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Nisanli Çeviri İngilizce

12 parallel translation
Es degil. Nisanli Sen bu nisanlilik olayini biliyor musun?
Fiancee is a facility that provides everything that a wife provides
Nisanli oldugum zaman onu parmagima takiyordum.
When I was engaged, I wore it on my finger.
A fiance.
Siz nisanli misiniz yoksa?
You two engaged or something?
Nasil? - Nasil "bir bakima" nisanli olabilirsiniz?
How can you be engaged in a manner of speaking?
Nisanli degiller.
They're not engaged.
Arkadasimla nisanli olduguna inanamiyorum.
I can't believe you're engaged to my friend.
Siz nisanli'mi hic gordunuzmu?
Have you met my fiancé?
Litchfield'da kalan Piper Chapman adli mahkûmla nisanli kendisi.
He's engaged to a Litchfield inmate named Piper Chapman?
- Nisanli misin?
You are engaged?
Nişanli değiliz.
Well, we're not engaged.

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