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You should be resting Çeviri Portekizce

71 parallel translation
You should be resting.
Devias estar a descansar.
- You should be resting.
Deveria estar descansando.
- Robin, you should be resting...
- Devias estar a descansar...
You should be resting, my dear.
Devias estar a descansar, minha querida.
philip, Dr. black said you should be resting.
Philip, o Dr. Black disse que devias descansar.
You should be resting with your feet up.
Devias estar a descansar, com os pés levantados.
You should be resting. Get back to bed.
Devia estar a descansar, vá deitar-se.
Go, you should be resting with your beautiful wife
Vai-te, deverias estar a descansar com a tua nova bela esposa
I really, really think you should be resting, Larkin.
Eu acho mesmo que devias estar a descansar, Larkin.
- Master, you should be resting.
- Mestre, você deveria estar descansando.
Lois, you've had a near-death experience. You should be resting.
Lois, estiveste à beira da morte.
You should be resting.
Devia estar a descansar.
You should be resting.
Devias estar a repousar.
You should be resting.
Deveria estar a repousar.
And people were saying, "you're crazy. You're a cancer patient. You should be resting."
As pessoas diziam, estás louca, tens cancro e deves descansar.
No, you should be resting, or I'm going to Liam's.
Vais descansar ou vou para casa do Liam.
You should be resting- - six more days, not including the weekend.
Devias descansar por mais seis dias, sem contar o fim-de-semana.
- You should be resting.
- devias estar a descansar.
You should be resting.
Deverias estar a descansar.
Because you should be resting on your day off so you're fresh for when I need you.
Porque devias descansar no teu dia de folga, para estares revigorada quando eu precisar.
He said you should be resting.
Ele disse que devias estar a descansar.
You should be resting.
Devias descansar.
You should be resting.
Tens de descansar.
Dr. Jordan, you should be resting.
Dra. Jordan, devia estar a descansar.
You should be resting. Alfred : It appears what we're dealing with here is someone as skilled as...
Parece que lidamos com alguém tão habilidoso como... o Batman.
You should be resting after everything you've been through.
Devias estar a descansar, depois de tudo aquilo que passaste.
Dinah... you should be resting.
Dinah... devias estar a descansar.
Cisco, you should be resting.
Cisco, devias estar a descansar.
You should be resting.
Devíeis estar a descansar.
( MILDRITH ) Lord, you should be resting. We should all be resting.
Senhor, deveríeis estar a repousar, todos deveríamos estar a repousar.
Mrs Dawley, my goodness you should be resting at home.
O seu marido já pagou.
Jefferson, you should be resting.
Jefferson, devias estar a descansar.
You should be resting. God, I am sick of resting.
Estou só a guardar algumas coisas.
You should be resting.
Deixai-a, por favor. Obrigado por terdes vindo.
Tina, you should still be resting.
Tina, devias estar a descansar.
And you should be in bed, resting up for tomorrow's wedding.
E tu devias estar na cama... a descansar para o casamento de amanhã.
You should still be resting.
Você ainda deveria estar a descansar.
- You should be resting.
- Devias estar a descansar.
- When you should be home. resting.
- Devia estar em casa a descansar.
Assuming that you were telling the truth about your age and weight, your resting heart rate should be about 70 beats per minute.
Caso tenhas dito a verdade em relação à idade e ao peso, a tua frequência cardíaca em repouso deve ser 70 batimentos por minuto.
You should be home resting what's left of your bruised brain.
Devia estar a descansar o que resta do seu cérebro ferido.
I assume you've already ruled out hepatitis and Wilson's. You should really be resting.
Calculo que já tenham excluído a hipótese de hepatite e Wilson.
I thought you should be home resting up.
Pensei que tinhas de ficar em casa a repousar.
You should be resting.
Posso retardar os efeitos :
You should be home, resting.
Deveriam estar em casa, a descansar.
Castle, you should be resting.
Haverá muito tempo para isso...
You really should be resting.
Devia mesmo descansar.
What are you doing here? You should be at home, resting.
Devias ir para casa descansar.
- You should be home, resting.
- Devias estar em casa a descansar.
- You should be home resting.
- Devias estar em casa a descansar.
You should be at home, resting.
Devia estar em casa... a descansar.

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