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Translate.vc / Portekizce → İngilizce / Morrison

Morrison Çeviri İngilizce

995 parallel translation
Éramos amigos. Solta-me, Morrison! Solta-me!
This letter was bullshit after all!
O Dante deixou-se levar pelas armadilhas dos adversários de propósito
That's good to hear. Morrison?
Para o convés, Morrison. Churchill.
On deck, Morrison.
Morrison, duas dúzias, creio.
- Mr. Morrison, two dozen, I believe.
- Mr. Morrison, suba. - Mr.
- Mr. Morrison, come aboard.
Mr. Morrison.
- Mr. Morrison.
- Mr. Morrison, prossiga com a ordem.
- Mr. Morrison, lay on with a will.
Chega, Mr. Morrison.
That's enough, Mr. Morrison.
Mr. Morrison!
Mr. Morrison!
Mr. Morrison, faça-o passar por baixo da quilha!
Mr. Morrison, keelhaul this man.
Morrison, avise.
- Mr. Morrison, pipe the men.
Mr. Morrison, chame a tripulaçäo à popa.
By the way, Mr. Morrison, pipe the ship's company aft.
Mr. Morrison, cumpra o dever.
Mr. Morrison, do your duty.
Morrison também veio mais cedo.
Mr. Morrison also came a little early.
George, estes säo o Mr. Morrison, o Mr. Thatcher e o Mr.
George, this is Mr. Morrison, Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Conderley.
- As de Mr. Morrison.
- Mr. Morrison's.
Quero dizer, além de Mr. Morrison, Mr. Thatcher e Mr.
I mean, calls other than Mr. Morrison's and Mr. Thatcher's and Mr. Conderley's?
O Thatcher, o Morrison e o Conderley estäo cá.
Thatcher's here, Morrison's here, Conderley's here.
Job, Mr. Conderley, Mr. Thatcher, Mr.
Job, Mr. Conderley, Mr. Thatcher, Mr. Forbish and Mr. Morrison.
Morrison. - Como está?
- How do you do?
Deve ser o Morrison.
That would be Morrison. Thank you.
- È o Ed Morrison.
- It's Ed Morrison.
Edward Morrison.
Edward Morrison.
Mr. Morrison.
- Sim, senhor. - Desculpe tê-lo acordado, Morrison. Envie este despacho para Whitehall imediatamente.
... there is strong reason to believe that von Papen is in possession of top secret information which would indicate a leak in security here...'
O Morrison diz que estão más.
Morrison says it's bad.
Morrison poderia tentar laçá-lo, do 1714.
Morrison could try a lasso from 1714.
Espera, Morrison.
Hold it, Morrison.
Diga ao Morrison para a deixar cair. Lentamente e com calma.
Tell Morrison to drop it slow and easy.
Morrison, baixe a corda.
Morrison, lower the rope.
Morrison, sobe ao tombadilho e avisa todos os que encontrares.
Now, Morrison, get up on deck and warn everyone you meet.
Quando aqui cheguei, podia ter usado isso em Rick Morrison.
When I rode back here today, I could've used that on Rick Morrison, but I didn't.
Por acaso achas que o Tom Morrison já se esqueceu que lhe mataste os dois filhos.
Do you think for one minute that Tom Morrison's forgotten that you killed his two sons?
Para começares outra batalha com os Morrison.
And start another battle with the Morrisons?
Eu quero lembrar-te que estás a viver pela graça de Deus e de Tom Morrison.
I'll also remind you that you're only living by the grace of God and Tom Morrison.
Senhor Morrison, por favor.
Mr Morrison, please.
Já lhe disse para me deixar em paz, Morrison.
That's the only kind of trouble I can afford, Morrison.
Se eu o quisesse matar Morrison, já estaria morto.
If I wanted to kill you, Morrison, you'd be dead already.
Está quieto Morrison!
Back off, Morrison.
Muito bem, são quatro contra uma.
There's four against you, Morrison.
Morrison, tem mais armas em casa. Vá buscá-las!
Morrison, you got extra guns at your place, bring them in.
Escolheu um hora horrível para começar isto.
You picked a hell of a time to start something, Morrison.
Sabe cultivar o ódio, não é Morrison?
You really work hard at hating, don't you, Morrison?
Não ouviram? Eu não sai, a atirar nos Morrison.
You can't believe I went gunning for the Morrisons!
Não creio o que aconteceu com os Morrison tenha sido culpa sua.
I don't believe what happened with the Morrisons tonight was your fault.
Mr. Morrison, start those men.
- Mr. Morrison!
- Näo.
Probably Ed Morrison.
Deve vir o Ed Morrison.
He barged in.
o Rick Morrison viu-o na rua.
And Rick Morrison saw him.
Tentou roubar as nossas terras, Morrison.
You tried to steal our land, Morrison.

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