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Yapmiş Çeviri İngilizce

148 parallel translation
Az yol yapmiş -
Great mileage.
Hepsi kendi kendileriyle anlaşma yapmiş gibi...
Each of them deals with this confusion in his own way.
Cecil, Ben'in doğduğu 1 985 yilinda doğum yapmiş.
Cecil gave birth in 1985 which is the same year Ben was born.
Aslïnda yapmïs olabilir.
I wouldn't put it past her.
Roy çok akilli bir plan yapmis.
Roy has worked out what I consider a very sensible plan.
Bir kral yagma yikma yaparsa, hirsizlik yapmis olmaz.
When a king takes spoils, he robs no one.
Kesinlikle Clanton'lar yapmis... ve sen de isin içindeymissin!
It was the Clantons all right and you were in on it!
Ona söyledigini yapmis.
He did what you told him.
Sosyete hatunlarïnï bilmem ama iri bir kadïn garsonla yapmadan yapmïs sayïlmazsïn.
I don't know about society dames but you ain't had it till you made it with a big waitress.
Yapmis, seni asagilik piç.
He did it, the dirty bastard.
Hala Tokyo'da, bir ay daha kontrat yapmis.
- She's still in Tokyo.
Evet, bazi kotu seçimler yapmis.
Yeah. He's made some poor choices.
Bunu ona, hizlandiricinin patlamasi mi yapmis?
The accelerator explosion did this to him?
En azindan ben, senin basinçi ücretsiz yapmis olurdum
At least I'd have been, free of your pressure
It herif anlasma yapmis.
The sonofabitch cut a deal.
Tarikat, Atlantis'e ait bu resimleri yapmis. "Platin kitap" taki tariflere dayanarak.
The cult made these paintings of Atlantis based on descriptions from the platinum book itself.
Stajini da burada yapmis.
Did his pre-med work here.
Anladigim kadariyla Watson gevezelik yapmis.
Watson's been talking, I see.
Yoksa bu yapmis oldugunuz son ziyaret olabilir, anlasildi mi?
Or it'll be the last visit you ever make. Understand?
Bunu ne icin yapmis?
What the devil's this for?
- Kucuk kiz mi yapmis?
The little girl did?
Doping yapmis!
He's on steroids!
Bana iyilik yapmis olursun, Rus pislik.
You'd be doing me a favour, you Russian fuck.
Daha önceden talim yapmis olmalilar.
They have to have practiced already.
Taylor ile opusmeniz, bu... sen ve o... pratik yapmis olabilirmisiniz?
That you were practicing with her?
bak sen secimini yapmis olabilirsin ama, bu senin isin degil.
Look, you've made your choice and frankly, it's none of my business.
Aptallar. 6001 tane yapmis olsalardi bu olmayacakti.
Fools. If only they'd built it with 6001 hulls.
Düzinelerce istakoz coktan kumda yuva yapmis ve onlari yeni gelenlere vermeye niyetli degiller.
Dozens of other lobsters have already dug themselves homes in the sand and they don't intent to surrender them to newcomers.
Sormamin sakincasi yoksa, böyle bir seyi kim yapmis olabilir?
I hope you don't mind my asking, but have you any idea who could have done such a thing?
- Bunu yapmis miydiniz?
- Had you already done so?
Ama yapmis olamazlar.
But they couldn't have.
Gerçek, bir Cylon Raider'in basarili olarak atlama testi yapmis olmasidir.
Reality is that the Cylon Raider has been successfully jump-tested.
Butun bunlarin sahibi seytanla bir anlasma yapmis olmali
The owner of all this... must have made a pact with the Devil.
Çok sey yapmis olabilirim, fakat ben katil degilim.
I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a murderer.
Teli isirdigindan mi kisa devre yapmis?
And he shorted the wire just by biting on it?
Ilk milyonunu yapmis bulunuyorsun.
You just made your first million.
Denir ki, Tanri onun gözlerini yildizlardan yapmis ve güller çiçek açmaya utanmislar dudaklarinin kirmiziligi karsisinda.
It was said that the gods fashioned her eyes out of the stars and that roses were ashamed to bloom in the presence of her ruby lips.
Yanlis bir seyler yapmis olmali.
He must've done something wrong.
Kardesleri, onlarla hep yapmis oldugumuz gibi açik alanda savasa girecegimizi bekleyeceklerdir.
His brothers, we will expect them in an open battle will impugn,... as we always did.
Bizim onlara Cannae'de yapmis oldugumuz gibi kaderimizi mühürlemek üzere benden aldigi süvarileri hücuma geçirmisti.
The riders that he had taken from me, got the order to determine our fate, - - - Just as we did with them at Cannae.
Bana büyük bir iyilik yapmis olursun.
You would be doing me a colossal favor.
- Bunu yarasalar mi yapmis?
- Bats did this?
yapmis olamaz... ne?
That does not... What?
Bu Fahri bizim kiza bir fenalik yapmis olmasin?
Do you think Fahri might have done something to Mine?
Fahri'nin babasinin emrinde askerlik yapmis.
He had served under Fahri's father in the military.
Bunu jet motoru gibi bir sey yapmis.
This was made by some kind of jet engine.
Çünkü baska kimse yapmis olamaz.
Because no one else could have.
Lütfen, büyük iyilik yapmis olucaksin tamam mi?
Please, you'd be doing mea huge favor, okay?
Bunu yapmis olsan bile, eminim bir nedenin vardir - -
Even if you did do this, I'm sure you had a reason
- Önemi var! Önemi var çünkü ben onun annesiyim, ve ona bunu ben yapmis olamam.
It matters because I'm his mother, and I can't have done this to him.
Ever since my parents made me on their honeymoon, my dad had been scared to death to go on another vacation.

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