos de falar consigo.
- We need to talk to you.
- Precisamos de falar contigo.
We need to talk to you about your daughter.
Precisamos de falar consigo acerca da sua filha.
Sabrina, we need to talk to you about your decision. Oh.
Sabrina, nós precisamos conversar sobre a tua decisão.
- Mom, we need to talk to you. Now.
Mãe, precisamos de conversar contigo.
We need to talk to you about your partner.
Precisamos de falar consigo sobre o seu parceiro.
We need to talk to you.
Precisamos falar contigo.
- We need to talk to you.
- Precisamos de falar consigo.
Harper, we need to talk to you.
Harper, precisamos de falar.
We need to talk to you about your relationship with Judge Varella.
Queremos falar sobre a sua relação com o juiz Varella.
But we need to talk to you about the shocker demon because- -
Mas precisamos de falar contigo sobre o demónio de choques, porque...
- Bullshit, we need to talk You wait here
Não preciso dos vossos conselhos ordeno que esperem aqui
We need to talk to you.
- Precisamos de falar contigo.
I'm sorry to trouble you in a moment like this but we need to talk.
Lamento incomodar-te numa altura destas, mas temos de falar.
You better start talking, asshole, we got shit we need to talk about.
Começa a falar, cabrão, temos assuntos a esclarecer.
You don't have to say another word as long as we're here, but I think I really need to talk.
Não tem de dizer uma palavra enquanto estivermos aqui, mas eu acho que preciso realmente de falar.
- What did he give you? - We need to talk.
Precisamos de falar.
When you get back, we need to talk.
Quando voltares, temos de falar.
I'm sorry, but I need to speak with you... ls it possible, we-we could talk later?
- Sinto muito, mas preciso falar... - Podemos falar mais tarde?
But you gotta remember, after God created man, he created Eve because he knew we all need someone to talk to someone to help shoulder the burden.
Mas tem de se lembrar, depois de Deus ter criado o homem, Ele criou a Eva porque Ele sabia que todos precisamos de alguém para conversar alguém para ajudar a carregar o fardo.
You and I, we need to talk.
Temos de conversar.
If we could talk about this. I need to feel that you care about the cat.
Talvez devessemos falar sobre isso porque preciso sentir que se importam.
But to help the others, to help the children and to help yourself..... we're here with you to listen... to Melissa, to Sidney,..... to whoever may need to talk.
Mas para ajudar os outros, para ajudar as crianças e para se ajudar a si própria, estamos aqui consigo para ouvir a Melissa, o Sidney, e quem tenha necessidade de falar.
We need you to talk with us.
Têm de falar connosco.
I've really been thinking about what you said... about how we needed to talk about our plans. And yeah, we do need to talk.
Só liguei para te desejar Feliz Ano Novo... e pra te dizer que... pensei muito no que você disse, sobre como precisamos conversar dos nossos planos... e sim, precisamos mesmo conversar.
You can't be too careful because we need to talk now.
É melhor não arriscar... porque precisamos falar.
I think we need to talk about why you're asking me.
Acho que precisamos de falar do porquê de me perguntar isso.
Did you come to see me off? We need to talk.
Veio ver-me?
Jo, look. We need to talk. Did you call over here and pretend to be Tingle?
Telefonaste para aqui a fingir que eras Mrs. Tingle?
I didn't get a chance to talk to you yesterday. There's some things we need to discuss.
Ontem não tivemos oportunidade de conversar.
Wait, Dick, I need to talk to you about something- - we've grown accustomed to too many luxuries, Sally.
Dick, eu preciso de te falar sobre algo Estamos acostumados a muitos luxos, Sally.
"We need to talk." Other than that, you'll do fine.
"Podemos conversar". Fora isso, vai correr tudo bem.
Soon as you're done here, we need to talk.
Quando tiveres despachada precisamos de falar.
Whoa, honey, you need to sit down and we need to talk about this.
Querido, tens de te sentar. Temos de falar sobre isto.
We need you to talk to them They'll listen to you
Temos de falar com eles. Eles ouvem-te.
We need to talk, possum, about you and me.
Temos de conversar, doninha, sobre nós.
You know, there is something we need to talk about.
Sabe, há uma coisa que precisamos discutir.
- We really need to talk to you.
- Precisamos mesmo de falar convosco.
You're a little late for that, I th Uh... we need to talk. - I think.
Estás um bocado atrasada para isso, A-Acho eu.
I'm here because we really need to talk to you.
Estou aqui porque precisamos muito de falar convosco.
We need you to talk to the clans.
Precisamos que você fale aos clãs.
- We need to talk to you.
- Precisamos falar consigo.
We're gonna need a signal - so Heather, you walk do like you gonna talk to them, and shit,
Vamos precisar de um sinal, portanto, Heather, tu vais até lá como se fosses falar com eles.
If we need to talk to you, can we reach you here?
Se precisarmos de falar consigo, encontramo-la aqui?

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