/ Portekizce → Rusça / Thee
Thee Çeviri Rusça
16 parallel translation
Lisa, não há lugar para músicos malucos em "My County'Tis of thee."
"Моя страна" не исполняется в стиле бибоп!
As chamas não te molestarão
* The flame * Shall not hurt thee
Of Thee I Sing, 1932.
"Тебе пою я", 1932
♪ How still we see thee lie... ♪
Нам видно, как тихонько ты замер...
♪ In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust ♪ Let me never be ashamed
На Тебя, Господи, уповаю да не постыжусь вовек
"Barb... thee... thorns."
"Барб... тебя... шипов."
♪ Let me walk close to Thee
♪ Позволь мне идти близко к Тебе
♪ Just a closer walk with Thee ♪
♪ Просто гулять рядом с Тобой ♪
♪ Daily walking close to Thee ♪
♪ Каждый день гулять рядом с тобой ♪
– Тэ — ло – нус.
Mesmo ao andar pelo escuro desfiladeiro da morte, não terei medo porque sei, Senhor, que estarás comigo
# In death's dark vale I fear no ill # with thee, dear Lord, beside me # Thy rod and staff my comfort still
- Série 2 Ep.07 "Lay Thee Before Kings" Tradução : RMdS
Переведено специально для ColdFilm.Ru Перевели : elune, KeRoB
♪ Have I not remembered thee in my bed
♪ And thought upon thee when I was waking?
Vamos lá, Will.
♪ Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee ♪ Давай Уилл.