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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Dómine

Dómine Çeviri İngilizce

20 parallel translation
Ese hombre está acusado de volverse contra su dómine.
The man stands accused of turning upon his dominus.
¿ Eres el dómine de esta casa?
Are you the dominus of this house?
¿ El dómine?
The dominus?
Para ser pasada al próximo puto dómine.
To be passed to the next fucking dominus.
¡ Yo era esclavo personal del dómine!
I was body slave to the dominus!
Si lo vuelve a intentar, me aseguraré de que se reuna con su puto dómine.
If he makes attempt again, I will make sure he joins his fucking dominus.
Sí, dómine.
Yes, Dominus.
Tú eres mi dómine.
You are my dominus.
¿ Y los tendrías reverenciando y restregando al servicio, como hicieron antes con sus dómine?
And you would have them bow and scrape in service, as they did before their dominus?
Solo hice lo que me ordenó mi dómine, sin pensamientos de negarme.
I but did as my dominus commanded, absent thought of refusal.
Mi dómine a menudo hablaba de su desprecio por el hombre.
My dominus often spoke of his distaste for the man.
Mi puto dómine tiene influencias con el edil.
My fucking dominus holds sway with the Aedile.
Disculpas, dómine.
Apologies, Dominus.
El dómine ordena que no te afeites.
The dominus orders you to remain unshorn.
¿ Quieres volverte contra tu dómine y unirte a la rebelión?
You would turn against your dominus and join rebellion?
Mi dómine...
My dominus...
- Gracias, dómine.
Thank you, dominie.

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