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Darcy Çeviri İngilizce

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Não é, Darcy?
Eh, Darcy?
- Sr. Darcy.
- Mr Darcy.
- O Sr. Darcy deve ter reparado. - Pois reparei.
- You observed it, I'm sure, Mr Darcy.
Receio, Sr. Darcy, que esta travessura afectou a sua admiração pelos seu belos olhos?
Mr Darcy, has this escapade affected your admiration for her fine eyes?
Sr. Darcy, venha dar-me uma ajuda.
Mr Darcy, come and advise me.
Ele arruinou-nos a todos, Sr. Darcy!
( MISS BINGLEY ) : He's undone us all, Mr Darcy!
A tudo isso, junte algo mais importante, tal como o culto da mente através da leitura.
( DARCY ) : And to this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.
Gostaria muito de viver no campo para sempre, não é, Darcy?
I'd be happy to live in the country forever. Wouldn't you, Darcy?
A mãe entendeu mal o Sr. Darcy.
Mamma, you mistake Mr Darcy's meaning.
Faz-nos companhia, Sr. Darcy?
Will you not join us, Mr Darcy?
- Rir do Sr. Darcy?
- Laugh at Mr Darcy?
Mas o orgulho, quando se tem superioridade de intelecto, o orgulho é sempre um bom princípio.
( DARCY ) : But pride... Where there is a superiority of mind, pride will always be under regulation.
Receio que o Sr. Darcy sinta pena por perder as opiniões atrevidas e os belos olhos da Miss Bennet.
But I fear Mr Darcy is mourning the loss of Miss Eliza Bennet's pert opinions and fine eyes.
Conhece o Sr. Darcy há muito tempo?
Have you known Mr. Darcy long?
Conhece bem o Sr. Darcy?
Are you much acquainted with Mr. Darcy?
Não me vou embora por causa do Sr. Darcy.
But it is not for me to be driven away by Mr. Darcy.
O pai dele, Miss Bennet, o falecido Sr. Darcy, era meu padrinho e era um dos melhores homens que alguma vez viveu.
His father, Miss Bennet, the late Mr. Darcy, was my Godfather, and one of the best men that ever breathed.
O meu pai era administrador dele e quando morreu, o falecido Sr. Darcy tomou conta de mim.
My father was his steward, and when he died, old Mr. Darcy cared for me,
Não pensei que o Sr. Darcy fosse assim tão mau.
I had not thought Mr. Darcy as bad as this.
O Sr. Darcy teria demasiado respeito pelos desejos do pai, para se comportar de forma tão pouco cristã.
Mr. Darcy's respect for his father's wishes wouldn't allow him to behave in such an unChristian way.
Se não for verdade, o Sr. Darcy que o contradiga.
Let Mr. Darcy contradict it!
Não sei como o Sr. Darcy conseguiu enganá-lo.
I wonder very much how Mr. Darcy could impose upon him.
- Não deve conhecê-lo realmente.
He cannot know what Mr. Darcy is.
O Sr. Darcy sabe agradar a quem lhe convém, se achar que vale a pena.
Mr. Darcy can please what he chooses, if he thinks it worth his while.
Diga-me uma coisa. Que tipo de moça é a Miss Darcy?
Tell me, what sort of girl is Miss Darcy?
Ela é tia do Sr. Darcy. E a filha dela, a Annie, que herdará uma enorme fortuna, está destinada a casar com o Sr. Darcy.
She's Mr. Darcy's aunt, you know and her daughter Anne, who will inherit a large fortune, is destined to be Mr. Darcy's bride.
E o próprio Sr. Darcy se gabou de ser rancoroso...
And Mr. Darcy has boasted to me himself of his resentful...
Seria bom conversarmos, Sr. Darcy.
I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy.
Deve ter-se esquecido de lhe dizer, entre outras informações, que apenas é filho do velho Wickham, administrador do falecido Sr. Darcy.
