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Ètais Çeviri İngilizce

111 parallel translation
Tu dois te comporter comme si tu ètais quelqu'un... Comme si tu peux prendre soin de toi, quoi qu'iI advienne.
Look and act like you're somebody, like you can take care of yourself no matter what happens.
J'ètais 1 7 e.
I was 17th.
Si j'ètais toi...
- If I was you...
Mais ils ont retenu 25 dollars pour Ie médecin. Cinq dollars, pour vagabondage. Un loyer de trois semaines à Ia prison alors que... j'ètais innocent.
They held back 25 dollars for the doctor, five dollars on a charge of vagrancy, three weeks'rent for living in the jail when I wasn't guilty.
J'ètais dans Ies vapes, je pouvais pas bouger. alors... me servir d'un fusil!
I was so dreamy, I couldn't hardly move, let alone use a drilling iron.
J'ètais avec un ami à moi, Angie.
I was with a friend of mine named Angie.
Les filles me regardent comme si j'ètais une punaise. J'ai des sentiments.
Girls there made me feel like I was a bug.
La dernière fois, j'ètais assise là.
The last time I was here, that's where I sat
J'ètais bon au lycèe.
I was pretty good in high school.
J'ètais pris à l'universitè City, mais mon père est mort, j'ai dû travailler.
I was accepted at city college, but my old man died, so I had to work.
J'ètais très bon en allemand. C'ètait ma langue préférée.
German was my best class.
J'ètais bon en maths au lycèe.
I was good in math in high school.
J'ètais en pyjama, et il m'a dit :
I was in my pajamas, you know, so he said,
Quand j'ai quitté l'armèe, j'ètais perdu.
So when I got out of the army, I was lost.
Parfois, j'ètais dans le mètro, Dieu me pardonne ce que je vais dire, je sentais les rails m'attirer sous les roues.
I used to stand in the subway sometimes, and god forgive me, I used to feel the tracks sucking me down under the wheels.
Où ètais-tu, bon sang?
Where you been, for pete's sake?
J'ètais sursitaire à cause de mon travail.
I was deferred, sir, because of my job.
J'ètais devenu son associé, comme ça.
He made me a partner just like that.
Samedi soir, j'ètais en avance.
On Saturday night, I was early.
J'en ferais autant, si j'ètais soldat.
I would, too, if I were a soldier.
J'ètais infirmière d'ètat en Virginie.
I was a public health nurse in West Virginia.
Quand ça a ètè le moment, j'ai dècouvert que j'ètais enceinte.
When the time came I discovered I was going to have a child.
Pour montrer que j'ètais un dur, et ce n'ètait pas tout.
It showed just how tough I was and that wasn't all.
L'annèe où j'ètais censé être à Cornell University, à étudier les affaires, j'ai passè mon temps dans la 52e Rue.
The year I was supposedly at Cornell University studying Business, I spent most of my time on 52nd Street.
J'ètais tout près d'elle, mais il y a un tas de rochers dessous...
I was very close behind her, but below are many rocks...
Je me rappelle, quand j'ètais dans une des universités où je suis allè.
I remember when I went to went to one of the several colleges I attended.
A ma sortie, l'armèe me devait un rappel de salaire de 4967 dollars et j'ètais l'une des personnes déplacées.
When I got out, I had $ 4,967 in back pay and I was one of the displaced.
J'ètais content qu'elle puisse l'écrire ainsi.
I was glad she could write it like that.
Le lendemain matin, j'ètais à Villefranche.
The next morning I was in Villefranche.
Si j'ètais directeur, je lui aurais aussi fIanquè une réprimande.
If I was the director, I would give him a reprimand too.
Quand j'ètais jeune, je préférais Ie marteau et Ie burin.
When I was younger, I preferred the hammer and the chisel.
J'ètais à la recherche d'un endroit... où l'on pourrait avoir besoin de moi...
you might need from me...
J'ai vu que j'ètais incapable de meurtre, bien que le meurtre fût la seule preuve de mon existence. A prèsent... la pensée même m'horrifie.
I saw that I was not capable of murder, though murder had been the sole proof of my existence and now the very thought of it horrifies me.
J'ètais encore avec eux, dans mon sommeil.
I was with them just now in my sleep.
J'ètais avec eux, nous attendions l'appel de notre nom!
I stood with them, and we waited for our own names to be called.
Quand j'ètais à la Bastille durant treize longues années, j'ai appris que nous sommes dans un monde de corps,
Marat when I lay in the Bastille for thirteen long years I learned that this is a world of bodies.
Si je n'ètais pas votre nourrice, je dirais... que vous avez sucé la sagesse au bout de mon sein.
- An honour! Were not I thine only nurse, I would say thou hadst sucked wisdom from thy teat.
Alors, où ètais-tu?
Where hast thou been, then?
j'ètais chez mon ennemi. Et quelqu'un des siens m'a blessé!
I have been feasting with mine enemy, where on a sudden one hath wounded me.
Jeune drïle, tu ètais son ami! Va le retrouver!
Thou wretched boy that didst consort him here shalt with him hence.
Toute ma vie, les gens ont dit que j'ètais timide.
All my life everyone thought of me as bashful.
Si tu n'ètais pas là pour les diriger, ce ne seraient que de petits criminels sans organisation ni discipline.
Without your leadership, they would be disorganized, undisciplined petty criminals.
Je n'y suis pas monté depuis que j'ètais gosse.
I haven't been up here since I was a kid.
J'ètais infirmier au Vietnam.
Listen to me. I was a medic in Vietnam.
J'ètais épuisé.
I was exhausted.
J'ètais juste un buveur mondain.
I was just a social drinker.
J'ètais au milieu de Lexington Avenue, n'ayant pas du tout l'air ivre,
I was standing in the middle of Lexington Avenue, not looking or acting drunk,
J'ètais juste assis là, mec.
I was just sitting down doing nothing, man.
- Il vaut pas mieux, mais j'ètais concentrée sur celui qui la pressait.
He was just as bad, but I kept my attention on the one who was pushing on her.
- J'ètais en train de te chercher.
Well, I was looking for you.
J'ètais fort occupé!
Pardon, good Mercutio, my business was great.

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