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All i could think was translate Spanish

728 parallel translation
All I could think was, "This stops everything."
Yo sólo podía pensar que aquello acababa con todo.
All I could think of was, "I'd like to get back and see Kat again."
Lo único que podía pensar era : "Quiero volver y ver a Kat".
All I could think of was that they were going to kill me.
Sòlo pensaba en que me matarían.
Pretty soon, all I could think of was the kid.
Muy pronto, en lo único en lo que pensaba era en el niño.
All we could get out of Regan Was that he got the money from Lane gambling. I think it was blackmail
Lane querría denunciar a Regan por chantaje y Regan le mató.
Horrible nights. All I could think of was Sheila... Married to somebody else.
Sólo pensaba en Sheila casada con otro.
All I could think of was Fisher.
Sólo podía pensar en Fisher.
A whole year on that island and all I could think of was you.
Todo un año en aquella isla y solo podía pensar en ti.
all this you said about my career... you don't think I could have it if I was innocent?
¿ No creen que- - todo esto que dijeron sobre mi carrera- - no creen que podría tenerlo si fuera inocente?
All I could think of was to get back.
Sólo pensaba en regresar.
Why not, the man you sent me to advanced me five hundred pounds on my worthless policy and all I could think of was you.
- ¿ Por qué no? El hombre al que usted me envió me ha hecho un anticipo de 500 libras sobre mi póliza sin valor y no podía pensar sino en usted.
- When I think what I've gone through... trying to find a girl who all the time was in your desk drawer, I could scream.
- Después de todo lo que he pasado para encontrar una chica y estaba en tu cajón. Es como para gritar.
All I could think of was getting back to you as fast as I could.
En lo único que pensaba era en volver a verte lo antes posible.
All I could think of was the guy with the saxophone and what he was playing.
Sólo pensaba en el tipo del saxofón y lo que estuvo tocando.
But I was so terribly lonely all I could think of was Dad toward the last.
Pero estaba terriblemente sola todo lo que podia pensar de papa eran sus ultimos dias
All I could do was think of you.
Todo lo que podía hacer era pensar en ti.
All I could think of was that I'd done this thing to Steven.
Sólo podía pensar en que le había hecho aquello a Steven.
All I could think of was remembering how it felt that time he kissed me.
Recordé cómo me sentí aquel día que me besó.
While she was talking, all I could think of was a little girl in brown pigtails and dirty overalls, flying at the boys when they pushed her too far.
Es que mientras hablaba sólo veía ante mí una niña de coletas morenas y vestido muy sucio que pegaba a sus hermanos si la empujaban.
All I could think of was the part I had to play.
Solo podía pensar en el papel que debía representar.
I think the major was just hoping and praying for somebody to get out of line so he could lower the boom, teach us all to be good little boys.
El Mayor estaba deseando que alguien cometiera una falta para darnos una lección y hacernos portar bien.
What kind of a fool was I to think I could take care of all that?
Fui idiota al creer que cuidaría de ellos.
But I was kidding myself, and all I could think of was how much I wanted her.
Pero me engañé, y sólo era capaz de pensar en lo mucho que la deseaba.
I didn't even think about him much as we headed home. All I could think about was how his family would feel as they read his letter.
Pero ahora que él se ha quedado sólo en la tierra roja de Birmania pocos pensamos que... su recuerdo desaparecería, como el sonido de su arpa birmana.
All I could do was think that he didn't love me!
¡ Sólo podía pensar que no me quería!
All I could think of was that I couldn't prove my alibi and I was gonna go to the gas chamber, and I was desperate!
¡ Sólo pensaba en que no podía probar mi coartada y que terminaría en la cámara de gas y estaba desesperada!
All I could think of was you gallivanting around at the mercy of Gina Bertini.
Todo en lo que podía pensar, era en ti a merced de esa Gina Bertini.
And all i could think of was you and what i'd los i thought if... if only he could see me now - I was in pain, t.
Sufría y sólo podía pensar en ti y en lo que había perdido.
I think you've been, uh, working too hard... and I was wondering if there wasn't some way in which I could make things... well, a little easier for you. It's all right, Fred.
Creo que has trabajado demasiado... y me preguntaba si había algún modo de hacer que las cosas... fueran un poco más fáciles para ti.
Even with his hands on me all I could think about was you and that I'd let you down.
Incluso con sus manos sobre mi no podía dejar de pensar en ti y que te había dejado abajo.
All I could think about was my ticket.
Sólo pensaba en no perder la licencia.
All I could think of was how you took me and ditched me.
Lo único que pensé fue que me tomaste y me dejaste.
All I could think of was one thing.
Solo tenía en mente una cosa.
You were picked up. When I got out of hospital,... all I could think about was getting back to London.
Cuando salí del hospital... sólo podía pensar en regresar a Londres.
God, how stupid I was to think that I could keep it all a secret!
Dios, qué estúpido había sido, creyendo poder mantenerlo en secreto.
You know, when I was in the bucket... all I could think about was bustin'out and killin'somebody.
Cuando estaba en la cárcel... sólo pensaba en salir y matar a alguien.
What shocked me was not that she liked me, but that she could think I'd like her at all.
No me sorprendía que yo le gustase sino que pensara que ella pudiera gustarme a mi.
You know all I could think about while I was there in Washington?
No podía dejar de pensar en algo cuando estuve en Washington.
I'm all right. It was the only thing I could think of.
Bueno, es lo único que podía hacer.
All I could think of was the trip ahead.
Sólo podía pensar en el viaje que me esperaba.
All I could think of was my trip :
Sólo podía pensar en mi viaje.
They could have been waiting for her. All right, then, where is she? I don't know, but I don't think it was a trap.
No sólo no había un horario, pero tenían gente esperándonos.
She was all I could think about.
Ella era lo único en lo que podía pensar.
All I could think of was fairy tales, you know?
¿ Calles de cuento?
- It was all I could think of... to stop him from going up and knocking on my granny's door.
- ¿ Mañana? - Debía evitar que fuera allí.
Because all I could ever think about was Sugimi.
Porque en lo único que podía pensar era Sugimi.
When I began teaching, after my repatriation, it was all I could think about.
Cuando comencé a enseñar, luego de ser repatriado, era en lo único que podía pensar.
When I heard, all I could think about was how glad I was that it wasn't you.
Cuando me enteré, lo único que pensé fue lo que me alegraba de que no fueras tú.
All morning long, from the moment I left the house, all I could think about was getting home.
Toda la mañana, desde el momento en que salí de casa... lo único en lo que pude pensar era en regresar a casa.
All I could think of was his extraordinary gift for hope.
Sólo pensaba en su extraordinario don para conservar la esperanza.
'All I could think of was getting my hands on Francis Amthor.
" Sólo podía pensar en poner mis manos sobre Francis Amthor.

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