/ Portekizce → İngilizce / Boston
Boston Çeviri İngilizce
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Nós temos algo em comum, este tipo psicótico.
Bulger was deeply involved in the distribution of drugs in the South Boston area.
Tem de ser feita justiça.
Bulger was one of the biggest informants in Boston.
Para as pessoas de Boston, trata-se de um caso de justiça.
And Bulger is charged with 33 separate predicate crimes.
" Ele fez o trabalho sujo, pois era um assassino activo que agiu impunemente em Boston durante quase 30 anos. Bulger estava envolvido no tráfico de droga na área de South Boston.
Defense attorney J.W. Carney stunned the courtroom, admitting for the first time that Bulger was involved in drug trafficking.
Ele foi um dos maiores informadores em Boston.
James Bulger was involved in drug dealing. He was involved in bookmaking, loan sharking.
Mas acho que outras que têm muitas noites insones por temerem o testemunho de James Bulger.
So Howie mediates the end of the war with a rival gang in South Boston called the Mullens, in which the Mullens actually were about to prevail.
Colunista do Boston Globe Co-autor, "Whitey Bulger"
Man : Southie was great growing up.
Passei grande parte da minha infância em South Boston e, mesmo naquela altura, sabia que quem mandava era o Whitey Bulger.
It was a neighborhood bar. It was kind of a rough bar, and that's where l met Jim Bulger and Steve Flemmi. I was 18 at the time.
Então, o Howie medeia o fim da guerra com um gangue rival em South Boston chamado Mullen, uma guerra que os Mullen estavam prestes a vencer.
Weeks calmly and coldly testified he watched James Bulger brutally murder Deborah Hussey, John Mclntyre, and Arthur "Bucky" Barrett. Woman : Jim Bulger stepped out with a machine gun, was put in a chair, tied with chains.
O Jim estrangulou-a, com as pernas à volta dela, os lábios e a cara dela ficaram azulados, os olhos reviraram e tudo.
What surprised me, I'd say, "Where's the Boston police? Where's the fbi? Why isn't anybody else doing this?"
Ficavam na rua bastante tempo e isso nunca devia ter acontecido. É...
Then one night, John Morris of the fbi met a Boston detective at a bachelor party.
É uma loucura. Inspector Tenente Polícia do Massachusetts, Reformado Trabalhei no crime organizado grande parte da minha carreira.
And he was in a drunken state and told the Boston detective that, " l know you guys are working with the state on a wire, on a bug down on Lancaster Street.
" Onde está a Polícia de Boston?
What is the name of this organization?
Então, uma noite, o John Morris, do FBI, encontrou um detective de Boston numa despedida de solteiro.
English : The top echelon informant program also was what gave power to guys like John Connolly.
Ele estava embriagado e disse ao detective de Boston : " Sei que estão a trabalhar numa escuta em Lancaster Street.
Well, you're going to need fbi guys who walk the walk and talk the talk, who can go out into that underworld and sort of make deals with these guys.
O programa de informadores Top Echelon também foi o que deu poder a tipos como John Connolly.
And the Boston fbi, no way. I met John Connolly, who's a salty guy, Irish Catholic like myself.
Antigo Repórter Boston Globe Co-autor, "Black Mass" "Whitey" ... com ligações à família Bulger, conseguiu forjar o que depois chamaram de aliança secreta com Whitey Bulger.
So getting involved in this case, I had an opportunity that I don't think anybody in the public does, is I get to see the files that the government had to suggest that he was an informant.
Ele usou o FBI e o FBI usou-o.
Put money in envelopes for all of the different police. I had contacts on the state police, the Boston police, the ATF, also in the fbi.
Tinha contactos na Polícia estadual, na Polícia de Boston, na ATF e também no FBI.
Bulger used to wake up in South Boston, and from South Boston you can look across, and he would say, "l own that town." And he really did.
Com uma moral... Ele era um cobarde moral.
