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You have to stop Çeviri Portekizce

2,396 parallel translation
- You have to stop coddling her.
- Tens de parar de a mimar.
No, no, no. Louis, you have to stop this.
Não, Louis, tem de impedir isto.
You have to stop this.
- Tem de parar com isto.
You have to stop.
Precisas parar.
Just please- - you have to stop hiding.
Por favor, tens de aparecer.
You have to stop, please.
Tens de parar.
You have to stop selling those baby shirts.
Alex, tens de parar de vender as t-shirts para bebés.
You can trash as many pictures of me as you'd like, but you have to stop hurting your father... and yourself.
Podes rasgar todas as minhas fotos, mas pára de magoar o teu pai. E a ti mesma.
You have to stop dancing, okay, so you can go to sleep.
Tens de parar de dançar, para ires dormir.
! You have to stop being distracted by the TV!
- Não podes distrair-te com a TV!
You have to stop.
Não posso.
You have to stop.
Tu tens que parar.
You have to stop pushing until I tell you.
Tens de parar de fazer força até eu dizer.
But first, you have to stop lying.
Mas primeiro, têm de parar de mentir.
Okay, you have to stop saying that. She doesn't have a weight problem.
Tem de parar de dizer isso, ela não tem um problema de peso.
You have to stop her.
Tem que impedi-la.
You have to stop thinking.
Tens de parar de pensar.
You have to stop Loki.
Têm de impedir o Loki.
You have to stop it.
Tens de parar.
You have to stop it!
Tem de impedir isso!
It's Clara, you have to stop her!
É a Clara, tendes que impedi-la!
You have to stop yelling at me.
Tens que parar de gritar comigo.
You have to stop me you can not just go home..
Tinhas de me fazer parar. Não podias ir apenas para casa.
You have to stop taking these.
Tens que parar de tomar isso.
You have to stop.
Tu tens de parar. Adeus.
This whole masquerade thing is great for flirting for a little while, but sooner or later you're gonna have to stop playing games and take off the masks.
Disfarces são óptimos para namoriscar por um tempo, mas mais cedo ou mais tarde vão ter que parar de jogar - e tirar as máscaras.
You don't have the power to stop me, old woman. I'm not alone here.
Não tem poderes para me impedir, velhota.
I'm gonna have to stop calling you Dingleberry.
Tenho que deixar de te chamar Dingleberry.
We have to stop. Because really... What qualifies you to define my relationship and tell me what to do?
Porque, honestamente, o que a qualifica para definir a minha relação, e dizer-me o que fazer?
Violet, you c- - You couldn't have done anything to stop it.
Não podias impedir que acontecesse.
But you care about her, which means at some point, you're gonna have to stop punishing her and start forgiving her.
Mas se te importas com ela, então cedo ou tarde vais ter de parar de puni-la e começar a perdoá-la.
Yes, I will abuse you and scream at you, make you paint in the nude and do anything else I have to do to get you to stop being so scared.
Sim, vou abusar de si e vou gritar consigo, fazer com que pinte nua e o que quer que seja que tenha de fazer para que pare de estar tão assustada.
And I realized... if we're gonna move forward, then I have to stop listening to other people and trust you.
E então percebi... Se continuarmos juntos, tenho que parar de dar ouvidos aos outros. E acreditar em ti.
Don, you have got to stop following me, okay?
Don, tens de parar de me seguir, está bem?
We both know you don't have the spine to defy us so let her go and stop wasting my time.
Ambos sabemos que não tens capacidade para nos desafiar. Por isso solta-a e não me faças perder tempo.
You don't have to, you know. You could just stop it.
- Podes deixar disso.
I mean, you can teach Cheeks to stop daring the world not to like him and he can teach you that you don't always have to control everything.
Quero dizer, tu podes ensinar o Cheeks a parar de desafiar o mundo a não gostar dele e ele pode ensinar-te que não tens que estar sempre no controlo de tudo.
I mean, you have to stop.
Tu tens de parar.
You need to stop cleaning and have a drink.
Tem de parar de lavar e tomar uma bebida.
Bruce, stop now or I have to take you into custody.
Bruce, pare agora ou vou ter de o prender.
When you have gone to so many heads as I ever was, Sandy... you will stop believing in miracles.
Quando tiveres ido a tantas cabeças quantas as que eu já fui, Sandy... vais deixar de acreditar em milagres.
We have to stop it before it happens. Do you understand?
Temos de impedir isso, antes que aconteça.
- Rid of it? - We take it down, we have to stop bragging'about you.
Se os tirarmos, temos de parar de gabar-te.
Why are you telling us this if we don't have any time to stop it?
Por que nos estás a dizer isso se não temos tempo para vos deter?
You don't have enough men to stop 12 million people from leaving this island.
Não têm gente suficiente para impedir que 12 milhões fujam desta ilha.
You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you tearing down this corrupt city! Yes! Yes!
Forneceram-vos um falso ídolo para vos impedir de destruir esta administração corrupta!
If you hadn't been lucky enough to escape on time... you'd have shared the same fate as the women who stayed. Stop!
Se não tivesses tido a sorte de fugir a tempo, terias tido um destino muito diferente.
You know I have to stop and change, right?
Tenho que parar para trocar-me.
She doesn't have any evidence, so if you pop down to ( he next stop
Ela não tem qualquer prova, Então se parar na próxima estação.
If you loved me, you would have looked me in to stop me going!
Se me amasses, tinhas-me impedido de ir!
We have to go back to London, so we're going to stop off and see you on the way.
Temos que voltar para Londres. Encontramo-nos pelo caminho.

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