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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You had sex with her

You had sex with her Çeviri Portekizce

109 parallel translation
You had sex with her, didn't you?
Voce transou com ela?
You had sex with her every time you met, didn't you? Didn't you!
Fez sexo com ela de todas as vezes que se encontraram, não foi?
You had sex with her, then offed her.
Dormiu com ela e matou-a.
You had sex with her where?
Está tudo bem.
I believe you had sex with her.
Acho que tiveste sexo com ela.
So you had sex with her?
Então fizeste sexo com ela? Não.
So you had sex with her.
E fizeste sexo com ela. Não.
- You had sex with her mom.
- Fizeste sexo com a mãe dela.
You know, there's no evidence that says that you had sex with her.
Não há nada, que prove, que o senhor fez sexo com ela.
Yes, I can prove that you had sex with her.
Posso provar que teve relações sexuais com ela.
But you had sex with her.
- Mas tiveste sexo com ela.
You had sex with her here?
Tiveram relações aqui?
- Have you had sex with her?
- Teve relações sexuais com ela?
You had sex with her about what time?
Por volta de que horas teve relações com ela?
You had sex with her.
- Fizeste sexo com ela.
You had sex with her!
Fizeste sexo com ela!
We have evidence says you had sex with her, Mr. Reynolds.
Temos provas que fez sexo com ela, Sr. Reynolds.
I think it's awesome that you had sex with her.
- Acho o máximo teres feito sexo com ela.
If a goofy guy like you had sex with her, I feel like I had sex with her also.
Se um totó como tu faz sexo com ela, eu sinto-me como se também tivesse.
You had sex with her.
- Tu tiveste sexo com ela.
- You had sex with her repeatedly?
- Fez sexo com ela várias vezes?
But you had sex with her, though?
Mas fizeste sexo com ela?
Of course you had sex with her, Harry, and I'm sure she rather enjoyed it.
Claro que fez sexo com ela, Harry. E decerto que ela gostou.
After you've had sex with a girl, and you're lying in bed with her, are you nervous? No.
Depois de fazeres amor com um rapariga, e estás deitado ao lado dela, estás nervoso?
You even had sex with her best friend... while you were supposed to be home watching the kids.
Chegou a dormir com a sua melhor amiga... quando era suposto estar em casa a guardar as crianças.
It's hard to explain to you kids that have never had sex before... but when you're with a woman, something chemical happens to her.
É difícil explicar a vocês miúdos que nunca fizeram sexo... mas quando estão com uma mulher algo de misterioso acontece-lhe a ela.
- You had sex with her?
E fez sexo com ela?
You know, with Amy, you're the only one she's ever had sex with, so technically, you can't disappoint her.
Com a Amy, és o único com quem ela praticou sexo, portanto, não podes desiludi-la.
And you haven't had sex with her?
- E não foste para a cama com ela?
Haven't you ever slept with a woman and not had sex with her?
Vá lá, nunca dormiste com uma mulher sem ter relações com ela?
She's just had bad luck with guys she dates... because they only want to have sex with her. You know the type.
Só teve azar com os caras que namorou porque só queriam trepar com ela.
You've never had sex with her?
Eu sei, mas tenho de perguntar. Não teve relações sexuais com ela?
So she's a porno actress in your porno film and she pretended to be your girlfriend because she ran upstairs naked because the light caused a fire and you've never had sex with her and you've never kissed her?
Então ela é a actriz porno do teu filme porno e ela quer ser tua namorada porque ela teve de correr nua pela casa porque a vela provocou um incêndio e tu nunca tiveste sexo com ela nem nunca a beijaste?
We know that you had sex with Alison Carpenter that night. Most probably in her car.
Sabemos que teve relações com Alison Carpenter naquela noite, muito provavelmente no carro.
- Plus, you already had sex with her.
- E mais, já fizeste sexo com ela.
According to your wife, you never had sex with her.
Segundo a sua mulher, nunca fizeram amor.
You know, I think you had sex with my wife before I married her.
Acho que você teve sexo com a minha mulher antes de casar comigo.
- Yeah? - We had to pay her $ 250 to have sex with you! - Aha!
Tivemos de pagar-lhe 250 dólares para dar uma queca contigo.
I thought that if she had sex with me... you would see her for the manipulative slut that she is.
Pensei que se tivesse sexo comigo, tu ias perceber a cabra manipuladora que ela é.
Because you've had sex with her in every room in the house?
Porque já fizeste sexo com ela em todas as divisões da casa?
You know what, just once admit that you had sex with Mr. Schiff. Her math teacher. And he threatened to stab himself in the heart with a geometry compass when she dumped him.
Sabes que mais... pelo menos admite que foste para a cama com o Sr. Schiff, o teu professor de matemática... e ele ameaçou apunhalar-se no coração com um compasso quando ela o deixou.
Another thing. Make sure you do it after you've had sex with her.
E não te esqueças de fazer isso depois de teres relações com ela.
She was hitting you, but you still had sex with her? - No!
Ela te batia, e você ainda assim fez sexo com ela?
You had sex with her?
Teve sexo com ela?
What you're trying to tell us is that you never actually had sex with her?
Estás a tentar dizer-nos que... nunca fizeste sexo com ela?
I had sex with her. You raped her.
- Tive sexo com ela.
You... had sex with her?
Tu... fizeste sexo com ela?
So, in the course of developing this informant, You took her to a motel and had sex with her?
Então, para explorares esta informante, levaste-a para um Motel e fizeste sexo com ela?
I had sex with you at a wedding while I was her date.
Eu fiz sexo contigo num casamento quando ainda namorava com a Blair.
Then you must've had sex with her.
Então você deve ter tido relações sexuais com ela.
You feel very safe with her, and you haven't had sex.
Sente-se muito seguro com ela e ainda não teve sexo.

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