So when I went back to headquarters, and the Boston problem was going on, I was told they needed somebody with this background to be sent to Boston.
E vemo-lo a ele e ao John Connolly a aproveitar-se das fraquezas dele para o envolver no grupo. Vemos isso e o que foi permitido.
And my mission was to find out what is going on between the Mass State Police, the Boston Police, the local police, and the fbi, and how come they're not getting along together.
O Bulger acordava em South Boston e, de lá, podia olhar para o outro lado e dizer : "Sou o dono desta cidade."
So they formed the opinion that the agents were doing something bad.
Aquando do problema de Boston, disseram-me que queriam alguém com este historial em Boston.
And that's what I go back and tell my boss. From that point on, I get resistance. I'm more or less told, " You shut up.
A minha missão era descobrir o que se passava entre a Polícia estadual, a Polícia de Boston, a Polícia local e o FBI e porque é que não se davam bem.
You're not allowed to talk about this. " I was a very young reporter, but I had covered this huge Mafia trial in Boston, it was the biggest ever.
A Polícia estadual culpava o FBI por se aliar a criminosos...
He was the underboss of the Mafia, and ran everything in Boston.
Eu fui falar com o Bulger...
And so at the end of that trial, it was a huge victory for the fbi in Boston.
Cheguei a casa dele e falámos à porta. Ele tinha um boné de basebol, óculos de sol e uma camisola justa.
Yesterday, a federal grand jury sitting at Boston returned a 20 count indictment charging seven individuals, including Gennaro Angiulo.
Estiquei-lhe a mão e ele não a apertou. Olhei para a minha mão vazia e segui-o lá para dentro.
The Boston fbi, they were heroes, and John Connolly was at the heart of that, he was the guy with the most informants the most top echelon informants.
Mas, então, falamos sobre ele. Finalmente obtenho respostas. E ele disse-me que não é informador, que tem os próprios informadores, que é ele que lhes paga, não o contrário.
Jim Bulger wants to explain to the jury why for 25 years he could be on top of the organized crime pyramid in Boston, and never once be charged with a crime.
Eu era uma repórter jovem, mas tinha feito a cobertura a um grande julgamento em Boston.
What was O'Sullivan's promise to you? His promise to me was this. He says, "Listen, Whitey,"
Ele era o subchefe da Máfia e dirigia tudo em Boston.
from this point on. I'll protect you, you protect me. " And that was the way it went.
Matam quem nós mandarmos matar. " No final desse julgamento, foi uma grande vitória para o FBI em Boston.
and he was going to protect O'Sullivan in return for being granted immunity for crimes past and future.
Tinham dizimado a família de Nova Inglaterra. Ontem, um júri federal, em Boston...
John Connolly said that O'Sullivan and Bulger pledged allegiance to each other.
O FBI de Boston era heróico... FBI DETÉM PRINCIPAL SUSPEITO DA MÁFIA... e o John Connolly estava no centro disso. Era ele quem tinha mais informadores Top Echelon.
The government didn't want it to be, because then you would have this very ironic situation of the US Attorney's Office in Boston, the very office that is currently prosecuting Whitey Bulger, had some kind of
Somos a Brigada Anticrime Organizado, perseguimos peixe graúdo. " Chefe da Força Anticrime Organizado de Nova Inglaterra, 1973-1989 Whitey estava a tornar-se peixe graúdo.
Today they call to the stand former number two in the fbi's Boston office, Agent Bob Fitzpatrick.
O estado não queria isso, para não se ter uma situação muito irónica em que o gabinete da Procuradoria de Boston, o gabinete que está a acusar Whitey Bulger, tinha uma relação corrupta com Whitey Bulger sobre a qual não estavam a ser totalmente sinceros.
And yet years later, he wanted to distance himself from it and pretend he was trying to stop it. English : Bob Fitzpatrick was one of the first people to say there's something rotten here, and to try to call attention to it.
