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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Pensê

Pensê Çeviri İngilizce

13 parallel translation
Pensê que ya fuese especialista en esas cosas.
I thought you were an expert on things like that.
Pensê que estuviese guardando ese tabaco para el cumpleaños de Andy McKaren.
I didn't smoke it. Thought you were saving this tobacco for Andy McKaren's birthday.
Pensê que quería ayudarlo también.
I thought you'd want to help, too.
Pensê que estaría errado.
I thought you missed him.
Pensê que nos dejaría en paz.
I figured that he would leave us alone.
Fui una estúpida. Pensê que se iría.
I was stupid to think he would go away.
- Pensê que querías ser libre.
- I thought you wanted to be liberated.
Pensê que necesitarían esto.
I thought you might need this.
Pensê que querrías saber.
Thought you'd wanna know.
Pensê que siempre les creería.
And I always thought I would believe them.
Pensê que no nos quedaba.
I thought there was none left.
Pensê que tú eras más inteligente.
I thought you were smarter!
Pensê que no te vería más.
I never thought I'd see you again, Julian.

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