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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İngilizce / [ U ] / Uzuntu

Uzuntu Çeviri İngilizce

5 parallel translation
ama onun gibi uzuntu.
It was dark, but he was tall like him.
Sevinc veya uzuntu bizi İlginlendirmez..
We care two hoots for joy or despair..
Bu duvarlarin arkasinda uzuntu kacinilmaz zamanin gecisinde acimasizca.
Behind these walls the sorrow is inevitable, as relentless as the passage of time.
Duygusal degiskenlik, agir uzuntu, Kizgjnlik, umutsuzluk? Hayir, hayir.
Emotional instability, overwhelming sadness, anger, hopelessness?
Baskan katilamadigi icin elbette uzuntu duyuyor ancak Pekin'de acil bir isi cikti.
The chairman obviously regrets not being able to attend, but he had an urgent matter in Beijing.

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