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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Muchisimo

Muchisimo Çeviri İngilizce

375 parallel translation
- Let's throw this hideous purse away.
Soñé que estaba en un cuarto grande lleno de médicos a mi alrededor. Vestian de blanco, yyo estaba sobre la mesa de operaciones. Se me acercaron muchisimo, me señalaron y dijeron :
And I dreamed I was in a big room with a lot of doctors all around me close... and they were dressed in white, and they had me on an operating table... and they come up real, real close to me and pointed at me and said...
Lo siento muchisimo.
What a mess?
Tiene muchisimo sentido, Colin.
It makes a great deal of sense, Colin.
La amo muchisimo.
I love her very much.
Hay muchisimo trabajo.
We're up to our ears in work.
You don't even have an idea.
bienvenido de regreso, Sr wolley lo hemos extrañado yo tambien los extrañé muchisimo es lindo volver a ver a alguien que no necesite afeitarse
Welcome back, Mr Wooley. We have missed you. I can't tell you how I've missed you.
Se parece muchisimo a el.
You look very much like him.
- Lo siento muchisimo.
I'm awfully sorry.
Te quiero muchisimo.
I love you very much.
Lo lamento muchisimo... pero no parece ser una llave para esta puerta.
I'm terribly sorry... but there doesn't seem to be a key to this door.
Lo lamento muchisimo.
I'm terribly sorry.
Se lo agradezco muchisimo señor. Pero hay algo que me gustaria saber.
Well, I am very grateful, I'm sure, sir, but there is one question I feel I must ask you.
Quise muchisimo verte morir lentamente.
I wanted so badly to see you die slowly.
Me gusta muchisimo
Very good.
- Lo siento muchisimo, señor.
- I'm terribly sorry, sir.
Si, muchisimo.
Sure, I'm having a ball.
Lo siento muchisimo.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
Cuando le trajimos para interrogarlo se indigno muchisimo
When we brought him in to question him, he became very indignant.
Oh, me gustaría mucho, muchisimo.
Oh, I'd like that very much, very much.
pero hoy es muchisimo peor.
He took a beating 10 months ago, but tonight, it's twice as bad.
Very much.
Lo aman muchisimo.
They love him a lot.
Lord Fauntleroy se parece muchisimo a su padre su señoria
Lord Fauntleroy is very much like his father, your Lordship.
Creo que mucho, muchisimo.
I think so very. very much.
Habra muchisimo dinero
There'll be a lot more money
La ama muchisimo, y ella lo ama.
He loves her very much, and she loves him.
Me gusta muchisimo esta idea, pero no hice una pelicula de esto
I Iike this idea very much, but I didn't make a movie out of it.
Maestro Su, le debemos muchisimo por su ayuda.
Master Siu, how can we thank you for your help?
Hermano, por favor dejame un poco. Trabaje muchisimo.
Save some for me, OK?
Mire esto, le hará parecer muchisimo más delgada.
Now look at this one, it will make you look a whole lot slimmer.
Y yo te quiero a ti, mamá, muchisimo.
And I love you, Ma very, very much.
Pee-wee y yo nos conocemos de hace muchisimo.
Pee-wee and I go way back.
Te deseo muchisimo
I want you so bad.
lo lamento muchisimo
I'm sorry. So sorry.
Papá, Io siento muchisimo.
Oh, Daddy. I'm so sorry.
Lo siento muchisimo.
Oh, Mrs. Beatty, I'm so very, very sorry.
Aquellas fotos tuyas de la revista verde tenian muchisimo gusto.
I thought those pictures of you in that sleazy girlie magazine were so tastefully done.
Siempre tendré algo de usted que significa muchisimo mas.
I'll always have something from you that means much more.
Hace muchisimo tiempo.
A long time ago.
Hace muchisimo tiempo.
Very long ago.
Yo tambien ame muchisimo a tu madre.
I loved your mother very much too.
Mi realidad es que a mi papa, mama y hermana los quiero muchisimo.
To the reality that I also love my family very much.
Oh. lo siento muchisimo, pero casi me matas del susto.
I'm so sorry, but you scared me to death.
Voy a extrañarte muchisimo
I'm going to miss you so much.
Tienes que amar muchisimo.
You must love her very much.
Y para sumar, muchisimo trabajo.
And to add, a lot of work.
Señor, lo quiero muchisimo.
Sir, I love him very much.
Me asustaste muchisimo.
You scared the hell out of me.
Quiero decir que respeto muchisimo su posición, Lady Rhea,... y su persona.
I mean, I have the highest respect for your rank, lady Rhea, And for you yourself.

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