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Yards Çeviri Portekizce

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Look, Detective - - I think it's fair to say that any two gray-haired, middle-aged men in blue velour track suits would be difficult to distinguish at 1,000 yards.
Acho que é justo dizer que dois homens de meia idade, de cabelos grisalhos, de fato de treino de veludo azul seriam difíceis de distinguir a mil metros.
All right, who placed sixth in passing yards last year?
Muito bem, quem ficou em sexto em jardas de passes?
It's not to come within 100 yards of this relationship.
- Isto é avançar na relação.
The worst thing was I was actually on my way to see him, and I was about 300 yards away when Peter Freestone rang me to tell me, "Don't bother coming cos he's gone."
O pior de tudo é que ia visitá-lo e estava a 274 metros de distância, quando o Peter Freestone me ligou e disse : "Escusas de vir, porque ele já morreu."
Unfortunately, viewers, I then had to cancel the rest of the tour because, after just a few hundred yards, I was too cross to carry on.
Infelizmente, espectadores, eu tenho que cancelar o resto do passeio... Porque, após apenas algumas centenas de metros, eu estava irritado demais para continuar.
Which patrol says is about a hundred yards up this trail.
- É já ali. A patrulha diz que está a 30m, é só subir este caminho.
And then another 200 yards down, and splat.
E, depois, mais 70m para baixo, e "chuá".
If a gun goes off within 100 yards, the bullet veers off towards me.
Se uma pistola for disparada num raio de 90 metros, a bala vem direita a mim.
Well, boy, that's 700 yards- - a hell of a long shot for an old man like you.
São 640m, é um tiro longo para um idoso como tu.
- at the train yards.
- na estação de comboios.
Walter said the shapeshifters that we encountered at the train yards weren't able to complete their shifts, that they were flawed.
O Walter disse que os metamorfos que encontrámos na estação não conseguiram completar as suas transformações.
Head 50 yards from your 3 : 00.
Anda 46 metros para a tua direita.
According to these calculations, the max distance her body could have been thrown would have been 2,000 yards.
Pelos cálculos, a distância máxima que o corpo pode ter sido atirado era de 1800 metros.
2,000 yards.
1800 metros.
We've got 20 yards before he hits the corner.
Temos 32m até que ele chegue à esquina.
Alabama, total yards per game versus AP teams, 221 versus BCS-ranked teams, 167.2.
Todas as jardas do Alabama por jogo contra equipas da associação. 221 contra equipas no Bowl, 167.2.
- I don't know, 500 yards?
- Não sei. 450 metros?
Doc Dugan is one of two quarterbacks to throw 50 touchdowns in a year, and the only one to throw over 3,000 yards in eight straight seasons.
Doc Dugan era um dos dois quarterbacks a alcançar 50 touchdowns, num ano. E o único a lançar mais de 3000 jardas em 8 temporadas seguidas.
What does that have to do with anything? Only when someone is standing 30 yards away do we see and hear the world exactly as it is. This.
- O que tem isso a ver?
70 yards. No further.
Setenta metros.
Two of them- - 30 yards.
2 deles. 28 metros.
But between them closing the blinds and me having to stay 100 yards away from her, it wasn't worth flying there anymore.
Mas depois de fecharam as persianas e de ter de estar a 90 metros dela, deixou de ser proveitoso lá ir.
She saw a man in a yellow coat 100 yards away from where Rachel was found.
Ela viu um homem num casaco amarelo a 90 metros de onde Rachel foi encontrada.
I'd say the bullet was fired between 200 and 300 yards away.
- entre 180 e 270m de distância.
200 yards?
- 180 metros?
It's 100 yards.
São 100 metros.
Haven't seen any in the past couple hundred yards.
Não vi nenhuma nos últimos 182m.
The tree line is northwest, 80 yards past the gate.
A aproximadamente 73m do portão, há uma área arborizada.
Probably was what, 40 yards?
Era provavelmente quanto, 40 jardas?
Because it's impossible to hit anything farther than 15 yards.
Porque é impossível acertar em algo a mais de 15 metros.
He can get within 50 yards of this place without a hawk spotting him.
Ele pode chegar a 50 metros daqui sem ser avistado por ninguém.
Bearing is 2-3-2 true, approximately 8,000 yards.
As coordenadas são 2-3-2, a cerca de 7.000 metros.
Contact, 700 yards out.
Contacto a 650 metros.
Flight 104 is 500 yards in trail, waiting for your go.
Voo 104, está a 450 metros em caminho, à espera de autorização.
- about 1,000 yards. - Yep.
It showed the presence of lead and cadmium in the surface soil and in the dust in the school-yards.
Mostrou a presença de chumbo e cádmio no solo e na poeira do pátio escolar.
Two hundred yards.
- Duzentos metros.
Here, houses are modest, yards are small... and cars are American.
Aqui, as casas são modestas, os jardins pequenos... e os carros são americanos.
Two hundred and 50 yards to go.
Faltam 250 metros.
I know, right? I kicked that, like, a hundred yards!
Eu sei, pontapeei a uns 90 metros.
So you made it all of 30 yards.
Então tu fizeste tudo em 30 jardas.
Scene in progress, 50 yards ahead of IC.
Multidão fora de controle 50 metros à frente do CI.
Civilians 50 yards ahead on Dickens.
Civis 50 metros à frente na Dickens.
Tells me where he is, down to 10 yards.
Diz-me onde está num raio de 10 metros.
We're only 5O yards from the German trenches.
Estamos apenas 5O metros das trincheiras alemãs.
And I can shoot the whiskers off your chin from 50 yards.
E posso tirar as pontas da tua barba a 50 jardas.
She would have sniped that Grim Reaper of yours at a thousand yards before you even knew she was there.
Ela teria sniped que Grim Ceifeiro de vocês em mil metros antes mesmo sabia que ela estava lá.
This is the guy who can tell you'd had scrambled eggs breakfast at 100 yards.
Esse cara pode dizer que você ve mexidos ovos " desjejum de 90 metros de distância.
It's about 400 yards north.
A cerca de 350 metros, a norte.
If you come within 100 yards of Trish or her home,
600 yards.
550 metros.

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