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Woodstock Çeviri Portekizce

183 parallel translation
The unstructured the loosey-goosey, Monterey pop, Woodstock kind of thing?
Da não estruturada... e nem planeada música pop de Montereu, algo como Woodstock?
He came back three or four months ago. He's at Woodstock now.
Voltou há 3 ou 4 meses, e vive em Woodstock.
It went like, Jimi started bringing in all these musicians... like his old Army buddy, Billy Cox. Then he brought up, I don't know... a conga player and another guitarist. That was when we did Woodstock.
Mas o Jimi começou a trazer músicos... como o antigo colega da tropa, o Billy Cox, e depois... um tocador de conga e ainda outro guitarrista, quando actuou em Woodstock.
And you get as your solicitor, one Perry Woodstock.
E tem como advogado um tal de Perry Woodstock.
When we were working with Bob Dylan, and we moved to Woodstock... everybody referred to us as "The Band." He called us The Band.
Quando trabalhávamos com Bob Dylan e nos mudámos para Woodstock todos nos chamavam "The Band".
That was just part of a lifestyle that we got to love in Woodstock.
Por que motivo? Era parte de um estilo de vida que tínhamos aprendido a gostar com Woodstock.
And remember when we hopped in the family car and drove all the way to Woodstock?
Recordas-te de quando nos metemos no carro da família e fomos até Woodstock?
Woodstock - oinker!
Woodstock, oinker!
- Woodstock?
- Woodstock?
- What's Woodstock?
- O que há em Woodstock?
These are the movies i took at woodstock.
São os filmes que eu levei para Woodstock.
Huh? Woodstock. It was a music festival.
Woodstock, era um festival de música.
Lynn, we found our movies from woodstock.
Lynn, encontrá-mos os nossos filmes de Woodstock.
No, woodstock.
Não, Woodstock. Woodstock?
Woodstock? Oh, you mean that hippie thing?
Querem dizer aquela coisa hippie?
I'm the Woodstock baby!
Sou um hippy de Woodstock.
Is that Woodstock?
É em Woodstock?
I was at Woodstock, for Christ ´ s sake!
Eu estive em Woodstock, pelo amor de Deus!
I was at Woodstock.
Eu estive em Woodstock.
- We weren't invited to Woodstock, 20 other bands, but not us.
- Não nos convidaram para Woodstock. 20 bandas, nós não.
Remember Woodstock? - Yes.
Lembras-te de Woodstock?
I wasn't at Woodstock.
eu não estive em Woodstock.
To put on a really great rock show, like Knebworth in England or Woodstock, there is only one place you can do it, and that's here, at Adlai Stevenson Memorial Park, in the playing fields.
Para montar um concerto de rock, como o de Knebworth, em Inglaterra, ou o de Woodstock, só existe um sítio possível, que é aqui, no campo de jogos do Adlai Stevenson Memorial Park.
O Woodstock?
- You were at Woodstock?
- Estiveste em Woodstock?
Hey, Woodstock!
Olá, Woodstock.
I think I saw some of these same people at Woodstock.
Acho que vi algumas destas pessoas no Woodstock.
Mulder, you weren't at Woodstock.
Mulder, tu não estiveste no Woodstock.
His parents missed Woodstock and he's been making up for it since.
Os pais perderam Woodstock e ele quer compensar o facto.
I saw a video about Woodstock once.
Vi uma vez um vídeo sobre o Woodstock.
Middlebury College, 1969, the year of walking on the moon "Yellow Submarine" and Woodstock.
Universidade de Middlebury, em 1969 o ano da chegada à Lua, do Submarino Amarelo e de Woodstock.
I never made it to Woodstock.
Nunca fui a Woodstock.
Ah, yes, Woodstock, the three-day concert held on a farm in upstate new York that included many of the most popular music bands of the time, felt to be the culmination of the counterculture movement, captured by the song, "Woodstock," by Joni Mitchell.
Woodstock : o concerto numa quinta em Nova York, com as bandas mais populares da época. que seria o pico da contracultura, expressa na música de Joni Mitchell.
Wow, it's like Woodstock... only with advertisements everywhere... and tons of security guards.
Ena, é como o Woodstock, só que com anúncios por todo o lado e montanhas de seguranças.
This place is like goddamn woodstock.
- Este lugar parece quase Woodstock.
I was actually at Woodstock.
Na verdade eu estive em Woodstock.
Go back to Woodstock if you can't shoot.
Volta para Woodstock se não consegues matá-lo.
I saw Sha Na Na at Woodstock.
Vi os Sha Na Na em Woodstock.
- Sha Na Na was not at Woodstock.
- Os Sha Na Na não estiveram lá.
Geez, man. We haven't seen you since Woodstock.
Caramba, não te vemos desde o Woodstock.
You went to Woodstock?
Foi ao Woodstock?
You ain't Bruce Lee. Stop kicking Woodstock.
Não és o Bruce Lee, portanto larga o Woodstock.
I need some smoke.
- Woodstock, preciso de erva.
My dad took me backstage and I got so scared I threw up on Woodstock.
O meu pai levou-me atrás do palco. Fiquei tão assustada, que vomitei no Woodstock.
Look, Woodstock has done something to his head.
Não! Não, veja... Woodstock fez algo com sua cabeça.
Well, it's like Woodstock but with a greater emphasis on vans.
Bem, é como Woodstock, mas com grande ênfase na palavra "van" ( carrinha ).
- Cos this ain't Woodstock.
- Porque isto não é Woodstock.
But this is neither Paris, nor Berkeley, no Woodstock, nor White.
Mas isto não é Paris, nem Berkeley, nem Woodstock, nem White.
If every vampire who said he was at the Crucifixion was actually there,..... it would have been like Woodstock. Please!
Por favor!

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