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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Fashioned

Fashioned Çeviri İngilizce

3,204 parallel translation
Compagnon, c'est démodé.
"Companion." Sounds old-fashioned.
{ \ fade ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team] = Määsk, ouimaisje, same, smiiil
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team] = Guillaume01, Lenoirdesir, Määsk
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
De toute façon, il me faut mon autre chemise. Celle-là sent fort.
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
Lucy ira dans une bonne vieille, école publique comme la mienne, OK?
Lucy's gonna go to an old-fashioned, nice public school like I went to, okay?
- J'aime connaître qui j'embrasse même si c'est vieux jeu.
- I just like to know the person I'm kissing, because I'm old - fashioned like that.
Tu peux me traiter de Cro-Magnon ou de vieux jeu, ça ne m'empêchera pas de t'amener chez moi ce soir pour te montrer ce dont je suis capable.
Now you can call me Cro-Magnon or old-fashioned, but that is not gonna stop me from taking you home to my bed tonight and showing you what kind a man I am.
On pourrait régler ça à l'ancienne.
Maybe we can sort this out the old-fashioned way.
Maman va gagner de l'argent à l'ancienne, en le méritant.
Time for mama to earn her money the old-fashioned way, by actually earning it.
Je suis du genre très vieux jeu.
I'm a very old-fashioned kind of guy.
Et si c'était juste cette bonne vielle cupidité?
- I don't know. - All right. - This could be good old-fashioned greed.
Je sais que ça fait un peu vieux jeu d'appeler, mais je suis vieux...
I know it's kind of old-fashioned, me calling, but, uh, well, I'm a little old...
le plus vieux métier du monde?
Earning cash the old-fashioned way?
Je le prends avec mon appareil kitsch.
I want to take a picture of him with my old-fashioned camera.
J'aurais du me douter que tu étais vieux jeu vu ton âge.
I should've known you'd be old fashioned given your age.
On va commencer par la prévention.
We're gonna start with some good old - fashioned patient prevention.
- La vieille école.
How very old-fashioned.
On va faire ça a l'ancienne.
We'll do this the old-fashioned way.
A l'ancienne.
Old-fashioned way.
Vieux jeu, mais fiables.
Old-fashioned, but reliable.
De la bonne vieille publicité.
A little good old-fashioned advertising.
A Longeverne, nous restons vieux jeu...
We're very old-fashioned in Longeverne.
Mon père est très vieille France, il a la santé fragile.
My dad is very old-fashioned, he's in fragile health...
Je vais prouver qu'on rock d'une ancienne façon.
I'll prove that we rock the old-fashioned way.
Qu'est-ce que tu reproches au bon vieux base-ball?
All due respect, what's wrong with an old-fashioned baseball game?
Butch Carwin m'a tout l'air d'avoir un joli labo de meth.
Looks like butch carwin's got himself a good old-fashioned meth lab.
Quelle culture n'aime pas un bon vieux choix financier?
Then again, what culture doesn't love a good old-fashioned money motive?
Qu'est-il arrivé à la bonne vieille méthode d'interrogation?
What ever happened to the good old-fashioned interrogation?
Mais une bonne vieille avidité.
Maybe this is just good old-fashioned corporate greed.
- Du bon vieux capitalisme.
Good old-fashioned capitalism.
Une fois évidé, il pourra repousser toute malédiction.
If fashioned into a vessel, it can ward off any curse.
Mes méthodes sont plus désuètes.
I'm a bit more old-fashioned in my techniques.
Such an old-fashioned word
- *'cause love's * * such an old-fashioned word *
Je possède un pieu façonné à partir du bois de l'ancien chêne blanc.
Well, I'm in possession of a stake fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree.
Je suis peut-être vieux jeu de croire que s'ils ne peuvent prouver sa culpabilité, alors il est innocent.
Well, I'm old-fashioned enough to believe that if they can't prove him guilty, then he's not.
À l'américaine.
Good old-fashioned American way.
Une bonne vieille picole.
An old-fashioned prairie drink-off.
L'alibi de Malcolm est mort... avec un surplus de 3 min, le temps de retourner au bar et de commander un vieux bourbon en guise de commémoration.
Malcolm's alibi is dead... With a three-minute cushion to go back in the bar and order a commemorative bourbon old fashioned.
= [Giggity Team ] = benji1000, BJAM1M, ouimaisje, = [ Giggity Team ] = smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team ] = Määsk, smiiil, [ Kenny]
# But where are those good old-fashioned values #
{ \ fad ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team ] = Lenoirdesir, Määsk, smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team ] = smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
= [Giggity Team ] = elliekbauer, smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
C'est démodé de parler.
Ooh, like an old-fashioned Gab Sesh?
Je m'imagine aussi très bien avec un homme romantique, à l'ancienne.
Ah. I'm also visualizing a romantic, old-fashioned gentleman.
Vous dites toujours qu'en cas de problème, il faut un débat public. - Bonne idée.
You always say that there's no better solution for a hot-button issue than a good ol'- fashioned public forum.
Ça fait... démodé.
Somehow it looks old-fashioned.
= [Giggity Team] = Lenoirdesir, Määsk
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪
Mais c'est fini, la pellicule.
- I thought the film to be old-fashioned.
= [Giggity Team] = Määsk, smiiil
But where are those good old-fashioned values
{ \ fad ( 400,400 ) } = [Giggity Team ] = elliekbauer, smiiil, [ Kenny]
♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪

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