/ İspanyolca → İngilizce / Himself
Himself Çeviri İngilizce
60,228 parallel translation
Para que el presidente pueda volar a millones de personas presionando un botón, debe extraer esa llave y asesinar al voluntario.
In order for the president to be able to blow up millions of people with the push of a button, he has to extract that key by murdering the volunteer himself.
Porque ayer vino un tal Kevin.
Because a man calling himself that came by yesterday.
Pero con la misma rabia hacia los piratas y hacia cualquiera que pudiera considerarse amigo de un pirata como ellos hacen con los ingleses.
But with as much anger towards the pirates and anyone who would call himself friend to a pirate as they do towards the English.
Uno de vosotros se rinde y permanece aquí para asegurar que se cumplan esos términos.
One of you surrenders himself and remains here to ensure these terms are honored.
El capitán Flint se ha ofrecido él mismo a Eleanor Guthrie como garantía dentro del fuerte.
Because Captain Flint has offered himself as collateral to Eleanor Guthrie inside the fort.
Desviando la atención de los demás.
Draw everyone's attention away from himself.
Jamás se permitirá ser derrotado por ti o por mí.
He will never allow himself to be defeated by you or I.
Se dedicó a sus propios negocios cuando Starkwood se fue a pique.
He went into business for himself when Starkwood went under.
Gabriel no aparecerá a menos que tengamos algo que quiera... un cebo.
Gabriel won't show himself unless we have something that he wants... bait.
Y sinceramente, creo que intenta redimirse, que está diciendo la verdad.
And I honestly believe that he is trying to redeem himself, that he is telling me the truth.
Jadalla Bin-Khalid se llevó a la mujer de Carter y Carter se intercambió a sí mismo y a Andy.
Jadalla Bin-Khalid took Carter's wife and Carter traded himself and Andy.
Eric se entregó para salvarte.
Eric gave himself up to save you.
Jadalla Bin-Khalid se llevó a la mujer de Carter y Carter negoció consigo mismo y con Andy.
Jadalla Bin-Khalid took Carter's wife and Carter traded himself and Andy.
Antes de que pudiera revelarse, tenía que asegurarse de que tu corazón estaba realmente junto al suyo.
Before he could reveal himself, he had to make sure that your heart was truly with his.
Por cómo ha actuado con Bin-Khalid, sí.
To the extent that he's burned himself with Bin-Khalid, I do.
Se entregó él mismo.
He surrendered himself.
Su familia se sentiría aliviada en desmesura si encontrara un futuro lejos de sus negocios.
His family would be relieved beyond measure that he'd found himself a future far away from their business.
Perdió el bar, tuvo un ataque de nervios y se arrojó bajo un tren.
He lost the bar and had a breakdown and threw himself under a train.
Son los ojos de Rembrandt mismo, oculto detrás de todos los demás.
Those eyes are the eyes of Rembrandt himself, hidden there, behind everyone.
Son bloqueadores. Lo mismo que toma Milton para inmunizarse por un tiempo.
These are psi-blockers, the same pills Milton takes to immunize himself for a period of time.
- Está trucada.
- Mandiba photoshopped himself in.
- Está trucada. - Pero la gente lo cree.
- Mandiba photoshopped himself in.
Que no se culpe por la muerte de su padre.
He shouldn't blame himself for his father's death.
"Y juzgaba a los demás sin creer en lo que veía, seguro de que todos llevaban lo más real de su vida cobijados por el secreto y la oscuridad de la noche".
"And he judged of others by himself, not believing in what he saw," but was convinced that every man had his real, most interesting life... "under the cover of secrecy and the dark of night."
"Y juzgaba a los demás sin creer en lo que veía, seguro de que todos llevaban lo más real de su vida cobijados por el secreto y la oscuridad de la noche".
"And he judged of others by himself, not believing in what he saw, but was convinced that every man had his real, most interesting life under the cover of secrecy and the dark of night."
Me refiero al propio Bobby.
I mean Bobby himself.
Y el gerente me aplicó una pesada teoría del juego, me arrinconó en un punto, en esencia se colocó en posición de ganar sin importar qué dijera yo.
And the manager played some heavy game theory on me, boxed me into a spot, essentially put himself in a position to win no matter what I said.
Solo pídale a Josh que se entregue.
You just need to ask Josh to turn himself in.
En fin, le echa un vistazo a Lonnie y prácticamente se caga encima.
Anyway, he takes one look at Lonnie and practically shits himself.
Voy a ir a ver con lo que mi esposo gordo... se está llenando ahora.
I'll just go see what my fat husband is stuffing himself with now.
¿ Cree que se mató?
You think he killed himself?
Podría haberse lastimado esa noche más temprano.
He could've injured himself earlier in the evening.
Cuando se hizo mayor, quería ayudar a otros jóvenes como él a no meterse en problemas.
When he got older, he wanted to help other youngsters, like himself, to keep out of trouble.
Se vomitó encima. Si me acerco, vomitaré.
He puked on himself and if I get too close, I get the pukes.
Llevamos mucho tiempo esperando esta muestra. Y Rony está corriendo un gran riesgo para atraparla.
We have been waiting a long time for this sample and Rory is placing himself at great risk to secure it.
Hugh se ha estado mortificando, pero yo me siento aliviada.
Hugh of course has been beating himself up, but honestly I'm relieved.
Quien espero se pase los próximos mil millones de años intentando escapar del centro de la Tierra.
Who's hopefully gonna spend the next billion years digging himself out of the center of the Earth.
La confianza de una persona en sí mismo, es su fuerza.
A person's trust in himself, is his strength.
¿ Adivinas quién se ha metido un tiro anoche?
Guess who snapped himself last night?
"Si otro escritor que me gusta resulta ser un cerdo inútil, voy a empezar a matar gente, crearé una nueva Isla de Lesbos, y no miraré atrás".
"If one more male writer I love reveals himself to be a heinous sleaze bag, " I'm gonna do a bunch of murders, "create a new Isle of Lesbos, and never look back."
Quiere que sea una mejor versión de mí mismo.
He wants me to be a better version of himself.
Además, tengo que volver a mi apartamento y asegurarme de que mi exnovio no se suicida.
Plus, I have to go back to my apartment and make sure my ex-boyfriend didn't kill himself, so.
Lo hizo Elijah.
Elijah did that by himself.
Bueno es muy creído.
Well, he certainly is full of himself.
Dile que lo mantenga en secreto y que se invente algo.
Tell him to keep it to himself and make something up.
Se arrojó en un arranque de furia y así es como se hirió a sí mismo.
He threw himself into a fit of rage and that's when he self-injured.
Le ha ido bien, está manejando la oficina postal.
He's done well for himself. Practically runs the post office.
Por tanto ¿ decidió ir arriba a comprobarlo?
So he decided to go up there himself to monitor it?
Al alcalde Richards le gusta presentarse a sí mismo como un político bondadoso y voluntarioso, un hombre del pueblo, pero lo conozco desde hace mucho tiempo y no confiaría tanto en él como para descartarlo.
Mayor Richards likes to present himself as a caring and well-meaning politician, man of the people, but I've known him a long time and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
Sí y no es exactamente una imagen de buena salud.
Yes, and not exactly a picture of health himself.
La solíamos llamar el Rey Chivo porque no importaba lo que estabas haciendo en la granja, siempre metía sus narices en todo y se abría paso a empellones y siempre trataba estar en el ajo.
We used to call it King Goat because no matter what you were doing on the farm, he was always sticking his nose into things and shoving himself about and always trying to get in on the action.