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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You did well

You did well Çeviri Portekizce

6,072 parallel translation
You did well, my dear.
Estiveste bem, minha querida.
You did well.
Voce fez bem.
Well, did Eric tell you who he thought was watching him?
Bem, o Eric disse-lhe quem achava que o estava a vigiava?
So, first of all, how well did you know Eric Mercer?
Portanto, em primeiro lugar, o quão bem conhecias o Eric Mercer?
A knife. Okay, well, did you report it?
Bem, apresentaste queixa?
Well, for starters, she's a total slob, but I did find something useful while you were engaged in your tete-a-Jack.
Para começar, ela é completamente desleixada, mas encontrei algo útil, enquanto estiveste a confrontar o Jack.
- Well, what did you do?
- O que é que fizeste?
Well, if you did that, I'd just take it from you.
Se fizesse isso, eu tirava-lha.
Did you know Antonis well?
- Conhecia bem o Antonis?
Sure you know me? Yeah. Know you so well to know that even if you did steal my Uni Burger you would then do something super sneaky like try to cover it up by using minty fresh mouthwash.
- Conheço tão bem para saber que se tivesses roubado o meu Uni Burguer, fazia-lo sorrateiramente como tentar encobrir, usando pasta de dentes com sabor a hortelã.
Did any of you know her well?
Algum de vocês a conhecia bem?
Now, I have no desire to go to jail and you have no desire for me to go to trial, because if I did, well, let's face it, once the story of my infiltration of your organization becomes public knowledge,
Agora, eu não quero ir para a cadeia e vocês não querem que eu vá porque se for...
See, even that would be much less ominous if you just did a Grover voice. [Imitating Grover] Well, we ran our tests.
- Até isso ficaria melhor com a voz do Guálter : "Fizemos o teste."
Toys. Well, you did say that... oh!
Bem, disseste que...
Well, if I'm so stupid, then how did I manage to frame you for eating the turkey?
Bem, se eu sou tão estúpido, então como é que eu consegui culpar-te por comeres o peru?
Well, we're thinking you're the one who lost... and did this to him.
Bem, nós pensamos que foi você o único que perdeu... e fez isto com ele.
Well, you did nearly shoot me.
Quase atiraste em mim.
Ben : Sounds like you did pretty well.
- Parece que comeu bem.
Well, why did you wait for me to eat?
Porque esperaste por mim?
I'll warn you, I did not sleep well last night.
Um aviso : não dormi bem esta noite.
Well, did you set him straight about Amelia?
Explicaste tudo sobre a Amelia?
Well, I confessed, you know, to leaking the travel schedule, because who better than the guy who actually did it?
Bem, eu confessei, sabes, ter vazado o itinerário da viagem, porque quem é melhor para assumir do que o verdadeiro culpado?
We'll see if you can tend to my flocks as well as you did my daughter.
Veremos se conseguirá tratar dos meus rebanhos tão bem como tratou a minha filha.
How well did you know Izzy?
Quão bem conhecia o Izzy?
Well, as I'm sure you remember, there was not a lot of Captain Holland left to examine, but his brain tissue did present vasogenic edema, capillary leakage and spongiosis of the white matter, and those are all consistent with HACE.
Bem, como tenho a certeza que te lembras, não havia muito do Capitão Holland para examinar, mas o tecido cerebral apresentava um edema vasogénio, extravasamento capilar e espondilose da massa branca, e todos eles são consistentes com ECGA.
Well, you look the same as you did seven years ago.
Pareces o mesmo de há 7 anos atrás.
How well did you know Rose?
Conhecia bem a Rose?
Well, I got the whole 15th... people who had no idea what was going on... trying to figure out why you did it.
Eu tinha os quinze... As pessoas não sabiam o que tinha acontecido e nem o porquê de ter feito aquilo.
Well, how did you meet him?
Como o conheceste?
Well, you did just steal that danish out of my hand and start eating it.
- Bom, tu tiraste-me o pastel da mão.
Well, thanks, Daryl. You did your best.
Obrigado, Daryl, fez o seu melhor.
Well, perhaps it's time you did.
Talvez esteja na altura de a questionar.
Oh, well, how did you know?
Como é que sabes?
Well, you did what you did.
- Bem, fizeste o que fizeste.
Well, if it did, I owe you a quarter.
Bem, se funcionou, devo-te dinheiro.
Well, where did you find it?
Onde a encontraste?
Yeah, well, did you get a receipt from that guy?
Bem, tens uma factura daquele gajo?
Well, Mr. Mitchler, I did clock you doing 91.
Bem, Sr. Mitchler, apanhei-o a dar 150.
Well, you did a hell of a lot with your life and time. My friend.
Bem, fizeste muita coisa com a tua vida e o teu tempo meu amigo.
Well, did you correct them?
Você os repreendeu?
Well, big deal, did you see that note on the counter?
Bem, senhor importante, viste o recado na bancada?
Well, you did it.
Well, where did you go?
E para onde foste?
And did they make you build the wall as well as design it?
E eles fizeram-no construir o muro assim como desenhá-lo?
Well what did you want, then?
Então o que é?
I should warn you that this did not go well when I was having sex with Frankenstein.
Devo avisar-te que isto não correu bem quando fiz sexo com o Frankenstein.
- Well you didn't, did you. We all did it together and you saw that something happened.
Vocês viram o que aconteceu.
Well, someday you'll have to tell us how you did it.
Um dia ainda hás de nos contar como conseguiste fazê-lo.
But you say you saw something. Well, what did you see'?
Mas disseste que viste algo.
Well, I'm grateful that you did.
Bem, eu sou grata pelo que você fez. Bem, isso é bom.
- Did you? - Well, yeah.
- Ah, sim?

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