Aslïnda Çeviri İngilizce
939 parallel translation
Aslïnda, donanma denemekle ünlü.
In fact, the Navy is famous for trying.
Aslïnda yapmïs olabilir.
I wouldn't put it past her.
Aslïnda, hayïr.
Truthfully, no.
Kötü is, aslïnda.
Rotten job, though.
- Bu toz aslïnda un.
- This dust is baking flour.
Aslïnda Bay Marvin Metzner.
Actually, it's Mr. Marvin Metzner.
Aslinda yarin senetleri devralabilir.
In fact, she may take over the notes tomorrow.
Aslinda aç degilim.
Oh, I'm really not hungry.
Aslinda böyle...
We don't want to make- -
Aslinda hikayenize inanmamistik.
We didn't exactly believe your story.
Aslinda görünmeye çalistiginiz kisi degilsiniz, degil mi?
You aren't exactly the sort of a person you pretend to be, are you?
O zaman kus aslinda hiçbirinizin degil, General IKemidov'un.
Then, the bird doesn't really belong to any of you, but to a General Kemidov?
Öyle bakacak olursaniz aslinda Ispanya IKrali'nin da diyebilirsiniz.
Well, sir, you might as well say it belonged to the King of Spain.
Fakat aslinda daha uyanik olmaliydik.
Well, sir, we mere men should have known better.
Aslinda basta amacim o degildi.
I didn't mean to at first, really, I didn't.
Aslinda umurunda degilim!
You didn't care at all!
Aslinda böyle daha kolaydi.
You got to that one easy enough.
Siz aslinda hapishaneye sarhos getirmezsiniz Cherry.
Isn't putting drunks in jail a little out of your line, Cherry?
Belki biraz aciklidir aslinda.
Maybe, it's kind of sad.
Aslinda sinir boyunca... seriflik yapan kardeslerin var, degil mi?
As a matter of fact, you've got brothers marshalling all over the frontier, haven't you?
Aslinda % 10 karsiliginda... herkes bana destek çikardi. Ama ben seni sevdim Wyatt Earp, tarzini sevdim.
Now, actually, any number of people would be glad to back me for 10 %, but I like you, Wyatt Earp.
Biliyor musun Wyatt, aslinda epey benzesiyoruz.
You know, Wyatt, you and I are pretty much alike, actually.
Aslinda bütün mesele para.
Well, it's really a matter of finances.
Silahsor olmak istedigimden degil, aslinda...
It's not that I want to be a gunfighter, exactly. It's just...
"what sound the sexual perverts?"
Aslinda kocam da bunlari almak istediklerini söylemisti.
As a matter of fact, my husband said they'd be glad to get them
Gösterinin temel uygulamasi dahilinde, ilk bakista önemsiz ve apaçik görünen fakat aslinda çok karmasik ve metafiziksel inceliklerle dolu olan eski düsmanimiz metayi taniriz ; gösterinin bu temel uygulamasi, insan eylemlerinin tüm akiskan yönlerini onlara donuk bir sekilde sahip olmak için kendi bünyesinde toplamasi
In this essential movement of the spectacle, which consists of recapturing... within itself everything that existed in human activity... in a fluid state, in order to possess it... in a coagulated state, as things which have become the exclusive value, by their formulation in negative of lived value, we recognize our old enemy... who knows so well how to appear at first glance... something trivial and, self-evident when it is, on the contrary, so complex,
Ayni sosyoekonomik sistemin kontrolünde bulunan farkli güçler arasindaki mücadele, resmen uzlastirilamaz karsitliklar olarak gösterilse de bunlar aslinda o sistemin hem uluslararasi hem de her ulus içindeki temel birligini yansitir.
The struggle of powers, which have been.... set up for directing the same socio-economic system, is deployed as official contradiction, belonging in fact to real unity, this latter takes place... on a global scale as well as within each nation.
Fakat aslinda bunlar, asil temelleri onlari içine alan küresel sistemin, tüm gezegeni faaliyet alanina çeviren tek bir hareketin, yani kapitalizmin içinde bulunan belirli bölümlerdir.
But in terms of their actual reality, as particular sectors, the truth of their particularity... resides in the universal system that contains them : in the unique movement... that has made the planet its field, capitalism.
Görünüsteki yasamin uzmanlari olan yildizlar, insanlarin aslinda yasiyor olduklari bölünmüs verimli özellesmeleri telafi etmek için kendilerini özdeslestirebilecegi yüzeysel nesneler olarak görev görür.
The condition of the star... is the specialization of the apparently lived, the object of the identification... with apparent life without depth, that should compensate for the fragmentation of productive... specializations actually lived.
Fakat aslinda gösteri kendini daha yüksek bir düzeydeki yogunlukla sergilemekte ve tekrarlamaktadir.
But in these very moments assigned to life, it is still the spectacle... which is to be seen and reproduced, as it attains a greater intensity.
Dünya çapinda toplumun genel zamani olarak resmi anlamda kabul edilen zaman aslinda yalnizca onu olusturan özellesmis menfaatleri yansitir ve bu nedenle de yalnizca belirli bir zaman türüdür.
Thus, the time which is officially affirmed across... the entire expanse of the globe as the general time of society, signifying only the specialized interests which constitute it, is merely one particular time.
Yok olan sey aslinda bizzat çok gerçektir : çalismaya baglidir ve onunla kaybolur.
The fact of disappearing is also effectively real, and is attached to the work and itself disappears with the latter ;
Aslinda, ben size onu nerede bulabileceginizi gosterebilirim.
As a matter of fact, I could show you the way.
Aslinda m ¡ zah yönü kuvvetl ¡ b ¡ r ¡ oldugunu düsünüyorum.
Actually, I found him to have quite a sense of humor.
Aslinda fotograftilar.
But they're really photographs.
Garajdak ¡ büyük b ¡ r odayi göster ¡ p odam ded ¡. Aslinda ona ¡ nanmadim, ama n ¡ ye rol yapti?
He showed us a room in the garage where he said he stayed, and I didn't really believe him, of course, but why the act?
Çünkü, içimizde de bir Evren var, hepimizin yapi tasi aslinda yildizlar.
Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff.
Pulsarlar, yildiz ölse de, hiçbirseyin aslinda yokolmadiginin kederli birer hatirlaticisidir.
Instead, they are the doleful reminders that nothing lasts forever that stars also die.
O aslinda, yildiz degildir.
But it is not a star.
O aslinda tamamen farkli birseydir.
It is another thing entirely.
Bulut aslinda bir gizemi de örter.
A cloud that veils one of nature's secret places.
Ama aslinda Wrigley Field.
That's Wrigley Field.
Jake yalan söylemiyor, aslinda.
Jake ain't lying, though.
Aslinda, cok igrenc kokuyorlar.
Well, frankly, they're offensive-smelling.
Aslinda bay Thorson, bunu çok komik buluyorum.
Frankly, Mr Thorson, I'd be tickled pink.
- Aslinda, bir yerde öyle.
- Well, kind of.
Aslinda degil.
Not really.
Oglum Anthony aslinda iyi bir çocuk.
My son, Anthony, he's a good boy.
Aslinda ben Gizli Ahlaki Taciz Komitesi'ndenim.
Actually... I'm from the Confidential Committee on Moral Abuses.
Senin akraban aslinda, Jack Amcan.
Happens he was a kin of yours, your Uncle Jack.
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