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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / Yorks

Yorks Çeviri Portekizce

14 parallel translation
This time I'm calling the police, the Fire Department and New Yorks State Housing Comission, and, if necessary, the Board of Health!
Desta vez vou chamar a polícia, os bombeiros, e a comissão da habitação de Nova Iorque, e, se for necessário, o Ministério da Saúde!
Public have rage on the continued killings by the so called maniac cop, have brought many hostile New Yorkers to New Yorks 5th avenue today.
O público furioso pelos assassinatos do polícia maníaco, trouxe muito nova iorquinos hostels.
You heard me, New York Cities.
Ouviram-me, Nova Yorks?
Ain't gonna forget this, you New York Cities.
Não se esqueçam disto, Nova Yorks.
From the Yorks!
Vinda dos Yorks!
Make peace with the Yorks and bring him home safe.
Faça as pazes com os Yorks. E traga-o para casa em segurança.
Born faithful to the House of Lancaster, yet switches his allegiance to York after the Battle of Towton.
Nascido e criado na Casa de Lancaster, muda a sua lealdade para os Yorks após a Batalha de Towton.
Margaret, the Yorks rule England now, and Edward may give the peerages to whoever he sees fit.
Margaret, os Yorks governam a Inglaterra agora e Edward pode dar os títulos de nobreza a quem quiser.
Elizabeth makes only little witches for the burning and perhaps the other Yorks will be as cursed.
Elizabeth teve apenas bruxinhas para queimar e talvez os outros Yorks sejam amaldiçoados.
"The south favours York, " but west countrymen have no such affinity. "
'O Sul privilegia os Yorks, mas o Oeste não possui tamanha afinidade.'
No. Gloucester's is in York hands.
Gloucester está com os Yorks.
'Dearest Jasper, terrible news -'my husband has turned against me'and fought for York at Barnet.
Querido Jasper, péssimas notícias. O meu marido voltou-se contra mim e lutou pelos Yorks, em Barnet.
Finally, Kirk, he can't take it anymore. He yorks.
Make peace with the Yorks.
Faça as pazes com os Yorks.

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