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And don't get me wrong translate Spanish

179 parallel translation
But don't get me wrong, folks. I'm - I like this town very much... and I'm really proud and happy to be a member of your little community.
Pero no me malentiendan, amigos, me gusta mucho este pueblo... y me siento muy contento y orgulloso de pertenecer a su comunidad.
Please don't get me wrong. I have your lot and that of your sister at heart.
No me mal interprete, pero estoy preocupado por su destino y el de su hermana.
See, you're a smart boy and I just hate to see you wasting your time. Now, don't get me wrong.
Mira, eres un chico listo y no me gusta verte desperdiciar tu tiempo.
I know it was our first date and I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me, but... Well, I guess it's only natural for a fellow to try to get a little fresh with a girl and make a pass at her but you didn't do anything.
Fue nuestra primera cita y no quiero que tengas la impresión equivocada de mí... pero supongo que es natural que un chico se ponga un poco fresco con una chica... y le tire un lance.
Undo it, something went wrong I'm very fond of them I don't like to harm them I take care of them I had fish in an aquarium, and my daughter went to the tap and took hot water which cooked them, so I had to get rid of them
Tienes que desatarlo, he hecho algo mal Lo que me gusta son los animales No me gusta que sufran, que se queden descuidados
And don't get me wrong now, they got some women just as chauvinist as we men are, right.
Entiéndenme. Hay mujeres que son tan chauvinistas como nosotros los hombres.
You're not just an opportunistic prick who would fuck mud if it move a little and not argue too much But that's OK you know, you're no different from most men in the situation, don't get me wrong Lady nobody can get you wrong
solo eres un capullo aprovechado que se tiraría a un charco de lodo si se moviera pero no importa no eres distinto a la mayoría de los hombres en esta situación no me interpretes mal señora nadie puede interpretarte mal
Don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice guy, but my father's nice and he's not funny either.
No te equivoques. Parece un tipo agradable. Pero mi padre es un tipo agradable y tampoco divierte.
And here you are, sittin'on your butt, playin house with a - don't get me wrong, H I - with a fine woman, but a woman who needs one of them button-down types.
Y tu aquí, jugando a la casita con... no me malentiendas, H I, Una mujer excelente, pero que necesita un tipo de esos abotonados.
And don't get me wrong, I would be thrilled.
Y no me malinterprete, Estaría encantado.
A veces me enojo y no logro expresar lo que siento por eso me comporto así, y está mal.
Yeah, I'm sorry uh, what I'm thinking here is one of the duties of a captain, and you're a, you're a fine one don't get me wrong one of the things a captain does is find little ways to get the team y'know... up
¡ Basura blanca! Lo que estoy pensando aquí. Una de las tareas de los capitanes.
Don't get me wrong And I'm not saying this because I'm worried about you... But ifl don't tell you this now I'm afraid you'll be all by yourself.
No me malinterpretes, y no digo esto porque me preocupes pero si no te lo digo ahora, creo que te quedarás sola.
Now we did it, and don't get me wrong, because it was fabulous.
Ahora que ya lo hemos hecho, no me malinterpretes, pero fue fabuloso.
The truth is that the time has come to roll your sleeves up and get busy. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean you must do it all yourselves...
La verdad es que ahora hay que arremangarse y trabajar.
And I know that Brandon appreciates it, don't get me wrong, but he...
Y sé que Brandon me lo agradece, no me malentiendas, pero...
Don't get me wrong. I'm sure it's enriching in some way... and I know she was probably moved by some asshole screaming out the window.
Estoy segura de que ha de ser enriquecedora y de que ella se conmovió de que un imbécil le gritara "où oú" de paso.
A lot. And don't get me wrong.
Y no me malentiendas.
When Georgia and I make love, don't get me wrong, it's fantastic.
- ¡ Ah! - Y cuando Georgia y yo hacemos el amor no me malentiendas, es fantástico.
Don't get me wrong, I'm completely pro-nudity... but I think my dad might kill me, and I'm anti-being killed.
Estoy completamente a favor del nudismo. Pero creo que mi papá podría matarme, y yo estoy en contra de ser asesinado.
Don't get me wrong, I think that Damon kid is doing a great job and everything, and, you know, the other kid's got a decent arm, but high school football is about power. It's about running a goddamn football.
Creo que Damon hace un trabajo tremendo, y el chico tiene buena mano, pero el fútbol es potencia, se trata de correr con la pelota, y siempre ha sido así.
And I'm grateful for it, don't get me wrong.
Te lo agradezco.
Although I'm fond - don't get me wrong - of you. The other night, you know, being captured and all, facing off with Faith, things just kinda got clear.
Lo que me pasó anoche, ser capturada, enfrentarme a Faith, lo vi todo claro.