No doubt he forgot to tell you, among his other communications, that he was merely the son of old Wickham, the late Mr. Darcy's steward!
O Wickham tratou o Darcy de uma forma vergonhosa.
Wickham treated Darcy in an infamous manner.
Não me recordo dos pormenores, mas sei que o Sr. Darcy não teve culpa alguma.
I don't remember the particulars, but I do know that Mr. Darcy was not in the least to blame.
Apenas a ouvi acusá-lo de ser filho do administrador do Sr. Darcy, e ele mesmo já mo tinha dito.
You accuse him only of being the son of Mr. Darcy's steward, which he informed me of himself.
Atribuí o insignificante ataque dela á ignorância que tem da maldade do Sr. Darcy!
I see nothing in her paltry attack but her own ignorance and the malice of Mr. Darcy!
Ouviu a opinião do Sr. Darcy.
Well, then he just had his account from Mr. Darcy.
Sr. Darcy, acabei de fazer uma descoberta extraordinária, diria mesmo que é fantástica.
Mr. Darcy. I have made a remarkable... I must say, an amazing discovery!
Sr. Darcy, posso informá-lo que Sua Senhoria estava de óptima saúde há oito dias.
Well Mr. Darcy, I am happy to be able to inform you that her Ladyship was in the best of health eight days ago.
Chamo-me William Collins, Sr. Darcy.
My name is William Collins, Mr. Darcy.
O Sr. Darcy está ansioso por rever a irmã, e devo confessar que eu também, na esperança de ela vir a ser
Mr. Darcy, of course, is impatient to see his sister. And to confess the truth, I'm scarcely less eager to meet her again, from the hope I dare to entertain of her being hereafter... my sister.
Miss Bingley vê o irmão apaixonado por ti e quer casá-lo com Miss Darcy.
Miss Bingley sees that her brother is in love with you, and she wants him to marry Miss Darcy.
Decidi que seria melhor não ir, que seria preferível não encontrar o Sr. Darcy.
I decided that it would be wrong for me to be there. I found that I had better not meet with Mr. Darcy.
Embora não me incomodasse ver o Sr. Darcy descomposto em público, incomodar-me-ia ver o Sr. Bingley embaraçado na sua própria casa.
Not that... it would give me a moment's concern to see Mr. Darcy publicly set down, but in Mr. Bingley's house... It would grieve me to see him embarrassed and discomfited.
Acredito sinceramente que o Sr. Darcy o tratou mal.
But I believe he has been treated contemptibly by Mr. Darcy, father.
Embora o Darcy possa não ser mais pulha do que qualquer outro rico habituado a fazer o que quer.
Though Darcy may be no more of a black-hearted villain than your average rich man, used to his own way.
Tive a felicidade de ser o protegido do Sr. Darcy, pai.
I had the good fortune to be the protégé of old Mr. Darcy.
Quando lhe perguntei pelo irmão, frisou que ele sabe que cá estou, mas que anda muito ocupado com o Sr. Darcy e a irmã dele.
When I asked after her brother, she made it clear that he knows of my being in town, but is much engaged at present with Mr. Darcy and his sister.
Ou se o velho Sr. Darcy não tivesse um filho.
Had old Mr. Darcy never had a son.
O Sr. Darcy chegou a Rosings com o primo, o coronel Fitzwilliam, filho mais novo do conde de Matlock.
Mr. Darcy is arrived at Rosings! And with him his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam! The younger son of the Earl of Matlock!
O Sr. Darcy nunca viria visitar-me tão depressa.
Mr. Darcy wouldn't come so soon to wait upon me.
Acredito, o Sr. Darcy é o meu crítico mais severo.
I can well believe that. Mr. Darcy is my severest critic.
Sabe porque o Sr. Darcy me olha fixamente?
Can you tell me why Mr. Darcy keeps staring at me?
- Não somos grandes amigos.
Mr. Darcy and I are not the best of friends.

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