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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Jogging

Jogging Çeviri İngilizce

1,443 parallel translation
- Je vais faire mon jogging.
- Just out for a quick run.
Ça veut dire que tu ne vas pas faire de jogging.
That means you don't get to head out for quick runs.
La physiothérapie, lejogging, les haltères -
The physical therapy, jogging, lifting weights -
Je nous ai emmenés faire un petit jogging avant d'aller au lit.
Oh, I took us for a run before we went to bed.
Le garçon courrant avec son papa, en train de s'amuser, et boom!
Boy out, jogging with his daddy, having a good time, and boom!
Je courais avec les petits dans leur soutif de jogging.
I was taking the girls out for a run in their jogging bra
Je t'aurais plutôt imaginée en jogging.
I would have figured you for sweats
Euh... du jogging, un défi sérieux, avec des lettres.
I think they called it jogging or something. It's a life-or-death struggle using letters!
Et la femme en jogging qui marche rapidement?
How about that lady in the sweat suit, speed-walking?
Tu fais du jogging si tard?
Jogging this late at night?
Tu aimes Capra... tu fais du jogging, tu danses... tu adores l'Italie et tu détestes les asperges.
So you love Capra... you run in the park, you tango... you live for Italy, and you hate asparagus.
Heu... des... des pompes, ce genre de trucs. Et aussi du jogging.
Get it over with, right?
Allons faire un petit jogging.
Let's go for a little jog.
Beaucoup de jogging, ce genre de choses.
A Iot of jogging and that kind of thing.
J'Ã © tais en train de faire mon jogging matinal, et tout d'un coup
I was just out for my morning run, and all of a sudden
Faire du jogging.
- Jogging.
Du jogging?
- Jogging?
Je fais du jogging, c'est tout.
Just out running.
Je part faire du jogging. "Tu n'aurais pas dû venir dans ma vie."
I am going for a Jog. UTV "You shouldn't have entered my life."
On chante ça en cadence pendant le jogging,
I mean, these are cadence that you sing while you're jogging.
Prépare-toi, j'ai persuadé papa d'aller faire un footing.
Get ready, I convinced Dad to go jogging.
- Tu fais ton jogging?
Hello honey. Are you still jogging?
Regardez ce frère, il fait son jogging avec une Blanche.
Check out this brother, just grinning, jogging through campus with a white girl.
Je sais que les féministes moustachues me tueraient si elles m'entendaient, mais... Je parle pas de devenir une grosse qui fait ses courses en jogging.
Now, I know there's probably a million feminist butch chicks out there who'd kill me for saying that, but I'm not talking about one of those fat housewives who go shopping in their trackies.
En jogging ou en velours marron?
A tracksuit or brown corduroy?
- En jogging, je crois.
- A tracksuit, I think.
Pas banal, un avocat en jogging.
That's weird.
C'est curieux. Des hommes viennent chez moi en jogging.
it's weird. in the mornings, I run into gentlemen that come to my house.
Depuis quand tu cours?
Since when are you into jogging?
En fait, je marche vite, sinon ça abîme les genoux.
And I'm not into jogging, I just walk fast, so I don't ruin my knees.
La beuverie, pas le jogging.
Not jogging, I meant drinking? - Yes.
J'y peux rien si tu as ta propre d ‚ finition de "faire du jogging".
Let's not be emotional, Eddie.
Vous êtes un peu enrobé, mais pas plus qu'un mammouth...
You might be a little on the heavy side but it's nothing that a few centuries jogging can't fix!
J'ai un placard rempli de jogging beaucoup mieux que cette merde.
And I got a closetful of better track suits than that piece of shit.
Il a fait du jogging avec Sienna.
He went jogging with sienna.
J'ai peur de faire mon jogging seule le matin ou même emmener mon chien au parc. On est là pour ça, non?
I'm afraid to jog by myself in the morning or even take my dog to the park.
Ce matin, j'ai commencé un régime et je suis allé faire un jogging.
HlGHSMlTH : This morning, I started a new diet and went out for a jog- -
Vous referez très vite du jogging.
Don't worry, you'll be jogging in no time.
- Et la tenue de jogging?
I'm incognito. Don't you see?
Tu sais, j'ai réfléchi à ce que tu as dit sur le fait d'être méchant avec les filles, et je veux que tu saches que ces bas de jogging te font vraiment de grosses fesses.
You know, I've been thinking about what you said about being mean to girls, and I want you to know those sweatpants really make your butt look big.
On va aller faire un jogging à Central Park.
So we're going to go for a jog in Central Park.
Donc on va aller faire un jogging dans Central Park.
So, we're going to go for a jog in Central Park.
On court le long d'un chemin à travers une forêt de cèdres enneigée.
We're jogging down a path through a snowy cedar forest.
J'aurais dû apporter un pantalon de jogging pour me changer.
I should have brought a pair of sweatpants to change into.
Alexander Pryce a fini ses devoirs, embrassé sa mère, est sorti faire un jogging.
Alexander Pryce finished his homework, kissed his mom, went out for a jog.
Alors ce jogging?
Oh, hey, how was your run?
Je brûle plus de calories que sur un tapis de jogging.
It burns so many calories. It's like having a treadmill strapped to your chest.
On achètera un tapis de jogging.
We'll get a treadmill.
- Retourne faire du jogging, tapette.
Go back to jogging, you homo. Oh.
Un peu de footing après...
A bit of jogging...
- Mon jogging.
The tracksuit...

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