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T Çeviri İngilizce

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No. No lo conozco.
No, I don't know him.
Sra. Tannetti, entiendo de que no es fácil estar aquí.
Mrs. Tannetti, I realize it isn't easy being here.
Supongo que no es el lugar en donde pensó que estaría cuando despertó esta mañana, ¿ verdad?
I'm guessing that this isn't where you thought you'd be when you woke up this morning, is it?
Debe estar de acuerdo en que la gente normalmente no apuñala a otros porque escuchan música alta.
Think you would agree that people don't usually stab other people because they're playing their music too loud?
No lo sé.
I don't know.
Solo... lo hice.
I just... I just did it. And I don't know why.
Dice que no parece de ese tipo... Es una madre amigable, es voluntaria en la YMCA.
Says she doesn't seem like the type... a friendly mom, volunteers at the Y.
Es por eso que esto no tiene sentido.
That's why this doesn't make any sense.
Ni llamó.
He didn't call.
No puedo dormir. Y no tengo mis pastillas.
I can't sleep, and I don't have my pills.
No puedo hacer eso.
I can't do that.
No entiende.
You don't understand.
No se lo diré a nadie.
I won't tell anyone.
Con que uno de los distinguidos policías de Dorchester tratando de entrar por la puerta trasera.
Well, if it isn't Dorchester's finest sneaking around the back door.
No podía dormir.
I couldn't sleep.
Tienes suerte de que no tengo visitantes presentándose así.
You're lucky I don't have company, showing up here like this.
Las propinas no alcanzan para comprar pastillas de freno.
My tips don't exactly buy me new brake pads.
No me digas que estás celoso.
Don't tell me you're jealous.
Aún no va a verla.
You haven't gone to see her yet.
No sé qué decirle, sinceramente.
I mean, I don't really know what to say to her, to be honest.
No mencionó nada de eso en su declaración.
You didn't mention anything about that in your statement.
No... porque no tenía nada de sentido.
No...'cause it didn't really make any sense.
Ven, ¿ por qué no me dejas cargarla?
Here, why don't you let me hold her?
Y cuando llegó Phoebe, ya no quedaba nada para ella.
So when Phoebe came, there wasn't any left for her.
Siento no haber venido ayer.
I'm sorry I... I didn't come yesterday.
Repaso todo en mi cabeza y... no tiene sentido.
I'm going over everything in my head, and... it doesn't make any sense.
¿ No puedes...?
¿ No puedes hacer nada?
Can't you do something?
Un abogado no podría hacer nada.
A lawyer can't do anything.
Sea lo que sea que tengas que hacer ahora... por lo que pasó... no te lo reprocharé.
Whatever you have to do now, because of what happened, I won't blame you.
Lo que quiero decir es que eso hace preguntarme por qué no intentó detenerla.
I'm just saying, you know, it makes me wonder why you didn't try to stop her.
No sé si alguien más vio esto, pero desde donde yo estaba vi que Frankie la agarró.
I don't know if anyone else saw this, but from where I was sitting, I saw Frankie grab her.
¿ Por qué no lo hizo?
So why didn't he?
Y con toda esa adrenalina, ya sabe... uno ve cosas que no existen.
You know, you get all of that adrenaline going, and, you know, you see things that aren't there.
Pero no lo conocí como Frankie.
But I didn't know him as Frankie.
Ya no puedo venir a verte.
I can't come see you anymore.
Ni siquiera se da cuenta.
She doesn't even know it.
No, porque no tengo ningún trastorno mental.
No, because I don't have any mental disorders.
No sé.
I don't know.
¿ No manejaste una vez una hora para probar una dona artesanal?
Didn't you drive an hour once to try an artisanal doughnut?
- ¿ No fuiste tú?
- Wasn't that you?
Su juicio no está comprometido.
Her judgment isn't compromised.
Te prometo que no lo voy a alterar.
I promise, I won't upset him.
No hemos estado en contacto con ella desde hace años.
We haven't been in contact with her for several years.
¿ Puedo preguntar por qué no han estado en contacto con ella?
Can I ask why you haven't been in contact with her?
Por favor, no.
Please, don't.
No deberías creer nada de lo que digan.
You shouldn't believe anything they say.
Así que no importaba quién era.
So it didn't really matter who.
Por favor, no le digas a mi familia.
Please don't tell my family.
Sus padres no saben.
His parents don't know.
No puedo prometerte eso.
I can't promise that.

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