O ex-agente do FBI Robert Fitzpatrick chegou ao gabinete de Boston em 1981 e disse que o ambiente era tenso. Como Agente Especial Assistente Responsável, Fitzpatrick avaliou o papel de James Bulger como informador.
So, during the trial we learn information that there's a secret safe in the Boston SAC, that's Special Agent in Charge's office in the C3 unit of the fbi, the criminal division, and in that safe, supposedly documents will go into
Fitzpatrick disse que Bulger o surpreendeu quando disse que não era informador, que o FBI nunca lhe pagara para lhe fornecer informação.
and never come out again. We also learned that there was a secretary who had worked for decades in the Boston fbi. She's 82 years old, and still working for the Boston fbi.
Durante o julgamento, descobrimos que há um cofre secreto no AER de Boston, no Gabinete do Agente Especial Responsável na unidade C3 do FBI, o departamento criminal.
it didn't prove anything, other than the fact that there was a head of the fbi who was concerned about keeping Bulger open as an informant. If anything, the Sarhatt memo proves Bulger was an informant.
Os documentos entrariam nesse cofre e não voltariam a sair. Também soubemos que havia uma secretária...
He sat with the head of the Boston fbi for four hours and gave them all sorts of information, most of which was useless, but in fact, he was reporting it to the fbi, and that makes him an informant.
Ela tem 82 anos e ainda trabalha no FBI de Boston.
The latest twist in the trial of James Whitey Bulger. Man :
Ele falou com o chefe do FBI de Boston durante quatro horas e deu-lhes todo o tipo de informações, a maioria inútil, mas, na verdade, ele transmitia-as ao FBI e isso faz dele um informador.
I've had a lot of hurt, Joe, I mean, from... I'm talking from... I can remember far back as four or five years old. I don't have any faith no more.
O quê? O que aconteceu?
But the Bank of Boston brought him this Jai Alai deal.
Mas o Banco de Boston trouxe-lhe o acordo da Jai-alai.
He actually would've been 33 in a week.
Foi o maior de sempre. Foi... Repórter, Boston Globe Co-autora, "Whitey Bulger"
he says, "l feel better, I'm under your umbrella of protection, you're under mine," and he says, "Any federal crimes or anything like that, don't worry about it." He says, " l'll always be in your corner
Whitey Bulger e Steve Flemmi são lançados no vácuo. Pergunto ao líder da brigada de Nova Inglaterra, Jerry O'Sullivan... Antigo Procurador
The notion that a federal prosecutor could tell an organized crime figure that he could kill at will, men and women, rich and poor, Boston, Florida, Oklahoma, based on a personal promise to guarantee his safety, is so absurd,
Jim Bulger quer explicar ao júri porque é que durante 25 anos esteve no topo da pirâmide do crime organizado em Boston...
Kind of upset over the fact that this whole case is predicated on a bunch of people I tried to put in jail, and the true story is that the criminal justice system has basically been co-opted by Bulger, by Flemmi.
O chefe da Brigada Anticrime Organizado, o Jeremiah O'Sullivan, prometeu-lhe que ele não seria acusado de nenhum crime federal se, em troca, fizesse algo que o governo queria.
So I've got to go there and present the truth. Woman : Former fbi agent Robert Fitzpatrick started at the Boston office in 1981, and said the atmosphere was tense.
Hoje, vai testemunhar o antigo número dois do gabinete do FBI em Boston, o agente Bob Fitzpatrick.
It shows you that you're either with the government, and they'll accept, and guide, and protect you in any way they can, or you're against the government, and they'll try to destroy you.
Sede do FBI em Boston... que trabalhara durante décadas no FBI de Boston.
Woman :
O cadáver está a 11 km do local onde estava o carro dele e ele não tinha identificação.
Whitey Bulger and Stevie Flemmi were implicated, and the fbi in Boston lied to the fbi in Oklahoma.