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Translate.vc / Fransızca → Rusça / Wore

Wore Çeviri Rusça

6 parallel translation
Alléluia, Marie aimait son fils Pourquoi ma mère ne m'aime pas?
♪ My hair Iike Jesus wore it ♪ HaIIeIujah, I adore it
[ "The band wore leather, and the boys were lookin'so pretty" ]
The band wore leather, and the boys were lookin'so pretty
♪ You wore a charm on the chain ♪
♪ Ты носила цепочку на шее ♪
Vous portiez cette montre.
You wore that watch when you did it.
Ce n'est pas pour ça que vous portez votre cravate de divertissement?
Isn't that why you wore your recreation tie?
Alléluia, Marie aimait son fils Pourquoi ma mère ne m'aime pas?
♪ My hair Iike Jesus wore it

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