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Yolande Çeviri Portekizce

55 parallel translation
Hello, Yolande.
- Olá.
I had Yolande Mareau tell it in an imaginary kitchen.
Pus a Yolande Moreau a dizê-lo numa cozinha imaginária...
My name is Yolande Korkie... [translator in Arabic] My name is Yolande Korkie.
O meu nome é Yolande Korkie.
[Yolande Korkie] There's not a place in the world which we can call a place that's the safest place in the world to be.
Não existe no mundo lugar mais seguro para se estar.
[shouting ] [ Yolande] When the Arab Spring erupted in Tunis and then it spilled over to Egypt, it was like watching a tsunami coming closer.
Quando a Primavera Árabe irrompeu na Tunísia e depois se alastrou ao Egito, era como ver um tsunami a aproximar-se.
[Yolande] The whole atmosphere in Yemen started to change.
A atmosfera no Iémen começou a mudar.
[chanting ] [ Yolande] As the revolution picked up, governments were telling their citizens in Yemen,
Quando a revolução começou, o governo disse aos cidadãos do Iémen :
[Yolande] It became a new lifestyle.
Era um novo estilo de vida.
[Yolande] Because of the revolution, there were checkpoints going up like mushrooms.
Devido à revolução, surgiam postos de controlo em todo o lado.
[Yolande] We didn't know if they were gonna kill us or they were gonna hand us over.
Não sabíamos se nos iam matar ou se nos iam entregar.
[Yolande ] The voice that's coming across that radio... [ man speaks Arabic] Have they been delivered to you?
A voz que ouvimos no rádio... Já vos foram entregues?
[Yolande] We recognize it as our guard's voice, Ali, who we had in Taiz.
Reconhecemos a voz do guarda que tínhamos em Taiz, o Ali.
I visited the places where Yolande and Pierre used to work.
Visitei os locais onde a Yolande e o Pierre costumavam trabalhar.
[Yolande] There was a couple of things that we identified we would need to survive, emotionally, spiritually, physically.
Havia duas coisas de que precisaríamos para sobreviver emocionalmente, espiritualmente e fisicamente.
[shouting in Arabic ] [ Yolande] And then suddenly, one day, they were just elated.
De repente, certo dia, eles estavam delirantes.
[Yolande] We thought, " The poor guy.
Pensámos : " Coitado.
[Al-Hamati] Seven months after the kidnapping of Yolanda and Pierre, I received a phone call from Abyan Province.
Sete meses após o sequestro da Yolande e do Pierre, recebi uma chamada da província de Abyan.
They said, " We have Yolande and her husband and if you want to negotiate, come and visit us in Abyan.
Disseram : " Temos a Yolande e o marido e se quiser negociar, venha visitar-nos a Abyan.
I said, " If you give me Yolande, we will raise the money, and I will deliver it to you.
Eu disse : " Se me derem a Yolande, arranjamos o dinheiro e entregamo-lo.
[Yolande] When Pierre was four years old, he had a viral infection, which rendered him deaf in his left ear.
Quando tinha quatro anos, o Pierre apanhou uma infeção que o deixou surdo do ouvido esquerdo.
[men speaking Arabic ] [ Yolande] Around the first of January, on New Year, there's a scurry and a cleaning up next door.
No primeiro de janeiro, no dia de Ano Novo, há um corrupio e estão a limpar a área do outro lado.
[Yolande] Initially, because we didn't know who he was, we're confused. Pierre and I are confused.
Ao início, porque não sabíamos quem ele era, eu e o Pierre estávamos confusos.
They said, "Yolande will be released, and we will call after a short while."
Eles disseram : "A Yolande será libertada e daí a pouco voltamos a ligar."
[knocking on door ] [ Yolande] At 3 : 00 a.m., they knocked us up.
Às 3h00, acordaram-nos.
- [gun cocks ] - [ Yolande shouts]
[Yolande] And Pierre says, "What's going on? What's going on?"
E o Pierre diz : "O que se passa?"
[Al-Hamati] As soon as we arrived at the place where we were supposed to receive Yolande, I put on the foundation T-shirt, which had the flag of South Africa on it.
Assim que chegámos ao local onde devíamos receber a Yolande, vesti uma t-shirt da fundação que tinha a bandeira da África do Sul.
"Yolande is here, safe and sound, and she is coming out to you now."
"A Yolande está aqui, sã e salva, e vem agora ter convosco."
So the moment I saw her blue eyes, I knew that this was Yolande, because there are rarely any blue eyes in Yemen.
No momento em que vi os seus olhos azuis, soube que era a Yolande porque é raro verem-se olhos azuis no Iémen.
[Yolande] I couldn't comprehend what was going on.
Eu não percebia o que se estava a passar.
[Al-Hamati in English] Yolande, let's go.
Yolande, vamos.
[Al-Hamati in Arabic] Yolande got in the car.
A Yolande entrou no carro.
[Al-Hamati] We thank God, who helped us to release Yolande, and we hope that we release her husband very soon.
Agradecemos a Deus, que nos ajudou a libertar a Yolande e esperamos libertar o marido dela em breve.
But Yolande's ordeal continues.
Mas o tormento de Yolande continua.
- [Yolande sniffles ] - [ man] Let him go.
[Yolande] Back in South Africa, it was overwhelming. It was exhausting.
Estar de volta à África do Sul era avassalador, era extenuante.
[cell phone ringing ] [ Al-Hamati] I was worried that now Yolande was free, what will happen if we can't get the money?
Agora que a Yolande estava livre, preocupava-me com o que aconteceria se não conseguíssemos arranjar o dinheiro.
[Yolande] After my release, I wanted to know, who on Earth is Gift of the Givers?
Após a minha libertação, quis saber quem era a Gift of the Givers.
[Yolande] This was not how we wanted his life to look like.
Não queríamos que a vida dele estivesse assim.
[Yolande] " We left the place where Yol and I had been around half an hour to midnight, and drove for two, two and a half hours in a northwestern direction.
" Deixámos o local onde eu e a Yol estivemos cerca de meia hora antes da meia-noite e conduzimos durante duas horas e meia em direção ao noroeste.
[Yolande] It was a major distraction for the Yemeni government.
Foi uma grande distração para o governo iemenita.
I went back to Yolande. I said, "Yolande, can you raise this money?"
Fui ter com a Yolande e perguntei-lhe :
[Yolande] There was a just amazing group of people that jumped up and said,
Houve um grupo extraordinário de pessoas que se juntou e disse :
"Don't worry, Yolande, we're going to manage and organize this fundraising project for Pierre."
"Não te preocupes, Yolande, vamos gerir e organizar um projeto de angariação de fundos para o Pierre."
[Yolande] Suddenly, a news report surfaces that the American SEALs went in to do a rescue attempt to release Luke Somers.
De repente, as notícias relatam que os SEAL americanos fizeram uma tentativa de resgate... IÉMEN PROVÍNCIA DE HADRAMAUTE... para libertar Luke Somers.
[Yolande] They were talking about foreign hostages that had been released with the raid.
Eram reféns estrangeiros que tinham sido libertados com o ataque.
[Yolande] They wanted the hard cash.
Eles queriam dinheiro vivo.
[Yolande] We were scared. We were nervous.
Estávamos assustados e nervosos.
I said, " Yolande, there are no guarantees.
Eu disse : " Yolande, não há garantias.
[Yolande stammering] I was very deeply concerned.
Eu estava muito preocupada.
I was also in contact with Yolande, and I was messaging her through WhatsApp.
Também estava em contacto com a Yolande e trocávamos mensagens por WhatsApp.

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