The end table is wrong, the couch looks bizarre... and don't even get me started on the refrigerator magnets.
La mesa está mal, el sillón está volteado y no querrás que siga con los imanes del refrigerador.
Now don't get me wrong, I went out with you because I find you funny and attractive, and I'm a huge sucker for power.
No me malinterpretes... salí contigo porque te encuentro muy gracioso y atractivo... y tengo una gran debilidad por el poder.
You know, he's a great kisser and everything... but he's never, like, rolled anything. I mean, don't get me wrong. Eric's...
Quiero decir, y no me mal interpretes.
Don't get me wrong. I'm glad she's dead and all, but I didn't do it.
No me interpreten mal, estoy contento de que esté muerta, pero no la maté.
And don't get on the wrong side of me, Rotgut, or I'll see you scrub stone on the jailhouse floor.
¿ Y lo han encontrado? No a Lord Groan, a ninguno de ellos, Master Sneerbite.
Don't get me wrong, I really like Taylor but whatever happened to Elizabeth, Betsy and Claire?
No me malinterpretes. Taylor me cae muy bien Pero qué ha pasado con Elizabeth, Besty y Claire?
And just so we don't get off on the wrong foot, let me explain why we're all here.
Para no empezar con el pie izquierdo, le explicaré por qué estamos todos aquí.
And don't get me wrong, you're cute, too. But Andy is, like, cut from marble.
Y no lo tomes a mal, también eres lindo, pero Andy, parece esculpido en mármol.
And, hey, don't get me wrong, I am so happy for you guys.
Sí, claro. Y no te confundas, estoy feliz por ustedes.
Oh, don't get me wrong... I mean... You're in great shape and you hold yourself so well.
Ah, no me malentienda está en buena forma y tiene gran porte.
Well, look, it doesn't rub me the wrong way, because I don't get upset very easily, and I can't even remember the last time
No, no me molesta más de la cuenta.
We just started having sex and I like him a lot, don't get me wrong, but the sex....
Él me gusta mucho, no me malinterpretes pero en cuanto al sexo...
Don't get me wrong I love my brother to death and I cried like a bunny to find out that I was still in his head somewhere.
Amo a mi hermano y lloré como un conejo porque me recordara.
Don't get me wrong, it's not all white people's fault that black and brown people don't have any fucking wealth.
No me malinterpreten, no es solo culpa de los blancos... que los negros y morenos no tengan millones.
And, and don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming you. You only did what you had to do.
- Sí, camarada.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want to interfere, but everything and everyone's as close as it can be.
Es decir, no me malinterpretes, no deseo interferir, pero uno está tan cerca como se puede.
I understand that you belong to someone else... and there's nothing between us nor can there ever be... but where ever... Please don't get me wrong.
Por favor no me entiendas mal.
- I mean, don't get me wrong. It's good to shake things up every now and then.
No me malentiendas, es bueno mover las cosas de vez en cuando.
Don't get me wrong, they seem pretty cool to me, but, aren't they always like checking out your boyfriend and stuff?
No me malinterpretes los encuentro enrollados pero ¿ no están todo el rato detrás de tu novio?
Don't get me wrong, we have the greatest legal system in the world, but it's becoming more and more discriminatory.
No me malentiendas. Aún creo que tenemos el mejor sistema legal del mundo pero se vuelve cada vez más discriminatorio.
See, that's what I'm looking forward to about being an artist- - loving my job. And don't get me wrong. It can be torture waiting for inspiration to strike, but it's nice, because that gives me time to go bowling.
Ves, ese es el por que yo estoy buscando ser un artista amo mi trabajo. y no me malinterpreten Puede ser una tortura esperar por inspiracion para impresionar, pero en bueno por que eso me da tiempo para ir a los bolos.
Don't get me wrong, Matthew is a tremendously talented individual and an extremely decent human being, however, beforeJeff took him on, he was a face.
No me malentiendas, Matthew es increíblemente talentoso... y muy decente. Pero antes era una cara y Jeff lo volvió un nombre.
And you know, don't get me wrong, I want the best for my kid.
Y no me malentiendas, quiero lo mejor para mi hijo.
Don't get the wrong idea and try to get sweet with me!
No te lleves una mala idea y no intentes ser dulce conmigo
And he's a delight, don't get me wrong.
Es genial, no m malinterpretes.
Oh, and don't get me wrong. He was brilliant. But he drove us crazy.
No me malinterprete, era genial, pero nos volvía locos.
You make me guess and then I guess wrong and you think I don't get you'cause
Me haces adivinar y me equivoco y luego crees que no puedo conseguirlo.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I want her to recover and everything, it's that...
Quiero que se recupere y todo eso, es que...

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